Goulnara - 11/15/00 12:54:17
My Email:intelpro2@sojuz.ru
Hometown: Moscow? Russia


Lacey - 10/17/00 23:51:30
My Email:lacey_owens@yahoo.com
Favorite Collectible: music boxes/hand-blown glass
Hometown: Rowlesburg/Saltlick

My maiden name is Carrico.Now I am an Owens.

Lacey - 10/17/00 23:51:02
My Email:lacey_owens@yahoo.com
Hometown: Rowlesburg/Saltlick

My maiden name is Carrico.Now I am an Owens.

DDRosemary - 10/16/00 19:22:04
My URL:http://www.digitaldelilah.com


Your website looks great! All of your hard work shines through and it is obvious that you have spent a great deal of time and effort into making these wonderful pages! Why not consider putting your site to the test? We invite you to apply to the Digital Delilah's Website Competition!! Or maybe you would like to join the Staff! You are also cordially invited to apply to join our web ring.

Dick Harris - 10/10/00 19:46:15
My Email:Dick.Harris@mindspring.com

Found my F P McClain in your Sullivan County bio listings. Thanks for all your work.

elizabeth - 09/20/00 22:15:29
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/ann53motheroffive
My Email:eadled@tmlp.com
Favorite Website: theres to many to choosef from
Favorite Craft: none
Favorite Recipe: none
Favorite Collectible: dolls
Philosophy of Life: live an let live
Hometown: ballard ,wva

your website is very nice, what i would like to know is where all of you get the music, i must be very naive about the web.

~ Tina ~ - 09/07/00 11:59:30
My URL:/ccgraphix/
My Email:Razbariez@home.com
Hometown: michigan


~*~A warm hello!!~*~

What a wonderful country home you have created here!! I enjoyed my visit and will return again. I think your site would be a great addition to the Addicted to Country Webring. Please click the banner below and visit us. We'd love to have you as part of ou country family. *S*

Cinnamon Stick Graphics

Addicted To Country Webring

Karen - 09/06/00 23:04:37
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Wellesley/7419/
Favorite Collectible: beanie babies
Hometown: Canada

Hello...great homepage...

- 09/01/00 01:47:33


- 08/12/00 20:53:18
My URL:http://geocities.com/tamma_arminta

You have a very comfortable and easy to navigate site.

Hundred Days - 07/24/00 04:06:54
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/hundred_days
My Email:Hundred_Days@yahoo.com
Favorite Website: 20th Century History
Favorite Craft: Needling
Favorite Recipe: Fried Rice
Favorite Collectible: USS Enterprise-A
Philosophy of Life: You live only once

Nice Site! The Cursor and the Grasshopper pie are great!

Holly - 07/13/00 01:26:04
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/hj_whitt
My Email:whitts@gwi.net
Favorite Website: Bingoonline
Favorite Craft: Stained Glass
Favorite Recipe: Banana Split Cake
Favorite Collectible: Breyer's Horses
Philosophy of Life: Laughter is the best Medicine
Hometown: Rumford, Maine

I love your graphics and the angel cursor is adorable!

Patty - 07/04/00 15:38:21
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/biz4/patw
My Email:2130@wildmail.com
Favorite Craft: crocheting
Favorite Recipe: pecan pie
Favorite Collectible: salt/pepper shakers
Philosophy of Life: Be happy with life.

Happy Birthday from Home is Where the Heart Is. Enjoy your day and the holiday --with a bit of fireworks-LOL! Love your site and will return. My brother-in-law researched the family and created a family history book and my cousin is doing it for my family--very interesting. I love to crochet, sew an a new hobby is plastic canvas. Keep up the good work.

Kim - 07/04/00 15:19:51
My URL:http://pages.ivillage.com/pe/kcairnes/index.html
My Email:kayanncee@yahoo.com
Philosophy of Life: Jesus is Lord!
Hometown: Texas

Happy Birthday To You!!

Cheryl Wheeler - 07/04/00 00:22:10
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Lake/5014/index.html
My Email:aarche@bellsouth.net
Favorite Website: ????
Favorite Craft: UMMM I am not sure, I like several
Favorite Recipe: Everything
Favorite Collectible: Snowglobes
Philosophy of Life: Never try to change things so much that you forget who you are!
Hometown: Bremen, Ga.


VRBAustin - 07/03/00 19:35:53
My Email:rhythmandblues1a_austin@yahoo.com
Favorite Website: Christianity Online
Favorite Craft: Admiring others who do a wonderful job!
Favorite Recipe: Shrimp Creole
Favorite Collectible: Lighthouses, angels, elephants
Philosophy of Life: Jesus is the answer for the world today! For there is no other, Jesus is the way!
Hometown: Bmore, MD

Love that angel! Wonderful website!

AGhostwriter - 06/30/00 23:47:27
My URL:http://aghostwriter.com
My Email:webmaster@aghostwriter.com
Favorite Website: Free Romance Novels On-line

Your site is absolutely breath taking. Thanks for the wonderful visit. I leave you with this my friend... If I could give you one gift my friend, I would give you the ability to see yourself as others see you, so you would know how very special you are. Sincerely, AGhostwriter webmaster@aghostwriter.com http://aghostwriter.com The Home Of Free Romance Novels On-line.

Rustyjo - 06/28/00 19:06:39
My URL:/rustyjo1/
Favorite Craft: crochet
Favorite Recipe: scalloped cabbage
Favorite Collectible: teddy bears and kittys
Philosophy of Life: practice the golden rule

You have a great site.I enjoyed the pages on patriotism and the poems on the mothers tribute.Your graphics are so cute.Please visit me and sign my guestbook.

cindylou2u2000 - 06/25/00 01:42:13
My Email:
Favorite Website: just say wow.com
Favorite Craft: silk flower arranging
Favorite Recipe: death by choc scor cake
Favorite Collectible: tulips
Philosophy of Life: live each day to the fullest cause God can take it away at any moment he choose is to
Hometown: Neponset IL

looking forward to meet other military wifes and hearing if any other people our having a hard time moving to the south.....

shirley - 06/18/00 14:03:06
My Email:sammeklocke@aol.com
Hometown: fargo nd

I really like your website because of the crafts and recipes. You do a great job.

Michelle Kitson - 06/16/00 08:44:07
My Email:dkitson@blackice.com.au
Favorite Website: ?Alot
Favorite Craft: xstitching and sewing my kids clothes
Favorite Recipe: Dont really have one
Favorite Collectible: Teddy bear figurines and cabbage patch kids. and xstitch supplies
Philosophy of Life: to live life to the fullest and cherish it as it goes fast
Hometown: Stratton, WA, Australia

Well done on your page Caryn. I thought i would take a look. How do you find the time to do this and all your other stuff? Thanks for letting me become your pal

shashiprakash - 06/13/00 19:32:11
My Email:k_sp_@yahoo.com
Favorite Recipe: idli/sambhar?!!rasam
Philosophy of Life: enjoy while you can!
Hometown: bangalore/india

hey great site donno how i missed tilldate

Net Buddies - 06/09/00 07:49:51
My URL:http://www.netbuddies.is-here.net
My Email:net_buddies@yahoo.com


Howdy! Howdy!

I would like to invite you to come visit us at Net Buddies, a place where friends from all over the world can share and grow,but the children come first.We are completely against child pornography,please help us protect our children.

These roses are a gift for your page (if ya wanna put em there lol).

Heidi Steger - 06/08/00 20:33:43
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/gohiho
My Email:gohiho@aol.com
Favorite Website: I have bunches!!
Favorite Craft: Crocheting
Favorite Recipe: Shephards Pie
Philosophy of Life: Live Life to the Fullest
Hometown: Florida

Really enjoyed your site. Browsing sites like yours gives me incentive to improve my web-building skills. Your site was enjoyable and informative -- I'll be back again!!

Gene - 06/06/00 18:49:34
My Email:fortyniner30@hotmail.com
Favorite Craft: Counted Cross Stitch, Crochet
Favorite Collectible: piggy banks with state or city
Philosophy of Life: Life is too short for hatred
Hometown: West Lafayette


Dawn - 06/03/00 04:07:01
My URL:http://www.geocoties.com/Heartland/Cabin/5695/
My Email:Moonflowerde@yahoo.com
Favorite Website: lots of them!
Favorite Craft: dexcorative painting/folk art

Enjoyed your site! the angel cursor is so-o cute..very warm, welcoming feel to your page. : )
a new Heartland CL

Michele (momrisner) - 05/30/00 14:20:22
My URL:http://pages.ivillage.com/pp/momrisner
My Email:risner@wazoo.com
Favorite Recipe: Hot Pineapple Casserole
Favorite Collectible: Cherished Teddies
Philosophy of Life: Live each day as if it were your last!
Hometown: San Antonio, TX

Hi Caryn! Just had to stop by and see what was new. Loved your Memorial Day page! See ya later!

Kim - 05/26/00 13:37:20
My URL:/love4primitivecountry/
My Email:kgrier@netexas.net
Hometown: Texas

I really loved your poem about great grandmother...we lost our grandmother 2 weeks ago and that was very nice to read today (while ironically it is raining) :) I will visit often.

Kim - 05/26/00 13:07:53
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/love4primitivecountry/
My Email:kgrier@netexas.net
Favorite Website: Any site that is country!
Hometown: Texas

I really like all of the information you have on your site! Wow! You are really good at this! I will visit often!

Kim - 05/26/00 13:00:42
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/love4primitivecountry/
My Email:kgrier@netexas.net
Favorite Website: Any country site!
Hometown: Texas

I really like your craft ideas..I will visit you often!

