This page is dedicated to my family. I started to get involved in genealogy when I had to do a paper for my Composition class on my ancestry. That was 8 years ago and I' m still working on it. Not the paper but, tracing my roots. If you see a familiar name, drop me a line. I would welcome the chance to hear from you. Who knows, maybe we are related. This page will be updated from time to time with new information, so please, stop by again.
PRETZER family tree
WARDIN family tree
DUROW family tree
GIESE family tree
HUTFILZ family tree
GILMORE family tree
FRAYNE family tree
Links to other genealogy related sites:
Research Aids for the Family Historian - this site has links to various topics
Genealogy Terms & Phrases - lists sites for help with old medical terms, lists of occupations, family terms, dictionaires of terms, and abbreviations.
Helm's Genealogy Toolbox - This site offers surname indexes, library resources, articles on genealogical subjects, bulletin board systems list. genealogy gopher sites, and family periodical & surname publications list.
You can reach me by e-mail at:
Copyright 1997