
The whole of the McKay family was shocked and saddned to hear on Sunday afternoon of the tragic death of Princess Diana. She was treuly great person who make a lot of difference to many people in the world. This is the McKay family trivute to Princess DI.


WELL IT WAS VERY SAD NEWS TO HEar about the car crash and it jist goles to show you that its is sillyu to drink and drive even if you have got a royal in he car. but good on you di for being such a good person and even thuough you got divorced it was a happy marriage.a lovely lady our di was and i am sure that JESUS will be looking afterher in heaven


I fondly remember the beautiful young lady walking down the isle looking radiently beautiful on her wedding day. And when the couple with their baby William arrived in New Zealand we drove up to Auckland and watched them and it was just lovely seeing such a happy family. It was so nice to see Diana in her lovely gowns at glamourous events. And her two boys. I was very sad when I heard the news of the tragic car crash. She will be greatly missed. Not for the hard work she did for charity, Not for being a postive roll model for people, not for being a good mother. She will be missed for being wonderful Diana. God bless.


i think she pretty cool and mum said i have to write this


When i was a little girl i really admired lady di and I used to dress up my barbie like her. She is a good role model for me. We have got a lot in common we both have childen (Me = Mirhaiah, Her = William, Harry) and we have both got blond hair. So I will miss you lady di you are beautiful and you will be missed!!!! *Hugz*!!


I am only a little baby but mum tells me that princess di has made the world a better place for me by getting rid of land mines and things.


Meow! I will miss you Di! Meow!

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