Docia - 05/20/00 16:18:52
My URL:http://www.countrycracker.com
My Email:forkatz3@aol.com
Favorite Website: Martha Stewart Living
Favorite Craft: Just about anything
Favorite Recipe: Banana Brownie Pie
Favorite Collectible: Teddy Bears/ Raggedy Ann
Philosophy of Life: Trust in God, but lock your car
Hometown: Sunny Florida

I loved your site! Loved all the craft ideas, I'm going to try a few actually. The recipes were good too! Your site looks good, your graphics are really nice. I have some craft ideas on my site too, hope you visit soon. Thanks for letting me visit your li tle world! :)

Carmen Gonzales - 05/11/00 16:10:22
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/carmster1999/
My Email:rgonzales209@earthlink.net
Favorite Collectible: anything antique mostly primitives

Hi there, just wanted to write and tell you how much I enjoyed visiting your site,I liked the crafts and the recipes, we also seem to share the same taste in graphics teehee.Please stop by and visit my pages too, See ya soon,Carm

Sharpe Family - 05/06/00 05:52:10
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/va2/thesharpes
My Email:nipper_s@hotmail.com
Favorite Collectible: Bears/Bunnies

Your page looks great!!!!!!

Ed Paul - 05/02/00 22:27:20
My URL:/paul_e.rm/
Favorite Website: http://www.edpaulslinksworld.com
Philosophy of Life: The Lord is my Shepard, There is nothing I shall want.
Hometown: NJ

Found your page thru a Military web ring. You have a very nice site. Please take a look at my page, I have a collection of over 300 useful links.

Mounty Mrs. Hook - 04/27/00 04:54:33
My URL:http://mrshook.freeservers.com
My Email:mshukk@dspiritmail.com
Favorite Website: too many to list
Favorite Craft: Painting Christmas Ceramics
Favorite Recipe: Chocolate Chip Cookies
Favorite Collectible: Bears
Philosophy of Life: Live for today, for tomorrow may never come.
Hometown: Michigan

I have come around to your site to let you know about the site fights. I am a Cherub Champion Deputy. I search sites and let them now about us. I feel you have alot to offer the fights, and we would be honored if you would join. Our URL is: http://ww .thesitefights.com/cherubs . Please give us a look and see if you would like to join. I have included a spirit stick to help you through your journeys.

Diva Essence - 04/25/00 22:26:48
My URL:http://www.divinediva.org
My Email:whisper@divinediva.org , divinity@divinediva.org
Favorite Website: Divine Diva's of the Web

Greetings, The Chairwomen of Divine Diva of the Web wish to formally extend to you an invitation to visit our site at: http://www.divinediva.org We are a small, and relatively new Women's group who stick t gether through thick and thin, offer advice to one another and just generally "be there" for each other. We also support worthy causes such as Domestic Violence, The Fight Against Cancer, Animal Cruelty, The fight against Child Pornography, Internet Harra sment, and many more. We feel it is terrific to interact with women on Common Ground....the Internet. Although we have many different interests and ideas...we still have one thing in common....THE WORLD WIDE WEB. Please accept this letter as a form l invitation to view our site. Feel free to write us with any questions you might have, and perhaps even apply for membership into our organization. Once accepted, you will be notified via e-mail of your acceptance, you will receive a personalized membe ship logo to place on your website. If our entry in your guestbook has offended you in any way, please accept our apologies, and feel free to delete our entry. We look forward to hearing from you!

Remember, you do not have to be a woman to stop by and visit (only to join).
From Earth's farthest reaches, Forged from diversity, Finding solace together, We stand as one.

Divine Diva of the Web does NOT discriminate against persons of any Race, Religion, Beliefs or Creed. We Welcome the Diversity!!!!

Jill - 04/23/00 02:16:00
My URL:http://www.rainbowsandsunshine.com
My Email:comments@rainbowsandsunshine.com
Hometown: PA

Great site. I love your graphics!

Angela - 04/22/00 01:59:44
My URL:http://www.homestead.com/FairyPlaces/Flowers.html
My Email:fairies_at@homestead.com
Favorite Website: Ladies of the Heart
Favorite Craft: Drawing
Favorite Recipe: Apple Pie
Favorite Collectible: Glass Horse
Philosophy of Life: Turn negative experiences into opportunities to mature
Hometown: Bradford/England

Love this site. I can see it is built with love.

Phyllis Seelye - 04/16/00 03:35:32
My Email:pksnana@aol.com
Favorite Website: Genealogy sites
Favorite Craft: scrapbooking/genealogy
Favorite Recipe: Lots!
Favorite Collectible: Dept.65 Dickens Villiage
Philosophy of Life: Put God first, everything else will fall into place, with faith!
Hometown: Arlington, TX

Love your site! You have things on it I am interested in. Keep up the good work and I will check in often to see whats new!

Stephanie Cullison - 04/14/00 02:14:20
My URL:/scull_79325
My Email:stephc@wtrt.net
Favorite Website: eBay
Favorite Craft: Rubber Stamps
Favorite Recipe: Red Chile Enchilada's
Favorite Collectible: Mini Tea Sets
Philosophy of Life: Live your life as a Christian
Hometown: Farwell, Texas

Thank you so much! I really enjoyed your website!

Julie - 04/13/00 22:46:54
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/juliesnedden/countryheartcottage.html
My Email:juliesnedden@yahoo.com
Favorite Website: too many!!!
Favorite Collectible: Bears!!
Philosophy of Life: It's like a box of chocolates, you never know what your gonna get! :o) -Forrest Gump
Hometown: Kennoway, Scotland

Hi there just dropping by to say hello again and to leave my new address for you! I finally got my cottage open for visitors so come on over for a cuppa anytime! Again I had a nice visit in your home, its so cozy!

jackie - 04/09/00 01:15:55
My Email:nicoson@si-net.com
Favorite Craft: all
Favorite Recipe: lasagna
Favorite Collectible: bird statues
Philosophy of Life: follow Gods word and he will give you everything!
Hometown: connersville, Indiana


David Benefiel - 04/08/00 20:25:24
My Email:DABENEFIEL@juno.com
Hometown: Linton,IN/Spfld.,MO

Please email me with your snail mail address -- I am having a family reunion for all of the descendants of Bartlet Goodman of Greene-Sullivan Counties this year.

Sylvia (Dugan) Kerr - 04/06/00 03:07:13
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/al/angel11/index.html
My Email:skerr@nwi.net
Favorite Website: http://www.buffnet.net/~ambrosia/icq/cybergreets.htm
Favorite Recipe: cheese cake
Favorite Collectible: Cookbooks/angels
Philosophy of Life: Treat people as you would like them to treat you..

I also belong to genealogy, and on one of my lists is where I came across your e-mail. Which I really enjoyed your site...I am a cookbook collector too...so I was very interested in old recipes. You do have a nice site here...keep up the good work....

maree dohmen - 04/04/00 11:52:18
My Email:rick.maree.dohmen@xtra.co.nz
Favorite Website: ancestry.com
Favorite Craft: embroidery x-stitch
Favorite Recipe: haven't got one
Favorite Collectible: thimbles {china}
Philosophy of Life: make most of life
Hometown: Christchurch, NEW.ZEALAND


maree dohmen - 04/04/00 11:51:48
My Email:rick.maree.dohmen@xtra.co.nz
Favorite Website: ancestry.com
Favorite Craft: embroidery x-stitch
Favorite Recipe: haven't got one
Favorite Collectible: thimbles {china}
Philosophy of Life: make most of life
Hometown: Christchurch, NEW.ZEALAND


Sandra (a.k.a. Reilly909) - 04/01/00 03:26:15
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/reilly909
My Email:sjrlogan@aol.com
Favorite Website: www.parentsplace.com
Favorite Craft: cross stitch
Favorite Recipe: chocolate chip cookies
Favorite Collectible: handmade Christmas ornaments
Philosophy of Life: Life's too short to be unhappy!
Hometown: Charleston, SC

Hi, Caryn! I love your site! It is very cute and original! See you on the boards!

Vicky - 03/30/00 03:51:03
My Email:signup2day@mail.com
Favorite Recipe: anything easy!
Favorite Collectible: old Gone With the Wind books, old postcards
Philosophy of Life: Don't let worry about tomorrow's rain spoil today's sunshine.
Hometown: Laurel, MS

Great site! I thought I'd let everyone know about a FREE mailing list I've started - "quick & easy recipe of the day." To subscribe just send your e-mail address to: signup2day@mail.com with "quick recipes" in the subject or body. Enjoy!

Etuko. - 03/29/00 22:48:56
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/etukoya
My Email:etukoya@yahoo.co.jp
Favorite Craft: making china
Philosophy of Life: Love and nature
Hometown: Japan

Thank you very much for your warm nice pages I am very happy to meet yor pages. I like to making Poem.

Emma - 03/29/00 18:13:59
My Email:building@infocom.co.ug
Favorite Recipe: Rice
Philosophy of Life: To be or not to be that is the question
Hometown: Kampala

Nice page

- 03/29/00 17:02:38

Shoot pushed the wrong button this is annacanada49, did u use front page to make your web page?

Anna - 03/29/00 17:01:41
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/annacanada49/firstwebpagesannas.html
My Email:annacanada49@yahoo.com
Favorite Website: Royal Tyrell Museum
Favorite Craft: Painting ostrich and emu eggs.
Favorite Recipe: Scotch eggs


Pam Wilson - 03/28/00 02:20:56
My URL:http://losenow.net
My Email:tolwn@hotmail.com
Favorite Website: losenow.net
Favorite Collectible: bears


A~gentle spritit~ - 03/27/00 19:55:49
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/cottage/4207
My Email:bandit_bitez@hotmail.com

Just wanted to stop in and say what a beautiful page that you have

Random Acts of Kindness

Eve Ray - 03/27/00 00:09:35
My URL:http://ourchurch.com/member/m/mountains/
My Email:roseqult@hotmail.com
Favorite Website: Chasing of the Winds
Favorite Craft: Gardening
Favorite Recipe: Hamburger Casserole
Favorite Collectible: Angels
Philosophy of Life: It's Great
Hometown: Oneonta

Hi, cool site! You have a little bit of everything here and that's very good. You've done a very good job of creating an intersting site. Keep up the good work. Eve Ray

Tony - 03/26/00 22:20:03
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/amarine00
My Email:amarine00@yahoo.com
Philosophy of Life: trust in God
Hometown: Providence, Rhode Island

Wow! You have a great site. I really enjoyed how you mapped it out. Keep up the good work! I'll stop back for a visit from time to time.

nichole - 03/26/00 04:35:39
My Email:nikkip78@aol.com


Joan Martens - 03/25/00 21:54:16
My Email:Twin2Joan@aol.com
Favorite Website: greeting cards
Favorite Craft: christmas crafts
Favorite Recipe: chocolate ones
Favorite Collectible: Dresden China Figurines
Philosophy of Life: Trust in God
Hometown: Miami, Fl

It was quite enlightning as I opened this site and viewed a beautiful picture. Thank You.

