Hey, thanks for visiting my home page. My hobbies include Quantum
and Astro Physics, Pokemon, and inter dimensional travel and exploration.
Oh, I forgot to mention that I'm single *wink* *wink*. I also like to hang
out with friends. I'd ask you to sign my guest book if I had one
I'm Joe
I'm Charlie
Hey! Wait a minute... Don't forget little brother! I'm 12 in August. I
like to collect Poke'mon cards, Poke'mon toys, I like to surf the net,
look at E-Bay auctions and stuff like that. Joe is the brains I don't know
a thing about ASTRO PHYSICS. I am not a genius when it comes to stuff like
that.. However I do good in school on normal topics.
Thanks for visiting!
And remember. Gotta catch 'em all.