Paper Piecing Patterns by Ginger

As geocities is closing, this site is moving. New location is

Ginger's Quilting Pages

A friend showed me how to paper piece (also known as foundation piecing)early in 1998, and I have been having a great time with it since then (along with other types of quilt projects). After downloading tons of paper piecing stuff from other sites, I decided to start using all the graphic programs I have to start drawing my own paper piecing patterns. It is truly addictive. Soon I found myself trying to turn every block I see into paper piecing. And found myself spending those boring meetings at work doodling paper piecing patterns in the margins of the pages of minutes. So in April of 1998 I decided to put some of the stuff I have drawn up for others to (hopefully) enjoy. The pattern list has been SLOWLY growing ever since. I try to add new patterns periodically, I just seem to have a hard time getting them from my sketches into the computer!

I drew all of these. Some are classic patterns and probably are well-known techniques for converting them to paper piecing. Others are originals (not ones I have copied from anywhere), but I haven't done any research to see if something similar exists. So please use these for your own quilting pleasure only! I have tried to put up a lot of 6" ones, as I love that size block, and haven't seen too many floating around the Net.

To get to the printable picture, simply click on either the small block picture or the link. Afterwards, the BACK button should get you back here. The umbrella block currently prints but doesn't save as the correct size - sorry. Also - these are all done on a PC. Macs may print them out at 4/3s the size indicated - thus the 6" ones are 8" and the 4" are some odd size. Bear with me and I will get around to making a second set for Mac users someday. For now, Mac users (PC users too), feel free to download and resize them yourself.

Due to the slow loads I was getting, I am in the process of breaking the page into categories. There is now a Christmas category with a link to a page of holiday designs and a page where all the geometrics and classic patterns have moved. Don't worry, they are all there! As I get more time, I will create categories for other themes as well. So, once again, and as usual, keep an eye out for more updates!

4 inch Umbrella Block

6 inch Umbrella Block
6 inch, 2 Part, Strawberry
Umbrella Variation
4 inch Umbrella Variation

6 inch Umbrella Variation
Ice Cream Cone
6 inch, 2 Part, Ice Cream Cone
Sitting Cat
6 inch Sitting Cat

4 inch Sitting Cat
Weeble Wobble Cat
6" by 3" Wobbling Cat

Cat Face Block
6 inch, Cat Face Block
Angel Fish
6 inch Angel Fish

4 inch Angel Fish
Another Standing Cat
6 inch Cat

4 inch Cat

Note:The 4" & 6" block
are not identically proportioned
Standing Cat
6 inch Standing Cat

4 inch Standing Cat
6 inch House Block (3 pieces)

Cat in Profile
6 inch, 2 Part, Cat in Profile

Click here for:
Christmas Link

Click here for:
Geometrics Linkand classic patterns.

Also see:
Button Simply Simple Patterns
Button My main quilting page
ButtonReturn to Ginger's Page

ButtonUseful Paper Piecing Links--->NEW!

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You are the person to visit my humble paper piecing page since April 14, 1998.

Last Updated by on Monday 24 January, 2004

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