Renee - 03/25/00 06:08:50
My URL:http://members.aol.com/slys2439/page1.html
My Email:RSly1977@aol.com
Favorite Craft: Painting, making graphics
Favorite Recipe: chicken cordon bleu
Favorite Collectible: Cherished Teddies
Philosophy of Life: Stuff Happens!
Hometown: Albany, NY

Hi...just surfing through Geocities and wanted to tell you that I enjoyed visiting your site. You've done a wonderful job. :o)

heather Mcdaniel - 03/24/00 20:11:34
My Email:
Favorite Website: webhelp.com
Favorite Craft: N/A
Favorite Recipe: sugar cookies


Mark - 03/24/00 11:12:02
My Email:mmcki55632@aol.com
Favorite Website: www.geocities.com/area51/rampart/8835/
Hometown: Indpls, Indiana

I really liked your website.

Jesmine - 03/24/00 10:11:16
My Email:sjesmin@hotmail.com

Just visited your page. Lokks very beautiful. Shall send more comments about this in future. Keep it up. Jesmine

mike - 03/24/00 06:22:54
My URL:http://www.takeafree.webdare.com
My Email:mjbiam@visto.com
Favorite Website: www.darwinawards.com
Favorite Craft: Painting ceramic houses
Favorite Recipe: my wife's Sweet n Sour Meatballs
Favorite Collectible: stamps, coins, comics
Philosophy of Life: happiness is a choice
Hometown: Calgary, Alberta

What a wonderful site. You must have worked very hard and long on it. I will bookmark and return.

Ms. Angela - 03/24/00 03:25:35
My URL:http://www.msangela.com
My Email:msangela@msangela.com
Favorite Website: www.nsfg.com
Favorite Craft: crossstitch
Favorite Collectible: butterflies
Philosophy of Life: Live the Word of God

You have a wonderful site. Thank for the link to CNN word search. God Bless.

Jan John - 03/24/00 00:30:52
My Email:sadie_1938@yahoo,com
Favorite Craft: watercolor painting


Gayle M. Crosby - 03/23/00 22:33:57
My Email:teddygram@uswest.net

I did not look at all you had to offer but what I saw I liked. I would love to come up with a site of my own. I don't know what to do our where to start.

manil sachdeva - 03/23/00 18:42:02
My URL:http://geocities.com/sachdeva_conf
My Email:manil@id.eth.net
Favorite Recipe: indian dishes
Favorite Collectible: songs
Philosophy of Life: be fair to everybody
Hometown: delhi, india

i like this site very much i like the cursor move

Darrianne - 03/22/00 23:45:42
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Darrianne
My Email:purplerainfire@hotmail.com
Favorite Website: mine, of course! LOL
Favorite Collectible: unicorns
Hometown: Sandersville, Georgia

I had a wonderful time visiting your place here on the web! I love the backgrounds and graphics that you have used!

sharon - 03/22/00 22:50:03
My URL:http://sugarspicecraftmall.homestead.com
My Email:sugspice@brightok.net
Favorite Website: love them all
Favorite Craft: silly saying
Favorite Recipe: hate to cook
Favorite Collectible: reindeer
Philosophy of Life: Take life one day at a time and depend on God for the rest.
Hometown: Ardmore, Oklahoma

Love your website. You did a fantastic job. Liked the little crafting tidbits too. You must be a very talented person. Keep up the good work.

~Lady China~ - 03/22/00 14:27:14
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/victorianhalls
My Email:hijinx@usmo.com
Favorite Craft: stained glass
Favorite Recipe: Saurbraten and Caduffs
Favorite Collectible: victorian anything
Philosophy of Life: Walk with God
Hometown: MO

Just surfed in, love your site. Would like to invite you to join a great womans group..our creed: To fight child pornography and abuse on the net. Hugz!

Joan Houghton McIsaac - 03/22/00 13:27:01
My Email:
Philosophy of Life: Do onto others as you would have them do unto you
Hometown: Nova Scotia

Loved visiting.

neven - 03/22/00 11:53:41
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/nv/neven
My Email:neven13@usa.net
Favorite Website: www.nba.com
Philosophy of Life: lifeeee
Hometown: visoko, bosnia

ok.I found your website in local magazine and all I can say is "ok".JUST BELIEVE IN YOURSELF

bonbonette - 03/22/00 05:50:23
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/bonbonette
Favorite Website: not sure yet
Favorite Craft: building light house lamps
Favorite Collectible: fish
Philosophy of Life: if you have a job you love you'll never have to work a day in your life.
Hometown: edge of texas....far west texas....want the answer look it up as a trivia question

nice page so musc very relaxing

- 03/22/00 03:21:26


Nazar - 03/22/00 00:27:52
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/allheme
My Email:allheme@yahoo.com
Favorite Website: www.yahoo.com
Favorite Craft: None
Favorite Recipe: Any that make my belly full
Favorite Collectible: Coin
Philosophy of Life: Always Think Positively
Hometown: Negeri Sembilan Malaysia

Nice and neat,,,,,1000% better then my Homepage Keep it up,,, www.geocities.com/allheme

Barbara - 03/21/00 18:11:15
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/santabarbarajean/
Favorite Website: Apparently yours...Thank you
Favorite Craft: anything and everything to do with Christmas
Favorite Recipe: Everything from our garden, Pasta and Seafood on the side
Favorite Collectible: anything to do with Christmas!
Philosophy of Life: Accentuate the Positive
Hometown: San Diego

I love you, and your friend, QueenFruFru too! My husband is retired Navy, so I've spent a lot of time here at your place. It's as beautiful on the outside as you apparently are on the inside. Thank you so much for sharing. I'll be back to pick up some of your links and friends addresses to share at my website home as soon as I figure out the 'bear necessities' of site construction. Again, many thanks!

Alan Lai - 03/21/00 00:23:43

Nice to visit your funny homepage. Thank you.

Judy - 03/20/00 17:57:25
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Pines/9865/
My Email:bromer4@yahoo.com
Favorite Website: Martha Stewart.com
Favorite Craft: Tole Painting
Favorite Recipe: My Mammas german Chocolate Cake
Favorite Collectible: this little pig...
Philosophy of Life: live a little , learn a little !
Hometown: born-Flint.mich--raised-Moultrie ,Ga. now Lake city, Fla.

love your site and love your guest book !!!!

anita white - 03/20/00 17:49:15
My URL:http://msnhomepages.talkcity.com/RomanceRd/sexyfemale01/
My Email:sexyfemale01@hotmail.com
Favorite Website: your homepage
Favorite Craft: woods designing
Favorite Recipe: lasagna
Favorite Collectible: life/love worth more than anything and cannot put a price on its value
Philosophy of Life: be true thyself, and as you would have others do to you in life/love/harmony ; likewise, do so unto them as well for those who give recieve in large ways not particularly monetarily but in the joys/happiness of worth that it bro ght forth
Hometown: Romance Road

i bookmarked your site for future purposes please come visit us at our homepages as well, and either public or privately let us know how you feel... http://msnhomepages.talkcity.com/RomanceRd/wolfman1968/ http://msnhomepages.talkcity.com/LibraryLawn/linxdbob and of course me which i already listed my homepage url up top for you....each person can use a true friend--whether it be in person or online...and that is what we are doing is trying to find honesthearted loving friends to share our life with.

Wendy - 03/20/00 16:38:32
My URL:http://www.tipztime.com
Favorite Website: http://www.tipztime.com/NightOwl/index.html
Favorite Craft: cross-stitching
Favorite Recipe: chocolate chip cookies
Favorite Collectible: Star Trek stuff
Philosophy of Life: Hold family dear to your heart!

Such a cute sute! Real country. I enjoyed my visit. Thank-you! ~Wendy

Paul L. Draleaus Sr. - 03/20/00 12:42:41
My Email:teddybear282@juno.com
Favorite Website: minutemeals
Favorite Craft: cooking
Favorite Recipe: my country cole slaw
Favorite Collectible: recipes
Philosophy of Life: love thy neighbor
Hometown: Townsend,MA.


cunnie - 03/20/00 08:19:44
My Email:culode@eudoramail.com
Favorite Website: www.geocities.com-
Favorite Craft: bag
Favorite Recipe: spaghetti
Favorite Collectible: memorable things in me
Philosophy of Life: make ppl laugh
Hometown: dumaguete

i really like ur site and i hope to have it on my email-add plsssss..........

Doodlebug - 03/20/00 07:56:18
My Email:urich4@yahoo.com
Favorite Website: yours
Favorite Craft: paint by numbers
Favorite Recipe: bread pudding or lemon merinque pie
Favorite Collectible: anything
Philosophy of Life: be good to your self and other animals
Hometown: Monrovia,California

Good morning whatever, I love your little angel flying around on my mouse and spreading hearts all over the place. Now I have to go and look around more on your web, 'cause I just got here. So far I love what you have done. Bye now Doodlebug

Doodlebug - 03/20/00 07:56:16
My Email:urich4@yahoo.com
Favorite Website: yours
Favorite Craft: paint by numbers
Favorite Recipe: bread pudding or lemon merinque pie
Favorite Collectible: anything
Philosophy of Life: be good to your self and other animals
Hometown: Monrovia,California

Good morning whatever, I love your little angel flying around on my mouse and spreading hearts all over the place. Now I have to go and look around more on your web, 'cause I just got here. So far I love what you have done. Bye now Doodlebug

bitsy - 03/20/00 01:35:17
My URL:http://geocities.com/Heartland/Woods/5661/index.html
My Email:bitsyskitchen@mail.com
Favorite Website: no favorites
Favorite Craft: sewing
Favorite Recipe: chocolate cake
Favorite Collectible: dolls
Philosophy of Life: Of all things stay positive and keep a sense of humor.
Hometown: in Ca.

