
Flowers for DoreenMy name is

Doreen Elizabeth McKay

and I am not going to tell you my age because a lady never reveals her age! I have been married to my wonderful husband Bruce for 22 years and he is a great man and a truck driver. I was a young bride at the age of 17, but I do not regret it.

Flowers for DoreenBefore I married Bruce I was Doreen Dawson so hello to any of the Dawson clan on the "internet" out there.

Flowers for DoreenI work as a claim assessor for one of New Zealand's largest insurance companies and I like my job and I have been working there for almost 8 years!

Flowers for DoreenMy hobbies include counted cross stitch which is find to be very interesting to do and it means that come Christmas and birthday's I don't need to worry about presents!!! I also like quality romance novels such as those by Barbara Cartland and some Mills and Boon and Harliquan novels. I am currently writing a romance novel which I plan on submitting to Mills and Boon and seeing if they will publish it. I won't tell you too much but it is set on a cruise ship not unlike "The Love Boat" and it involves a dashing young man like Richard Chamberlain.

Flowers for DoreenNEW!!! Here is a special short story I have wrtiiten for all you cypber space fans of romance stories. It is call



Flowers for DoreenI enjoy doing family work with the family councelling group with my local Fairfield Valley Church. Me and my husband Bruce help other couples who need to put a bit of spice back in their marriages.

Flowers for DoreenI live in the beautiful suburb of Fairfield in the beautiful city of Hamilton. Hamilton has got a beuatiful river called the Waikato (pronouced why-cat-oh) river running through it and it is very beautiful and Ilike living in Hamilton. It is a big city and I used to live in Masterton which is in the Wairarapa and it is different to Hamilton (hello to all the Dawson's in the Wairarapa!!!!)

Flowers for DoreenI have two children who I love very much. There is Dean and he is 21 years old (he just had his 21st and I won't get into that!!!!) and he likes his cortina and he works for a muffler service repair center. There is also my daughter Sharee and she is16.

Flowers for Doreen Well I am happy to announce that my daughter Sharee has given birth to her daughter Mariah but don't you start calling me "Granny Doreen" quite just yet! As well as that it looks like we will be having a WEDDING soon because Jason (he is 19) will be asking Sharee to marry him so I will be a grandmother of the bride! I am so happy!

Flowers for DoreenAnyway that is enough about me. I hoped you like it.

Flowers for DoreenIf you want to email me then send the email to


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