
oYahoo Music Listings

oClassical Music Catalogue

oFolkBook -- Acoustic music

Celtic Music

oThistle and Shamrock (NPR)

oSelected Bluegrass/Acoustic Music Internet Links

oThe Mudcat Cafe, dedicated to the preservation and appreciation of blues and folk music

oCajun/Zydeco Music & Dance

oVan Morrison

oThe James Taylor WWW Page

oAnother James Taylor web page

o Beatles' Web Pages

oBob Dylan Page

oThe Elvis Costello Page

oOh, Yeah -- the OTHER Elvis

oRounder Records

oArloNet (Arlo Guthrie)

oSteve Goodman

oThe Roches (Maggie and Terre and Suzzy...)

oBruce Springsteen

oMedieval & Renaissance Music (a.k.a. how I met my husband...)

oMedieval Music & Arts Foundation