Hello, I was just searching around through Heartland and came across your site. Just wanted to let you know I was here and that I loved your site. If you get a chance stop by and visit me! :) ~Bitsy~

Mark - 03/19/00 01:43:15
My URL:http://www.givemarkadollar.com
My Email:markkat@hotmail.com
Favorite Website: not sure...
Favorite Craft: I can crochet!
Favorite Recipe: Not much of a cook.
Favorite Collectible: books
Philosophy of Life: Be happy the rest will follow.
Hometown: rochester mi

Hello, I like your site. I am sort of researching because I am building a site of my own, I left the url. I really like the asthetic of you site, mine might be a lot different, but I can appreciate the value of asthetic. Actually, I have a question, where can I get some classical music for my site? Thanks, Mark

Eyad - 03/19/00 01:24:52
My URL:http://instantly.to/eyad
My Email:eyadjunaidi@hotmail.com

Hi there, I visited your site and i must admit that i really liked it vert much because it holds the same thoughts as my site... please drop by sometimes and visit my homwpage ...I am sure you would like it.....] Anyway I was wondering if you could help me ...because i was trying to put background music on my site but still didnt know how...can you help me with that please!!!!! Many thanks in advance and hope to hear from you the soonest Eyad Amman - jordan

Rod - 03/18/00 11:55:57
My Email:revelationdesign@aol.com
Philosophy of Life: God first, never lie!

Country, calming and fun, I like it!

Gloria - 03/18/00 09:38:46
My Email:goldie927@yahoo.com
Hometown: Dayton, OH area

Took a quick look at your site. It's very nice. I will come back when I can stay longer. :)

Wanda - 03/18/00 02:12:33
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Meadows/4416/
Favorite Craft: Crochet
Favorite Collectible: Clowns
Philosophy of Life: Never stop trying.

Loved your crafts page and your Poetry pages best! :-)

Rio Setty - 03/17/00 17:17:42
Favorite Craft: quilting
Favorite Collectible: quilts
Hometown: Coeur d'Alene, Idaho


marilyn ellison - 03/17/00 16:22:15
My Email:marilynellison@aol.com
Hometown: houston texas


Barbara McNally - 03/17/00 15:33:37
My Email:bmcnally@chpengr,com
Favorite Craft: any craft
Philosophy of Life: Be happy
Hometown: Houston, Texas


Cis - 03/17/00 11:56:09
My URL:http://geocities.com/hooters47631
My Email:cis@sigecom.net
Favorite Website: yahoo
Favorite Craft: making pillows
Favorite Recipe: cake recipes
Favorite Collectible: santa clauses
Philosophy of Life: Live each day like there is no tomorrow
Hometown: New Harmony

Thanks for your informative website. Hope I can inspire people someday! Cis

Diana Tjaden - 03/17/00 02:54:33
My Email:tobro@pretel.com
Favorite Craft: quilting
Favorite Recipe: casseroles
Favorite Collectible: thimbles
Philosophy of Life: go with the flow
Hometown: Fergus Falls, Minnesota

I like everything you have on your webpage. You are very creative, and fun. Thank you for all your information.

- 03/16/00 23:44:25


j miller - 03/16/00 23:39:53
My Email:dcknjn@bigfoot.com
Favorite Website: this one
Favorite Craft: tole painting
Favorite Collectible: angels
Philosophy of Life: be a friend


Sheila - 03/16/00 20:11:01
My Email:SheilaPS@excite.com
Favorite Website: still looking
Favorite Craft: this week stamping
Favorite Recipe: quick & easy italian vegetable
Favorite Collectible: friends
Philosophy of Life: Outrageous and thanks for asking
Hometown: East Windsor

Right now I'm crusing, I have a web sight I'm in the process of building. I'm not open for visitors yet. I enjoy your site, and I'll be back.

jesse - 03/16/00 20:08:21


Robin - 03/16/00 17:28:24
My Email:Standraley@Juno.com
Hometown: Goshen, IN

first time on. still looking around. so far so good.

Simone - 03/16/00 03:07:36
My Email:simonerenei@yahoo.com
Favorite Website: www.spiritual-endeavors.org
Favorite Recipe: white chocolate macadamia cookies
Favorite Collectible: anything with sunflowers
Philosophy of Life: meditate, meditate, meditate
Hometown: Farmington Hills

Your site is GREAT, the angel cursor is a wonderful touch. Keep adding to it, can't wait to see what's next!

Anita Hucks - 03/15/00 20:15:59
My URL:http://www.thirdage.com/Art/hucksa
My Email:anitahucks@aol.com
Favorite Website: http://www.leftbehind.com
Favorite Craft: watercolor
Favorite Recipe: anything with shrimp and fresh fish
Favorite Collectible: Beenie Babies
Philosophy of Life: Praise the lord and love thy neighbor.
Hometown: Surfside Beach SC

You have a wonderful site. I am new to trying to do a website and think I am sinking, then I visit such a nice one as yours and it encourages me. Maybe some day I will have a page to display also. God Bless and have a wonderful day in Jesus.

Diane - 03/15/00 19:23:18
My Email:dingedi@aol.com
Favorite Website: gaming zone
Favorite Recipe: sweet potato souffle
Favorite Collectible: antique dolls
Philosophy of Life: be happy
Hometown: Elmira, NY

Love the site !! HOME Hometown is Elmira, NY Moved to Winston Salem NC in May of 1980 Will visit again soon......

JANET SMITH - 03/15/00 17:39:32


Susan Salaki - 03/15/00 06:28:01
My Email:susan_salaki@yahoo.com
Favorite Recipe: blue cheese dressing
Philosophy of Life: live and let live
Hometown: Pittsburg, MO

I have not built my web page yet but I've been learning how to do it and plan to build it within two weeks. I don't have that much time to work on it right now. I love your web site. It's peaceful and conforting. I treasure the angel. How can I get s mething like that? I look forward to hearing from you. I'm new to the internet. I've been on it about two weeks. (Actually on the net exploring about 30 hours). Susan

YolandaRC - 03/15/00 04:55:44
My Email:yolierchinn@prodigy.net
Favorite Website: various
Favorite Craft: gardening
Favorite Collectible: David Winters houses
Philosophy of Life: Live for today,be happy
Hometown: Vallejo, CA

I'm browsing, my daughter in law sent your address and I thought I'd check it out - I like your homepage

Lynne Mccarthy - 03/14/00 23:41:02
My Email:lynnemccar@aol
Favorite Website: annthegran
Favorite Craft: sewing
Favorite Recipe: brownies
Favorite Collectible: angels
Philosophy of Life: learn from your mistakes
Hometown: Rochester,n.y.

Very nice site. Like some os the craft ideas

Nona Thompson - 03/14/00 18:50:37
My Email:thompfam@sheltonbbs.com
Favorite Craft: wood
Favorite Collectible: birdhouses
Hometown: Aurora, IL

Great place to visit. I saved it as a favorite. I'll be back!

Heather - 03/14/00 18:19:06
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heatherickmadison/
My Email:pingpong@erinet.com
Favorite Collectible: barbie dolls!
Hometown: Dayton, Ohio

what a pretty page!

Lisa Contreras - 03/14/00 17:29:11
My Email:cnt6fmly
Favorite Website: Angels (anything to do)
Favorite Craft: quilting
Favorite Recipe: DESSERTS!!!!!!
Favorite Collectible: angels
Philosophy of Life: everything happens for a reason
Hometown: San Angelo, TX

Hi there! I am new to the internet,(I've only been online 1 month) and I'm interested in creating a Web page. Has your site been successful? I do like what you've done. I would like to focus more on my quilting but wonder would I miss traffic? Well, anywa thank's for "listening"! P.S. if you have any tips I'd be much obliged!!! Lisa

Fred - 03/14/00 16:11:28
My Email:anut4you@yahoo.com
Philosophy of Life: every day is a gift

Every day is a gift fill it with love and care.

kathleen - 03/14/00 12:38:11
My Email:teelschool@aol.com
Favorite Website: michaels.com
Favorite Craft: wreath making
Favorite Recipe: darn good chili
Favorite Collectible: teddy bears
Philosophy of Life: laugh lots
Hometown: nazareth,pa

love your site. its so country and friendly. i love country and country crafts.

Dave - 03/14/00 05:49:35
My URL:http://msnhomepages.talkcity.com/SuburbanSt/goomen/gooiex.html
My Email:Goomen@hotmail.com
Favorite Website: Hard to say. Any thing fun!!
Favorite Craft: Building a new computer.
Favorite Recipe: Cake Cake Cake
Philosophy of Life: Try to like everyone once.
Hometown: Aurora, Co.

Wow what a web site!! I,v just started mine and have a long way to go. Just thought I'd stop and say Hi.

Dee - 03/14/00 03:36:34
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/deesnow129
My Email:deesnow129@hotmail.com
Favorite Craft: anything that does not require sewing!
Favorite Recipe: my grandmother's pumpkin pie
Favorite Collectible: puzzle boxes
Philosophy of Life: why pay a shrink...bubble wrap is much cheaper
Hometown: Seattle

I loved your site! I especially liked the crafts and recipes. I also like the idea of gathering stories from family members-I might steal that one. :o) Take care, Dee

Random Acts of Kindness

Marie - 03/14/00 02:41:13
My URL:/Heartland/Pointe/4084
My Email:mawre@netmcr.com
Philosophy of Life: Live one day at a time
Hometown: North Carolina

I really enjoyed my visit to your site. I picked up some great craft ideas and recipes. Your daughter is adorable. I have a little grandson who will also be 3 in April and one that will be 4 in April.

