Kids (new links coming soon!!)

oBlue's Clues Links -- Conor's favorite show! (scroll down to find the links!)

oMore Blue's Clues

oTeacher Resources using Blue's Clues

oBlue's Clues

oBlue's Clues Clubhouse

oBugs Bunny Page(Conor's 2nd favorite)

oLooney Tunes and Merrie Melodies Information Page

oThe Warner Bros. Cartoon Companion

oThe (official) Walt Disney Web

oDisney Theme Park and Resort sites

oDisney Channel Program Guide (featuring Bear)

oJim Henson Company (Bear, and Muppets, too)

oNickelodeon website (Conor loves Rugrats)

oMore Rugrats

Serious Stuff

oEducational Software Review

oChildren's shows

oK-12 on the Internet


oNational Child Care Information Center

o101 Activities to do with your Toddler

oLullabies and other songs for children

oAt-Home Dad Home Page

oPrint Shop Connection

oToday's Parent Online

oWee Ones

oInternet resources for kids

oParenting Resources

oLinks to children's resources

oChildrens Literature Web Page -- excellent

oInteractive games

oKidPub WWW Publishing

oFamily Planet

oThe Fourth R - computer learning center

oDoctor Duey's Wacky Web (science and technology)

oKids Web - A World Wide Web Digital Library

oJapan for kids - the Internet of Japan (in English)

oMidLink - Electronic magazine

oGlobal Show-n-tell

oThe Children Page

oBert's Coloring Programs

oChildrens Stories, Poems, Pictures & Sounds (scroll down to get to the good stuff!)