Well her is a GUEST BOOK for all you visitiors to the MCkay's website for you the visitor to sign.Go on DON

11/12/99 09:19:30
Name: Free For Chat My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Website de Nice. Agradecimentos para deixar-me assinar seu guestbook

08/23/99 11:46:48
Name: Robert My URL: Visit Me
Country: NZ Favourite word: Me
Favourite car: Holden

Your tour of Hamilton just rules!! I think it really captures the spirit of the place!! Keep up the good work!!

Grophle Guizenmman - 03/22/99 14:59:57

Hallo. Ich mag Ihr homepage. Es ist interessant. Wie lang sind Sie auf dem Internet gewesen? Sowieso gehe ich aus, mehr Netzseiten zu surfenen. Gutes Glück!.

02/26/99 10:05:29
Name: Chris N-B My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Subject: Looking up the neighbours! Country: New Zealand Favourite word: Hmmm...
Favourite car: Volvo 940GLE T

Wa-hoo, the enthusiasm overcame the spelling! Good to see some local content! Cheers, Chris :)

01/29/99 05:30:17
Name: mike floreani My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Subject: butterkup Country: USA Favourite word: hangnail
Favourite car: AMC Rambler

Have you fixed Butterkup's Kat-aracts yet?

01/28/99 00:45:17
Name: Kitty My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Subject: angst Country: US Favourite word: one that's spelled correctly
Favourite car: jesus...

Dad: Didn't bother to read your shit. Mom: A six-year-old could write better trash. Dean: Your song lyrics are pathetic and your attempt at shock-value songs is distressingly dull. Sharee: Jayson's not coming back, so your mom's one up on you. Begging him to come back and then ranting about "Girl Power" is hypocritical. And you're not bisexual. Baby: I pity you. Run away as soon as you can walk. Cat: You're probably the most intelligent thing in the family. The world needs to be rid of stupid people like yourselves.

01/07/99 04:13:02
Name: Undie My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Subject: loose Country: NZ Favourite word: zinclophobia
Favourite car: trumpet VW beetle

Please never : a/ let yourselves loose on a PC again. and b/ never visit Raglan again - its meant to be a tranquil place ( translated nefa vizit Ragtown gain tsi meaning tob e at trin kill palace ). Im with that fella chip - get a spellchecker and a witc doctor.

01/07/99 03:10:11
Name: Aaron My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Subject: You page sucks Country: NZ Favourite word: falafel
Favourite car: Trabant

I just thought I'd let you know I've nominated this site to show what I think of it. With the best of luck Worst of the Web (www.worstoftheweb.com) should be awarding it their ultimate prize sometime very very soon. The only thing that I think that coul possibly make this site better is if it was tossed into the deep dark oblivion that is the servers recycle bin.

12/11/98 11:58:15
Name: Barry My Email: Email Me
Subject: your delightful pussy Country: scotland
Favourite word: buttercup Favourite car: reliant robin

I was amazed to read about your cat as i also have a cat called buttercup although it does not have such a extravagantly bushy tail. Mine is a siamese and is as bald as a coot. Also sharee, forget about jason(i dont think he is coming back, unless brucie boy has a gentle word in his ear) doreen- your short story was fantastic and it got me pretty worked up i can tell you.Keep up the good work. bruce- you are obviously a bit of a drinker.keep up the good work. dean- your band sucks.sorry mate but it has to be said. your page is great apart from the colours which gave me a sore head and the spelling which left alot to be desired. ps put in some photos of the family so we can see what you all look like.

12/11/98 11:11:48
Name: Robert Plant My URL: Visit Me
Subject: Prime Devistation Country: England
Favourite word: Zoso Favourite car: Ford

Please Darren, please if you are going to use those lyrics for your band, then please don't name check either Led Zep or anything else to do with me, as your lyrics are terrible, and incredibly pretentious.

12/09/98 20:10:41
Name: Mark My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Subject: McKay Homepage Country: UK Favourite word: Skeewiff
Favourite car: Pontiac Trans-Am

I generally liked your homepage, but like recent guestbook entries, I have to mention about the colours & spelling. It's really not easy on the eyes... Still, I hope everything works out between Jason & Sharee, but if it doesn't, at least you've got friends like Kylie. Dean, if Prime Devastation ever holiday in Glasgow, Scotland; let me know, and I'll see if I can sort you some gigs. In the meantime, visit my home URL for my band. Ciao for now

12/09/98 04:48:49
Name: Chip Subject: Your page
Country: New Zealand Favourite car: MR2

I was sent your page from another source ( I dont mean tomato either! ). I don't know what to say except: get a spellchecker, grammer checker, colour checker, a life, a decent HTML editor with plenty of help and, finally ,an education. PS: don't think it's a bit strange that Jayson has buggered off to Australia with no concern about his child????....don't wait around to see him again...MOVE ON!!!! I've put your page on my 'Just for Fun' Intranet pages.

12/01/98 23:20:32
Name: Kali My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Subject: Your Spelling!!!
Country: USA Favourite car: My New Ford Expedition

I just have to comment here! Is 'plain english' your second language? Does your PC not have a spell-checker? Yikes!!! Your spelling is the worst I have ever seen!!!! Please!!!!!!