My Banner

Vickie - 03/14/00 01:31:11
My URL:http://geocities.com/puddinvj
My Email:armywifeone@aol.com

great site love the recipes

Johanna - 03/13/00 23:17:11
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/hartman_eriksson
My Email:gustavasofia@yahoo.com
Favorite Website: www.onelist.com
Favorite Craft: Making clothes :-)
Favorite Recipe: Oh...too many...veggie lasagna maybe?
Favorite Collectible: Books :-)
Philosophy of Life: Right now: What doesn't kill you makes you stronger :-(
Hometown: Uppsala, Sweden

Great work :-) I'll be back!

diana connor - 03/13/00 21:29:15
My Email:scarface@acpub.duke.edu
Favorite Website: geocities.com
Favorite Craft: crochet
Favorite Recipe: macaroni and cheese
Favorite Collectible: dolls
Philosophy of Life: Put GOD first and everything will fall right into place
Hometown: durham nc


diana connor - 03/13/00 21:26:47


Philip Niggebrugge - 03/13/00 09:11:13
My Email:102056.3012@Compuserve.com
Philosophy of Life: To be a good christian !
Hometown: Leiden - The Netherlands

I'm a Grandfather of 5 children, and try to stay ahead of them, by learning the modern technics of PC's and Internet and the making of websites. Yours are marvellous !! Good luck, God bless.

judeagustin - 03/13/00 06:49:09
My URL:http://www.geocities/
My Email:judeagustin@hotmail.com
Favorite Website: sex and addiction
Favorite Craft: gardening
Favorite Collectible: world war II stuff from the family
Philosophy of Life: live in faith hope and love
Hometown: Quezon City Philippines

Nice being here...Mabuhay!

Mishale - 03/13/00 03:43:50
My URL:http://geocities.com/Heartland/Hearth/1009
My Email:Polgara73@yahoo.com
Favorite Website: Good ones
Favorite Craft: Cross stitch
Favorite Recipe: Choc ones
Philosophy of Life: Asking is the beginning of recieving
Hometown: Christchurch, New Zealand

Excellent page, i will be back to check it out

Mary - 03/11/00 23:51:29

You have an awesome website Caryn!!

Wilfred D'Cruz - 03/11/00 15:36:32
My URL:/wdcruz
My Email:wdcruz@yahoo.com
Philosophy of Life: Give the best and the best will come back to you.
Hometown: Mumbai (Bombay)

A good home on the net.

Donna K. - 03/11/00 04:55:31
My Email:dbeattty@northland.lib.mi.us
Favorite Website: heartland!
Favorite Craft: woodworking, and MANY others too numerous to list.
Favorite Recipe: Cheese grits
Favorite Collectible: Charles Wysocki Art and chickens.
Philosophy of Life: I can do ANYTHING! (Just because I've never done it before doesn't mean I CAN'T do it at all)
Hometown: Ossineke, Michigan

Your home page is the neatest I've ever seen. I'm a country girl at heart, and I love doing just about everything--Woodworking, crafts, gardening, building stone walls, cooking, sewing, raising chickens. Life has so much variety if you choose to indulge! br>
Dave Hardison - 03/11/00 00:40:50
My Email:one_wild_one@msn.com


debbie - 03/10/00 02:54:41
My Email:dfishel@indy.net

Hi, I'm just finding your page, so I don't really have any comments yet, other than , so far it looks really great. I can't wait to get started. Talk to you later. Thanks!!

Snowpoodle - 03/10/00 01:34:37
My URL:http:www.geocities.com/upland_51
My Email:upland_51@yahoo.com
Favorite Craft: crocheting
Favorite Recipe: cinnamon flop
Favorite Collectible: my dolls
Philosophy of Life: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
Hometown: Delaware

Your pages are very nice. Come visit mine and please sign the guestbook!

Elda Crisp - 03/09/00 23:35:34
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heart;and/Lake/3186
My Email:girls4@mis.net
Favorite Website: kde website
Favorite Craft: crossstich
Favorite Recipe: sweet and sour chicken
Favorite Collectible: Beanie Babies
Philosophy of Life: Famiy is the most important institution in the WORLD
Hometown: Richmond

Your web site is great.

Ange - 03/09/00 22:19:14
My Email:macswife@usa.net
Favorite Craft: Cross stitching
Favorite Recipe: Anything GOOD *LOL*
Favorite Collectible: dolphins
Hometown: Atlanta Texas

Hi, Wanted to say nice site and where did you find that lovely flying angel with the sparling hearts? I would love have this for my PC. Keep up the great work.. Love Ange

Debbie - 03/08/00 21:59:49
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Pond/3830
My Email:ingolddebs@yahoo.com
Favorite Craft: Crochet
Favorite Recipe: Baking Breads
Favorite Collectible: Glass shoes or cows
Philosophy of Life: Keep Looking Up
Hometown: Spokane,WA

I enjoyed your site. You are doing a wonderful job. God Bless and Keep you in his care!

~Debbii~ - 03/08/00 21:23:37
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/chicky_74
My Email:chickyoz@ihug.com.au
Favorite Website: http://www.geocities.com/juzzy_juzz
Philosophy of Life: To live life to the fullest
Hometown: Australia

Great page you have here. It's real homey...keep up the good work...~Debbii~

Pat - 03/08/00 19:36:22
My Email:pat.myers55@gateway.net
Favorite Website: none
Favorite Craft: sewing
Favorite Recipe: none
Favorite Collectible: none
Philosophy of Life: Life is what you make of it.
Hometown: Akron, OH

Just browsing

buffyschapo - 03/08/00 09:33:59
My URL:http://still working on it.
My Email:buffyschapo@yahoo.com
Favorite Website: yours so far
Favorite Craft: woodcrafts and recycling
Favorite Recipe: Too many to name
Favorite Collectible: miniatures,coffee mugs
Philosophy of Life: I asked God for all things that I might enjoy life. He gave me life that I might enjoy all things.
Hometown: Ninety-Six, SC

your site is greaaaat.Every time I read something you liked to do I said "me too". We like all of the same things. I spent most of the day at your site, just looking around. I'll be back often.

Susan Severino - 03/08/00 04:42:53
My Email:suz1962@hotmail.com
Favorite Website: Better homes and Gardens
Favorite Craft: any craft that involves sewing
Favorite Recipe: homemade lasanga
Favorite Collectible: animals made out of anything
Philosophy of Life: Be Happy
Hometown: South Australia

First time here I think I am going to need some time to look around and explore. I like the fairy.

Steve O'Malley - 03/08/00 01:20:28
My Email:cofeathers@jps.net
Favorite Website: this one is great
Philosophy of Life: golden rule
Hometown: Sacramento, Ca.

sorry, didn't have lots of time to spend in here right now but really enjoyed your site and will be back soon to look some more. I have a woodworking shop and do the craft fair circuit in my area and am trying to build myself a site right now but am real y slow at it. not as much time as i would like. Thanks for sharing so many great ideas with me. My wife will be looking at your site soon also. Steve O'Malley Country Feathers

Shannon Yelm - 03/07/00 22:01:40
My Email:mastersuite@psyber.com
Favorite Collectible: elephants and linens
Philosophy of Life: enjoy it while you have it....life is too short
Hometown: Lincoln, CA

heard about your site from bonnie so thought Id check it out.. Wonderful!! Thank you for sharing!!

bonnie lassetter - 03/07/00 21:05:33
My Email:blassetter@cs.com
Favorite Craft: wood and soap making
Favorite Collectible: bird houses and spoons
Hometown: sacramento, ca.

I love your site its done extremely well, I don't know who designed it but hats off to them!!

- 03/07/00 15:37:47


Martin - 03/07/00 13:25:44
My URL:http://www.anzwers.net/free/hoops
My Email:battaliou@usa.net
Favorite Website: altavista
Favorite Craft: QE II
Favorite Recipe: chicken noodles
Philosophy of Life: justified by faith
Hometown: London (UK)

Nice page, I like your cursor thingy!

Elizabeth - 03/07/00 03:50:11
My URL:http://members.home.com/elizabeth-a
My Email:elizabeth-a@home.com
Favorite Website: Mine of course :)
Favorite Craft: I have so many! Can't choose!
Favorite Recipe: Stir Fry anything!
Favorite Collectible: Dolls
Philosophy of Life: Strive for Excellence
Hometown: Victoria, BC Canada

This is a wonderful site! Thankx for sharing it! Please visit mine sometime! TTFN Icq # 9818000

Party - 03/07/00 02:13:44
My URL:http://www.partygrocery.com
My Email:partygrocery@aol.com
Favorite Website: http://hometown.aol.com/Yanavisual
Favorite Recipe: Cake
Hometown: Aol

Cool site see mine at www.partygrocery.com I need people to see my site. It's party stuff for everyone. It's is a shopping site. Thanks I Like the angel

MeMe (Beulah) - 03/07/00 01:53:36
My URL:/memesloft
My Email:memesloft@yahoo.com
Favorite Craft: Tole and China Painting
Favorite Collectible: Snowmen/Snowbabies
Hometown: Michigan

Hi there! I'm a new member of Heartland and was out visiting this afternoon.Just wanted to drop in and say hello :-)and let you know I really enjoyed your site.
Click Here

MeMe (Beulah) - 03/07/00 01:53:23
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/memesloft
My Email:memesloft@yahoo.com
Favorite Craft: Tole and China Painting
Favorite Collectible: Snowmen/Snowbabies
Hometown: Michigan

Hi there! I'm a new member of Heartland and was out visiting this afternoon.Just wanted to drop in and say hello :-)and let you know I really enjoyed your site.
Click Here

Diana - 03/06/00 21:36:00
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/2042/
My Email:ladysnow11@hotmail.com
Favorite Website: http://www.snap.freewwweb.com
Favorite Craft: Candlemaking
Favorite Recipe: Chili
Favorite Collectible: Angels
Philosophy of Life: Treat People as You would want to be treated!!!
Hometown: Fort Smith

I loved looking around your site today...its a great place to browse with a nice cup of Herbal Tea.I had been looking for a good Guacamolie dip recipie and I found one here..thanks..please drop by my site and learn about me and my family.And dont forget t visit my FREEBIES page too for lots of free stuff.

