Ginger's Cluttered World

Construction Zone This page will contain a poupourri of the things I enjoy, which include cats, quilts, and other things, eventually, maybe. Right now there are cat pages, and quilt patterns. It is very much a work in progress, and each part may change at any time. Not all the interests are in here yet, but they will be, someday..... maybe. Construction Zone

Caution Ahead

The things that can be found here so far are stuff about my cats (including pictures and stories from, a quilts page with pics of our 1997 round robin quilts and some block exchange blocks, and some paperpiecing quilt patterns.

Paper Piecing Fence Rail Paper Piecing Pages The Cats Cat Pages
Quilts Quilt Pages

Last Updated on Tuesday, 14 December, 1999 at 7:24 AM.

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