
I'm glad you could visit my homepage. This site was created to share some of my interests. It includes a page that reflects my interest in motorcycle riding. There is also a page dedicated to Vietnam Veterans. I do love animals and there is a page introducing the pets in the family!
I hope you enjoy your visit!
Yes, I ride a Harley...pictured is my first bike but now I ride a Dyna Convertible...later, we'll talk tattoos!
Into the Wind...
Many bikers pay tribute to Vietnam Veterans by participating in Rolling Thunder every year...please visit my tribute to Vietnam Veterans, and Veterans everywhere...!
A Salute...
My daughter and I both love animals....let me introduce you to several from our zoo!
Our Zoo
We are a family of varied interests so if you have time, please take a minute to visit a few of our favorite sites:
Home of Cowboy - A special friend and fellow harley rider from Denmark
The Carriage House Bed & Breakfast, Sodus Point, NY
Jason's Homepage - Navy and Jack Russell pages here!
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This is my first attempt at a homepage and was created to reflect my interests and hobbies - if you have any comments or would like to drop me a line, please email me at:
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