Chris - 03/06/00 21:04:39
My Email:craj@flashmail.com
Favorite Website: www.bighub.com
Favorite Craft: food
Favorite Recipe: Indian Biriyani
Favorite Collectible: Finance articles
Philosophy of Life: to be contended
Hometown: earth

I loved your site, love to visit and eat at your place bye Chris

Verlyn - 03/06/00 18:46:49
My Email:giggles_6d9@hotmail.com
Favorite Website: www.teen.com
Favorite Craft: Foods class
Favorite Recipe: rice /w vegtable soup
Favorite Collectible: perfume
Philosophy of Life: my boyfriend

I would just like to say this is a good website that I found in search,and this is really good for all kinds of foods classes{for quick recipes so you don't get docked}Thanx

Lady Morrigan - 03/06/00 17:56:49
My Email:caringkaren@geocities.com
Favorite Craft: Needlework
Favorite Collectible: Dolls


Hi there..I'm Royal Guardsman Lady Morrigan, from the DMadd Hatters Team at the Site Fights. I was just looking over your site and I think that you might really do well over at our web competition called The Site Fights. There are so many wonderful things you can do over at the Fights, like Adopt cute creatures for your pages, get in on scavenger hunts, and most of all, meet a lot of really great people from all over the world!

If you're interested, you can find The Site Fights by going to the following url:


My particular team is called the DMadd Hatters. You can take a look at my team at the following url:
Come on out and take a look around...
We can't wait to meet ya!

Royal Guardsman Lady Morrigan
DMadd Queen of Hearts, Team Leader,
DMadd Hatters

Suzin - 03/05/00 23:57:21
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/gardensparty
My Email:Suzin@SoftHome.net
Philosophy of Life: Dance as if no one is watching... love as if it will never hurt.
Hometown: Grant, Alabama

Hi there! Just wanted to let you know that I've enjoyed the time I've spent browsing your pages! I can tell that you've spent a long time working here and your dedication really shines through. I've printed out some recipes to try and I'll definately be checking ack from time to time to see what you've added! Have a great day!

Gary - 03/05/00 20:25:10
My URL:http://www.skyfamily.com/wanbon/home.html
My Email:gwanbon@hotmail.com
Philosophy of Life: We are who we think we are.
Hometown: Canada


Very intriguing site, I enjoyed it very much. Keep up the great work! :-)

Beth & Chip DeClerck - 03/05/00 17:07:53
My Email:bdeclerck@prodigy.net
Favorite Craft: Crochet
Favorite Collectible: oil lamps
Hometown: Williamsburg, VA


Joy - 03/05/00 08:10:39
My Email:jfaddey@home.com
Hometown: Victoria B.C.

When I cllicked on main dishes on the chicken paprika recipe , it came up "Mary's Salsbury Steak" I trust this will be corrected and am looking foreward to the chicken recipe!

sierra - 03/05/00 02:23:04
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/HotSprings/Spa/4835
My Email:sierra1355@yahoo.com
Favorite Website: there are many
Favorite Craft: chrochet
Favorite Collectible: Mickey Mouse
Hometown: Warren

enjoyed your web site and will be checking back real often

Cindy - 03/05/00 01:36:05
My Email:gstory@adamswells.com
Favorite Website: angelwinks
Favorite Recipe: parmesean Chicken
Favorite Collectible: Denim Days"Home Interiors"
Philosophy of Life: Attitude is Everything
Hometown: Poneto,Indiana

Your home page was really neat! You have put so much work into it. I really enjoyed the family tree section. I will be checking back! Sincerely, Cindy

brett - 03/04/00 21:57:07
My Email:pumpsrus@pac.com.au
Favorite Recipe: boerewors
Philosophy of Life: we are all cocreators
Hometown: rosebud

thanks forthe recipees well done

Steve - 03/04/00 08:09:23
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/stevewilbury/editorial1.html
My Email:ordinaryaverageguys@yahoo.com
Philosophy of Life: Live for the moment in preparation for the future
Hometown: Loomis CA

Cool site. Not too fancy, just warm and good. I like that.

Darnelle Goines - 03/04/00 00:28:09
My Email:darnyg@mailcity.com
Favorite Website: geocities
Favorite Craft: crossstich
Favorite Recipe: ??
Favorite Collectible: Dreamsicles
Hometown: Stanton, Iowa

This page is interesting,I am just starting to find different things because I am new to this.

Kristina - 03/03/00 22:03:04
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Park/3289/
Favorite Website: http://www.bigeye.com
Philosophy of Life: live every day to its fullest
Hometown: Buffalo.. living in Chicago now

Great page. Enjoyed your links. The craft and food pages were great!!!!! Keep up the good work! :)

nancy waldrop sartin - 03/03/00 18:55:50
My Email:n3953@cs.com
Favorite Website: this one is one
Favorite Craft: wood working
Favorite Collectible: rabbits....
Philosophy of Life: enjoy the moment
Hometown: daleville,alabama

enjoying this site....much......the angel that is on homepage that follows the arrow is darling.

niteowl56 (Terry ) - 03/03/00 15:59:46
My URL:http://www.http:angelfire.com/pa2/HootOwlHollow/index.html
My Email:tharrelson@lexcominc.net
Favorite Website: Lots of um
Hometown: lexington nc

Very nice keep the good work up.

Cindy - 03/03/00 14:13:19
Favorite Craft: quilting
Hometown: New Philadelphia

I love this site !

deephad - 03/03/00 08:52:35
My URL:http://www.shraddha.com
My Email:deephad@usa.net
Favorite Website: www.shraddha.com
Favorite Craft: claywork
Favorite Recipe: chicken roast
Favorite Collectible: coins
Philosophy of Life: love all, may all prosper and be happy too; there sould be no wars, no riots, no enemies.
Hometown: mumbai

yr site is nice. pl. see our web-site http://www.shraddha.com and tell me how u like it. it's still under construction. what else should we offer? thanks. reg. deephad

deephad - 03/03/00 08:46:27
My URL:http://www.shraddha.com
My Email:deephad@usa.net
Favorite Website: www.shraddha.com
Favorite Craft: claywork
Favorite Recipe: chicken roast
Favorite Collectible: coins
Philosophy of Life: love all, may all prosper and be happy too; there sould be no wars, no riots, no enemies.
Hometown: mumbai

yr site is nice. pl. see our web-site http://www.shraddha.com and tell me how u like it. it's still under construction. what else should we offer? thanks. reg. deephad

Ann - 03/03/00 02:40:10
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/gumby2_98/
My Email:gumby2_98@yahoo.com
Favorite Website: too many to name
Favorite Craft: scrapbooking
Favorite Recipe: desserts
Philosophy of Life: Enjoy Them When They Are Young
Hometown: Fonthill, Ontario

I love your site. I enjoyed you music so much ,(I hope you don't mind)I used it on my site as well. It is so peaceful.

cassusa - 03/02/00 21:14:14
My Email:cassusa@aol.com
Philosophy of Life: do a good turn daily
Hometown: hutchinson kansas

Am a big fan and friend of Gene Keady. I have known him sinch living in Hutchinson.

Ginger Morrison - 03/02/00 16:44:55
My URL:http://www.eburg.com/~ginnyd
My Email:ginnyd@eburg.com
Favorite Craft: sewing
Favorite Recipe: Choc. Cake
Favorite Collectible: Tea Cups
Philosophy of Life: Live today like it was the first day of the rest of your life.
Hometown: Ellensburg, Washington USA

Love your site. Will be back often. Thanks for sharing. Ginger

Dottie - 03/02/00 00:39:39
My Email:rahohl@yahoo.com
Favorite Craft: many different crafts
Favorite Recipe: chocolate coconut cookies
Favorite Collectible: owls
Philosophy of Life: live each day as if it is your last
Hometown: Bracey,Va.

I have just gotten online (after much prompting from my two grown sons) and this is the first site like this that I have visited. I was browsing over the stuff yahoo offers and was curious about what people put on their homepages. I don't know if I have e ough stuff to do one. I work full time as a nurse and the rest of my time is taken up with my crafts and my 4 grandsons. I certainly enjoyed browsing your site. I think I'll talk with my sons and maybe we could all put one together. The cookie recipe above is a chocoholic's dream if you like coconut & pecans with your chocolate. I would be happy to share the recipe with you. Dottie

Willie & Jacqueline Cheaney - 03/02/00 00:23:23

Love your home page It is great .. We were just out looking for some ideas.(the flying angel Is really great,,, Willl stop by again when we get our done so you can pay us a visit..:)

Emily - 03/01/00 23:54:33
My Email:blueroses81@yahoo.com
Favorite Website: how do you choose?:)
Favorite Recipe: peanut butter candies
Favorite Collectible: flower petals
Philosophy of Life: You can't make others happy until you are happy yourself

I really liked you homepage, I think the music turned me on the most. That is my favorite song from REM. Good job on it! Have a good one.

Kerstin - 02/29/00 20:49:51
My Email:Kerstin@t-online.de
Favorite Website: giga.de
Favorite Recipe: potato-soup
Favorite Collectible: recipe
Philosophy of Life: Do the best
Hometown: Bavaria Germany

Your homepage is after a hard working day like a vacation for the soul. All the good recipe, I need a long time to cook it.

Gabriele Aikens - 02/29/00 15:09:11
My URL:/angel_gabriele_98/index.html
My Email:angel_gabriele_98@yahoo.com
Favorite Website: Yahooligans
Favorite Craft: counted cross stitch
Favorite Recipe: Any type of soup
Favorite Collectible: angels
Philosophy of Life: Jesus is my Lord and Savior. I want to please Him.
Hometown: anywhere, U.S.A

I'm not kidding about the anywhere bit. Right now my husband is looking for a job. I am very new at this web-building business and there is not a whole lot on my web page right now. I like your little angel arrow with the hearts. Where do you get her? If you have any other tips I would appreciate it.