11/19/98 01:57:32
Name: Dorian Grey My URL: Visit Me
Subject: semi-literacy Country: Ryleh
Favourite word: "eugenics"

Very amusing.

10/03/98 21:55:20
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

04/29/98 05:44:08
Name: Sharee My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Subject: saw you page Country: USA Favourite word: WooHoo
Favourite car: BMW Z3

I found you page by doing a search for Sharee, which is my name, I love Sharee's poems and am so glad she did the right thing by not having an abortion. Her parent's are also doing the right thing by offering to pay the way back for Jayson. I hope everyth ng turns out ok. -Sharee

03/04/98 13:11:01
Name: ENZO My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Country: ITALY

I like New Zeland. I like your home page. Butterkup is very nice. Ciao, Enzo from Italy

10/28/97 11:46:50
Name: Jemma Subject: Hi Dean
Country: New Zealand Favourite word: Hi
Favourite car: Holden

hi my name is jemma and i went to school with dean and i found this site. i'd just like to say hi to dean how's it going? remember when we went on fifth form camp that was cool. also i know jason watson and i think i saw him in auckland last weekend and said "hi jase" and he looked and waved but maybe it wasn't him. ok that's all bye

10/27/97 14:13:57
Name: Bruce McKay My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Subject: Hello all Country: New Zealand (yay!) Favourite word: Jesus!
Favourite car: The "Bruce Mobile"

Well hello all. This is jjst to let you all know that i do read this quite ofte n and I think there are some good messages butthere are also some rather silly messages so I woulf like to say "pease stop the silly mesages " please but if you are not being silly then feel free to write what ever you like because that is the most important thing about the itnernet that you can read aother people's messages. Well ok that is all have a good time and don't forget to visit us again because we update the pa e oftens!!!! BRUCE MCKAY

10/09/97 08:03:10
Name: me My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Subject: WOW!! Country: Finland Favourite word: internet
Favourite car: Lada

Your page is so cool!!!! It's perfect! I wish I could be able to make a page this good!!!!

09/27/97 06:15:36
Name: lilspirit My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Subject: arse Country: New Zealand Favourite word: arse
Favourite car: i dont drive ya silly bludger..

what is this place? its all arse... i sure hope you aint a real family...

09/23/97 09:15:07
Name: Captain Aotearoa My URL: Visit Me
Subject: Hi I'm Captain, Captain Aotearoa Country: New Zeraland
Favourite word: Captain

i thought i should warn you that your son is invloved with SATANS music. Music from SATAN. if you dont stop him then he will blow is brains out with a shotgun like kurd cobain did!!!

09/21/97 22:21:16
Name: Keith Flinton My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Subject: Hiiiiiiii *WAVE* Country: New Zealand Favourite word: Church
Favourite car: My Austin Allegro 1300

Hello from IJUMP, We think your page is really reallly coooool, excpet for Kylie because she thinks your page is KrAd D00d

09/21/97 09:47:21
Name: Tracey Trash My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Subject: MAAAAAAATE! Country: New Zelland Favourite word: truck
Favourite car: escort

Jaysen... I say marry sharee... DO it aye... And mihiarihaia your a bootiful little baybee.

09/21/97 00:20:38
Name: serif My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Subject: the page Country: New Zealand Favourite word: discombobulate
Favourite car: i HATE cars

a rather fascinating page that left me with a somewhat nagging question... "Who are you all??? Are you real??? Are you all on IRC or something??"

09/05/97 09:52:36
Name: Bert of the North My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Subject: Errr.. Wha?? Country: Neww Zeeland Favourite word: Favourite word??????????????????????????????
Favourite car: Lampageeni

WWO YOUR HOME PAGR IS RELLY COLL Congratulations on this spectacular piece of artwork. OI RELLY LIKED THE BAND PAGE YEAH !!!!! I can't wait to see the next update

08/29/97 08:00:32
Name: Shel Subject: Who is don?
Country: Newzealnd Favourite word: don
Favourite car: ford

It says on the guest book page 'go on don' well WHO IS DON??????????????

07/30/97 15:10:42 GMT
Name: Nick My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Subject: Prime Devastation Country: New Zealand Favourite word: I cant say here!
Favourite car: Anglia's Rock!

a friend of mine is a really shit hot guitarist that has not got a band of his own i reckon that he shuld play i a band like the one you guys have he knows every led zep song ans you can ask to to play any and he will i think he should be in a band like y se have so if you want to hear himplay ring wanganui 987 4323 or he will be working at the work so ring and talk to his mum you send email to me laters!!!!!1

07/12/97 05:59:19 GMT
Name: Lynda My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Country: United States
Favourite car: My new Monte Carlo

Hi to the McKay family from Jay, Maine, USA. Just playing with my computer at 2am. Neat to think I can reach someone in New Zealand. My dream is to bike (pedal) in New Zealand. Lynda

06/26/97 12:34:14 GMT
Name: Bruce McKay My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Subject: Hello! Country: NEw Zealand Favourite word: Groooovy!
Favourite car: Holden

This is Bruce MckAY signing his OWN GUEST Book what a laugh!!!!! Well you should sign it to!!!!

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