Here is about the McKay family

"The McKay Family Story!!"

One day in 1974 a lovely young girl called Doreen Dawson met a dashing young man called Bruce McKay. Doreen was a 16 year old school girl who was experience her first year out of school working as a telephonist for a home furnishing retail outlet. It was at that job that she met Bruce McKay. Bruce was an apprenctice goods deliverer.

Bruce swept yong Doreen off her feet and they soon feel in love. Then Doreen discovred that she was expecting and in 1975 they were married. Three months later they were delighted at the birth of their first born son Dean Bruce Gordon McKay. They moved to the lovely suburb of Fairfield in Hamilton and were able to get finance and buy a modest three bedroom house.

They lived together with baby Dean and Bruce became a truck driver. Then one day in 1980, when Bruce was away driving his truck, Doreen discovered that she was expecting again. This was to be Sharee Doreen Margareeta McKay. She was born in 1981 in Waikato Hospital.

The McKay family lived happily for many years and now lots of exciting things have happened. Doreen is now working for a large insurance firm where she is a claims assesor. Bruce is a driver for a large trucking firm. Dean is working for a muffler repair shop and is doing well for himself. And Sharee has just had her baby and we are happy that there is finally an air to the McKay throne. SHe had got a boyfriend who is also the father of her baby and his name is Jason.

Jason has bow moved to Australia where is is working for his uncle in Syndey. But this isn ot the right thing. We have said to Jason "Wel will pay for you to come to NEW Zealand and marry Sharee and be a father to Mirhaiah" which is a pretty good deal and we have been praying that he will do the right thinh!!!

Yes now ther is a new meenber of the McKay clan and that is baby Mhiraiah Plant McKay-Watsin and she is a beautoful little baby girl and we aree all so proud of her. Doreen and Bruce are now grandparents and Dean is an uncle. shJason ther father has not yetr seen his daugther and he really should do it and that would be a relly good idea!!!

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