Gabriele Aikens - 02/29/00 14:50:25
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/angel_gabriele_98/index.html
My Email:angel_gabriele_98@yahoo.com
Favorite Website: Yahooligans
Favorite Craft: counted cross stitch
Favorite Recipe: Any type of soup
Favorite Collectible: angels
Philosophy of Life: Jesus is my Lord and Savior. I want to please Him.
Hometown: anywhere, U.S.A

I'm not kidding about the anywhere bit. Right now my husband is looking for a job. I am very new at this web-building business and there is not a whole lot on my web page right now. I like your little angel arrow with the hearts. Where do you get her? If you have any other tips I would appreciate it.

Laurel - 02/29/00 14:15:22
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/villas4/Links2Bargains.html
My Email:villas5mom@aol.com
Favorite Craft: plastercraft
Philosophy of Life: Life is Hard, But God is good.
Hometown: Born in Maine, Living in NYC!

Ihad a wonderful time touring your pages. I could almost smell the delightful aroma while visiting your cooking pages! Thanks for a good visit.

Norma - 02/29/00 13:26:40
My Email:njstevens@jps.net
Favorite Website: yours of course!
Favorite Craft: plastic canvas/oil painting
Favorite Recipe: don't cook
Favorite Collectible: blue delft
Philosophy of Life: go for it
Hometown: Bloomfield, NE

My sister sent me your address. LOVE IT. Will be coming back often. Wish I knew how to built my own homepage. Soon I hope.

Faisal Husain - 02/29/00 11:16:44
My Email:faisal-hussain@usa.net
Favorite Craft: wooden handicrafts
Philosophy of Life: " Always try share sorrows of people how r very close to you and don't think that they do the same with u ! "
Hometown: Lahore

U have built a very superb side. Its really good. Keep it up...............

Kas - 02/29/00 06:08:30
My URL:http://berrylyn.homestead.com
My Email:berrylyn@yahoo.com
Favorite Website: www.topsecretrecipes.com
Favorite Craft: painting
Favorite Recipe: cheese enchalada's
Favorite Collectible: disney movies...lol
Philosophy of Life: bekind to all and reap benefits of heart
Hometown: i was from under a rock...lol j/k

Love your site here have added it to my favorites.I printed out a few of the recipes they look really good:)(with 5 kids i need all the help i can get to get em all to eat and enjoy a different variety.well am off to look more but wanted to say howdy and eep up the great work:)

Mary Y. Teer - 02/29/00 01:48:52
My Email:myjet@concentric.net
Hometown: Dayton, OH

I haven't decided which part of your site I like best. Haven't looked at ever area yet. So far I have enjoyed ever place i've been. I'm sending your address to my Sis. Thanks for your site. It is heartwarming to someone that must stick close to home. Mary

Zoeanna Miles - 02/28/00 23:14:41
My URL:http://www.alabamaswapper.com
My Email:zmiles@mail.tds.net
Philosophy of Life: If you love something set it free , id it comes back , is meant to be.
Hometown: Geraldine Al.


Patricia Bowen - 02/28/00 20:07:10
My Email:tj-patt@webtv.net
Favorite Website: yours has everything
Favorite Craft: knitting
Favorite Recipe: any and everything
Favorite Collectible: antiques
Philosophy of Life: live and let live
Hometown: N. ManchesterIndiana

Really liked your web site--even sent my daughter in Or.the genealogy pages (she's in to that sort of thing) I moved from Indiana 27 years ago but still go back each summer. My daughter in law is Purdue and her husband is I U and N D They live at one of t e lakes N. of Warsaw. Will be sending my lesson as soon as I can find it :›) Patt

Wilfred D'Cruz - 02/28/00 12:52:42
My URL:http://geocities.com/wdcruz
My Email:wdcruz@yahoo.com

A very warm and cuddly Homepage.

Abel - 02/28/00 09:48:16
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/acvillos99
My Email:acvillos@hotmail.com
Favorite Website: Your Website!

Hi! I am just totally amazed how the internet can do this....I really like your page...it's warm and cuddly! It feels like waking up to a brand new morning! How did you do it! (since I am an illiterate when it comes to things like HTNL! Hey,....Take Care!

Priscilla Daniels - 02/28/00 08:02:55
My Email:pmdaniels@altavista.com
Favorite Website: not sure
Favorite Craft: gardening
Favorite Recipe: conutry southern
Favorite Collectible: good friends
Philosophy of Life: wwjd
Hometown: Dallas

Would enjoy cking out your favorite game "slingo". New on web-how do I find the game? Great site-have fun. Fellow Texan from big D. Priscilla

CHERI - 02/28/00 07:12:32
Favorite Craft: CROSSTICH
Favorite Recipe: ENCHILADAS
Favorite Collectible: COCA COLA
Philosophy of Life: DON'T SWEAT IT


Spatula - 02/28/00 03:35:02
My URL:http://davispress.com/spatula
My Email:Pabulum@aol.com
Favorite Website: iSpatula.com
Favorite Craft: Painting pictures
Favorite Recipe: Chocolate Pie
Favorite Collectible: Kitties
Philosophy of Life: Live each day to it's fullest
Hometown: Monroe, NC

This is a cool site! Be sure and check out mine, too!

Stormie - 02/28/00 03:09:53
My URL:http://www.webcompetition.net/~waterworld
My Email:stormie72@yahoo.com
Favorite Website: http://www.geocities.com/stormie72
Hometown: Australia

Hiya, I was just wandering thru ur site and wanted to invite u to come and check out the Fantasy Fights..an internet competition for your webpage. It's great fun, good exposure for your site and you get to meet lots of wonderful people. I am the captain of a team there called WaterWorld and would love to have you join us..so check it out!!

Jillian - 02/27/00 17:10:20
My Email:jillian_lch_65@yahoo.com
Favorite Recipe: Anything Sweet
Favorite Collectible: cookbooks
Hometown: Dyersburg

Caryn (?) Thanks for making such a warm, welcoming site. The angel is just darling! I'm glad I stopped by.

Rose - 02/26/00 19:29:20
My Email:robowoman2@yahoo.com
Favorite Website: geocities
Favorite Craft: wood working
Favorite Recipe: lots
Philosophy of Life: You aught not be looking behind when there's so much to be looking forward to.
Hometown: heartland

Your site is precious. How did you get the angel to follow. I love it! Thanks.

Cathy - 02/26/00 18:07:59
My URL:http://www.expage.com/page/theginghamcupboard
Favorite Craft: anything heartland

You site is so cute! I made a heartland kind of site too. Please visit it and return the favor of signing the guestbook. Thanks!

- 02/26/00 16:32:54
My Email:nananpoppy@inetone.net
Favorite Craft: oil painting

This is one of the most pleasant sites. Love your sharing the how-tos. It is a pleasure browsing here, have returned several times and will do so in the future---Keep up the good work.

Linda - 02/26/00 15:02:03
My Email:lmcglothlin@hotmail.com
Favorite Craft: Basket weaving
Philosophy of Life: Love a lot & Laugh a lot
Hometown: SE Pennsylvania


Justine - 02/26/00 14:39:08
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ca/Powerage/index.html

Real nice page!

olga wilburn - 02/26/00 09:41:02
My URL:http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/kraftykreations
Favorite Craft: all

keep up the good work purdy , doing a great job i really enjoyed it /

DX3 - 02/26/00 07:30:31
My URL:http://dx3.cjb.net
My Email:dx3@iastate.edu
Favorite Website: mine
Hometown: Indonesia

cool hommie.. u better visit mine :)

Net Buddies - 02/25/00 22:18:43
My URL:http://www.netbuddies.is-here.net
My Email:sorry@yahoo.com



I would like to invite you to visit us at Net Buddies. Where friends from all over the world can share and grow. We have pages for teen and younger buddies too. Our main cause is the fight agianst Child Pornography. Please help us protect our children.

These roses are a gift for your page (if ya wanna put em there).

sarah - 02/25/00 21:03:44
My Email:mdinks3@aol.com

Great ideas found here! I plan on using a couple for an up-coming church bazaar and for a class of 4-5 year olds. Thanks for the wonderful craft ideas.

Marie Habbick - 02/25/00 17:54:24
My Email:MHBirdsong@aol.com
Favorite Website: Yours, of course!!!
Favorite Craft: Sewing
Favorite Recipe: Blueberry Dumplings
Favorite Collectible: Boyds Bears
Philosophy of Life: Make the best of what God sends to us
Hometown: Born Newburyport MA/Reside Danville NH

Delightful site...I'll visit here often. I'll have to thank my friend, Maggie, for starting me off on it.

- 02/25/00 01:36:28


brigid - 02/24/00 18:09:22
My URL:http://friendsclub.net
My Email:brigid@hotmail.com
Favorite Craft: cross stitch
Favorite Collectible: teddy bears
Philosophy of Life: live each day to the fullest
Hometown: Orlando

Nice,warm site.

- 02/24/00 15:31:56


Ruth DuBelko - 02/24/00 15:28:32
My Email:sunrain57@yahoo.com
Favorite Website: All of them!
Favorite Craft: If cooking is a craft?
Favorite Recipe: Cheese Ravioli and More Cheese on Top of Sauce
Favorite Collectible: computer programs,cds
Philosophy of Life: Eclectic!
Hometown: Cleveland

Just stopped by to look at your site and say hi! Hope you have a nice day!

panthera_lady - 02/23/00 13:38:47
My Email:panthera_lady@yahoo.com
Favorite Recipe: anything with chocolate
Favorite Collectible: teddies
Philosophy of Life: enjoy every minute of it as youre a long time dead

Really nice

Y.S.Purushottam - 02/23/00 11:58:13
My Email:yspurushottam@yahoo.com
Favorite Website: none yet.....I'm new to the web.
Favorite Recipe: anything edible
Favorite Collectible: anything that looks good
Philosophy of Life: live and let live
Hometown: Vizag,India

Good show! Keep it up.

Joyce - 02/23/00 10:51:05
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Falls/2510/
My Email:joywells@webtv.net
Favorite Craft: doll making
Favorite Recipe: Banana Cream Pie
Favorite Collectible: Bells
Philosophy of Life: Let go, Let God
Hometown: Cleveland,Ohio

Enjoyed my visit. Drop by my site and say hello.

