Pomeranian Pup, Cosmic Cats and GSD Extraordinaire

WOW!!!!! You are the furry friend to visit us since December 17,1997!

MEOW........YAP! YAP! YAP!... WOOF ............We're glad to see you!

Nigel is a ten month old pomeranian... he's an adorable ball of fur with a black nose...and a charming personality.
Gambit is a fluffy grey and white cat, rescued from the pound a little more than 2 years hence. He's not cuddly..and he has a big ego ... but those who know him adore him anyway!
Josie is a beautiful little grey kitty.. we were foster parents to her and her kittens, they have since been adopted...but this kitty wiggled her way into our hearts... and she is not going anywhere!
Scully is the newest member of our family... She is a Big Beautiful German Shepherd Dog!
This precious pom pom isn't Nigel and this kitty may look just like Gambit, the day we brought him home from the pound.... But it's not.

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updated 8/22/97

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