Gary - 02/23/00 01:16:16
My URL:http://www.skyfamily.com/wanbon/home.html
My Email:gwanbon@hotmail.com

Very intriguing site, keep up the great work! :-)

Elaine Poyner - 02/23/00 01:12:16
My Email:gfphep@Arkansas.Net
Favorite Website: myfamily.com
Favorite Craft: cross stitch
Favorite Recipe: Bread Recipes
Favorite Collectible: Pigs
Philosophy of Life: Smiling, it takes fewer muscles. You can tell by looking at my thighs.
Hometown: Hartman, Arkansas

Very nice site. Wholesome, interesting, informative and most of all very creative. I love the little angel that floats around the page. Very encouraging to see a real family values web page. Thanks very much, Elaine Poyner

Marvia Shearer - 02/23/00 00:26:46
My URL:http://winfinity
My Email:marvlus@winfinity.com
Hometown: gunnisen,ut

i have lots of danes in my background

- 02/22/00 23:04:31


Wendi - 02/22/00 16:30:50
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/cloud9_1126/index.html
My Email:cloud9_1126@yahoo.com
Favorite Craft: anything with kids!
Favorite Recipe: chicken and noodles
Favorite Collectible: Longaberger Baskets
Philosophy of Life: kids are our future...
Hometown: Marion

I want to learn how to do this!

Polly Trask Havens - 02/21/00 00:12:47
My Email:okiegal66@ivillage.com
Favorite Website: Ivillage
Favorite Craft: Collecting various things
Favorite Recipe: Dad's Homemade Stew
Favorite Collectible: Precious Moments
Philosophy of Life: Take it one day at a time
Hometown: Arlington, Texas

I am new at this internet stuff, I recently made my own homepage at geocities, but could use some help "dressing it up" any recommendations would be welcome. I loved your page--it was great! Polly (okiegal)

Sharon - 02/20/00 16:15:14
My URL:http://roseofsharonsoap.tripod.com
My Email:roseofsharonsoap@mailcity.com
Favorite Website: Liberty Naturals
Favorite Craft: Making Soap
Favorite Recipe: Fried Corn on the Cob
Favorite Collectible: Dolls & Teddy Bears
Hometown: Meridianville, AL

Very nice page! Warm and inviting. I love the crafts and recipes. Thanks!

Kathleen - 02/19/00 22:45:04
My URL:http://users.pandora.be/louis.verpoorten/
My Email:butterfly951@hotmail.com

hi!! i really enjoyed my visit here and i loved your site! it's so cool! keep up the excellent work! visit my website too and don't forget to sign my guestbook!!! please consider to come in my Top 100 Best Sites list too! thanx a lot!

Kathleen - 02/19/00 22:44:22
My URL:http://users.pandora.be/louis.verpoorten/
My Email:butterfly951@hotmail.com

hi!! i really enjoyed my visit here and i loved your site! it's so cool! keep up the excellent work! visit my website too and don't forget to sign my guestbook!!! please consider to come in my Top 100 Best Sites list too! thanx a lot!

ty - 02/19/00 04:05:14
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/rossx3/allabout_corey,com
My Email:Mcr2_1@email.msn.com
Favorite Website: ivillage.com &emode.com
Philosophy of Life: smile

Your website is really cool. I'm just starting, however, I have made a site about my son. Nothing spectacular (except him, of course :). Anyway, I'm having trouble starting one for myself. I can't find a really good topic. Again, I thought your site wa really great.

Debra - 02/18/00 15:34:12
My URL:http://pages.ivillage.com/misc/debrapeebles
My Email:debra@networks.com
Favorite Website: Ivillage
Favorite Craft: X-stitch
Favorite Recipe: My Meatloaf!
Favorite Collectible: David Winter Cottages
Philosophy of Life: Live for each day, you never know about tomorrow and who will be there with you
Hometown: New Hill

Love your site! Just looking around the webring.

QFruFru - 02/18/00 04:24:44
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/queenfrufrululu
My Email:queenfrufru@hotmail.com
Favorite Website: this one! and iVillage.com
Favorite Craft: Dollmaking and making miniatures
Favorite Recipe: Doritos and bean dip!
Favorite Collectible: Dollhouses/Antique Dolls
Philosophy of Life: ya gotta roll with the punches!
Hometown: Reading/United Kingdom

Despite the front page accolade, the angel cursor is just a thank you gift to Caryn for the much more sensational gift she has given to me - a box of true love and friendship last Christmas containing replacement tree ornaments from Caryn and our mutual f iends at Parentsplace.com. I shall always treasure not just the ornaments but the spirit in which they were sent. Stepping offa the soapbox and giving my personal angel, Caryn, a hug - Frufru ;0)

Bea - 02/14/00 22:12:10
My URL:http://pages.ivillage.com/re/bea_n_good
My Email:bea_n_good@ivillage.com
Favorite Website: ivillage :)
Favorite Craft: what is that??? LOL
Favorite Recipe: toady..kraft dinner *G*
Favorite Collectible: bells
Hometown: Yorkton, Saskatchewan

Madeleine is sooooooo cute! I love the New Years pic. ((((HUGS))) Thanks for being there!

Anna - 02/13/00 18:24:29
My URL:http://sites.netscape.net/kemamm/index.htm
My Email:kemamm@hotmail.com
Favorite Website: lots of them
Favorite Craft: wreaths and quillows currently
Favorite Recipe: cream puffs / chicken cordon bleu / cheeseball
Favorite Collectible: boxes and baskets
Hometown: all over - but from Middletown

I really like your page - and all the recipes are making me hungry! The sound so good, Im gonna have to try them!

Amy - 02/12/00 09:36:56
My URL:http://pages.ivillage.com/pp/freebeez/
My Email:montano_a@hotmail.com
Favorite Website: Boards at iVillage
Favorite Craft: Coloring with the kids
Favorite Recipe: Mexican Lasagne
Favorite Collectible: Ty Beanie Babies
Philosophy of Life: You get out of life what you put into it
Hometown: Thousand Oaks, CA

I loooooooove your angel! Soooo cute! And I'm really impressed that you made your own graphic of yourself! :)

Angeline (Atlantis411) - 02/11/00 18:59:21
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Pentagon/Base/2181
My Email:AngelAndCharles@hotmail.com
Favorite Website: mine!
Hometown: Edmonton, Alberta

I'm here for the signing party!!! I see you have changed the "bits of glass" to "glass tiles" in the craft idea for stepping stones. *heehee* Wouldn't want anyone hurting themselves because of your craft ideas! I'm going to go back and play with your an el now....

Connie - 02/11/00 03:01:11
My Email:connie.anderson@worldnet.att.net

i worked in arts and craft facility. for 12 years. i really did enjoy your site.

laura - 02/11/00 01:06:47
My URL:http://pages.ivillage.com/pp/avnx1/index.html
My Email:avnx1@ivillage.com
Favorite Website: military families board
Favorite Craft: cross stitch
Favorite Recipe: quesedilla's
Favorite Collectible: precious moments
Philosophy of Life: this too shall pass
Hometown: VERY small town outside of La Crosse WI

Hi caryn, Just stopped by for the signing party... Madeline is SOOO cute!!!! I also just wanted to thank you for doing all that you do on the board and for setting this signing party up!!!... take care and see you on the board!!

Rosemary - 02/10/00 18:31:21
My URL:http://paages.ivillage.com/re/rose1018
My Email:rose1018@ivillage.com
Favorite Website: Military Wives Board
Favorite Craft: Anything Country
Favorite Recipe: Lasagna
Favorite Collectible: Angels
Philosophy of Life: Everything happens for a reason.
Hometown: Currenty Fayetteville, NC

You have such a wonderful page! I enjoyed my visit! I am a member of the MW's Board Guestbook signing party! Thanks for sharing your pages!

Hook - 02/09/00 17:52:12
My URL:http://www.noplacelike.home.icq.com
My Email:samantha_e67@yahoo.com
Favorite Website: Mine!
Favorite Craft: One that someone else does (and gives me *g*)
Favorite Recipe: One that someone else cooks
Favorite Collectible: Dragons (is it cause I am one???)
Philosophy of Life: "Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans."
Hometown: Melbourne, Australia

The life quote is from John Lennon (Beautiful Boy) Hi there, it's me the annoying one stopping by to bug you with my rantings. But for once I really don't have a lot to say, except that I miss chatting to you daily, got to get this darned puter fixed, my scanner wont work now...grrrrr...was going to uplo d some pics of me as a kid! Well this is dedicated to you oh wise leader of us all......"The heart of a fool is in his mouth, but the mouth of a wise man is in his heart." -- Benjamin Franklin ***Dedicated to Caryn the Wise and Generous of Heart*** : )

Teresa - 02/09/00 16:58:51
My URL:http://www.crosswinds.net/~teresasue/index.htm
My Email:tiggereesa@yahoo.com
Favorite Website: Mine of course LOL
Favorite Craft: Anything EASY!
Favorite Recipe: Chocolate Chip Cookies or Brownies
Favorite Collectible: Kim Anderson "Pretty As a Picture" figurines
Philosophy of Life: Everything happens for a reason
Hometown: Taylor Michigan

I love your site Caryn! I really enjoyed your pages on various thoughts and poetry. Your daughter is a real cutie :) See you on the boards!

Lisa (aka lemonsong) - 02/09/00 04:43:52
My URL:http://pages.ivillage.com/pp/lemonsong/index.html
My Email:lkrowett@yta.attmil.ne.jp
Favorite Website: hmmm, there's so many I don't know
Favorite Craft: pretty much anything
Favorite Recipe: Anna's cheeseball!
Favorite Collectible: bears, angels, and baskets
Philosophy of Life: I'm not allowed to put it here.
Hometown: NJ

This is just super duper cutie! I love the graphics and all the different pages you have through here. I'll be back ALL THE TIME!

Barry Fraser - 02/09/00 03:27:34
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/anexplorer/
My Email:fraserbl@idirect.com
Favorite Website: http://www.angelfire.com/on/frasernotes
Favorite Craft: photography--if that is a craft?