Genealogy Index for surnames beginning with H

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Hacking, James Clair (1 Jan 1878-23 Jul 1959)
Hacking, John Glines (ABT. 1882-)
Haddington, Agnes (ABT. 1370-)
Hagen, Margareta van der (ABT. 1511-)
Hagget, Christopher (ABT. 1566-)
Hainault, Agnes de (ABT. 1141-1168-1173)
Hainault, Baldwin III Count (1087-1088-1120)
Hainault, Baudouin II Count (ABT. 1056-AFT. 8 Jun 1098)
Hainault, Baudouin IV "Le Batisseur" (1110-8 Nov 1171)
Hainault, Beatrix Countess of (ABT. 998-5 Nov 1987)
Hainault, Beatrix of (ABT. 992-)
Hainault, Ida de (ABT. 1084-AFT. 1101)
Hainault, Laurette (Laurence) de (ABT. 1137-9 Aug 1181)
Hainault, Philippa Countess of (ABT. 1314-14 Aug 1369)
Hainault, Rainer IV Count (ABT. 950-1013)
Hainault, Richeude of (ABT. 1072-)
Hainault, Richilde de (ABT. 1093-AFT. 1118)
Hainault, Richildis de (ABT. 1031-15 Mar 1085/86)
Hainault, Rotilde Countess of (ABT. 1000-)
Hainaut, Isabelle de (5 Apr 1170-15 Mar 1189/90)
Hainaut, Marguerite de (ABT. 1252-)
Hainaut, Valeran de (ABT. 1282-)
Hakonsson (Ladej), Svend (1105-30 May 1159)
Hakonsson (Ladej), Svend (ABT. 970-)
Hakonsson, Erik (ABT. 976-)
Haldenby, John (ABT. 1445-)
Haldenby, Miss (ABT. 1470-BEF. 1515)
Hale, Samuel (ABT. 1630-)
Hale, Sarah (ABT. 1581-)
Hale, Sarah (ABT. 1694-)
Hales, Alice de (ABT. 1302-ABT. 1327)
Haley, John (ABT. 1664-)
Halfdansson, Eysteinn I "Fretr" (ABT. 736-)
Halfdansson, Gudrod (ABT. 738-ABT. 738)
Halfdansson, Helgi (ABT. 528-)
Halfdansson, Helgi (ABT. 540-)
Halfdansson, Hroar (ABT. 526-)
Halfdansson, Ivar King of Sweden (ABT. 612-)
Halfdansson, Olof "The Mighty" (ABT. 540-)
Halfdansson, Signa (ABT. 524-)
Halfdansson, Solveig (ABT. 684-)
Hall, Abraham (ABT. 1715-)
Hall, Ann (-)
Hall, Anne (-)
Hall, Eleanor (ABT. 1709-)
Hall, George (-)
Hall, Henry (ABT. 1440-)
Hall, John (ABT. 1529-)
Hall, Liddie (ABT. 1861-)
Hall, Lydia (ABT. 1685-)
Hall, Myrtle (30 Sep 1903-)
Hall, Rachel (ABT. 1704-)
Hall, Sarah Elizabeth (5 Mar 1910-)
Hall, Welthy (ABT. 1770-)
Hallit, Frances (ABT. 1750-)
Halsbury, Joan de (ABT. 1232-)
Halsbury, Peter de (ABT. 1206-)
Halse, Richard (ABT. 1371-)
Halys, Roger (ABT. 1275-1313)
Hambleton, William (ABT. 1685-)
Hamblin, (ABT. 1809-)
Hamby, Katherine (ABT. 1615-)
Hamelin, Isabel (ABT. 1282-)
Hamilton, Jane Sarah (ABT. 1808-)
Hammel, John (ABT. 1670-)
Hammel, John (ABT. 1699-)
Hammel, Mrs. Elizabeth (ABT. 1703-)
Hammell, Amy (15 Jul 1761-1829)
Hammell, Ann (11 Aug 1764-)
Hammell, Deborah (28 Dec 1755-25 Sep 1809)
Hammell, Elizabeth (29 Mar 1754-)
Hammell, John (1714-1725-Jul 1798)
Hammell, John (22 May 1767-31 Oct 1846)
Hammell, Mary (29 Oct 1752-)
Hammell, Mercy (11 Mar 1750/51-)
Hammell, Rachel (26 Oct 1770-)
Hammell, Theodocia (30 Mar 1759-)
Hampden, Bartholomew (ABT. 1186-)
Hampden, John de (ABT. 1303-)
Hampton, Alice (ABT. 1328-)
Hampton, George (-11 Apr 1755)
Hampton, Henry (-)
Hampton, Joan (ABT. 1297-)
Hampton, John (-)
Hampton, John (-)
Hampton, John (-)
Hampton, Mary (ABT. 1626-)
Hampton, Mary (4 Jan 1745/46-)
Hampton, Mary (ABT. 1654-)
Hampton, Mary (-)
Hampton, Mrs. Elizabeth (ABT. 1724-)
Hampton, Richard (-)
Hampton, Samuel (-)
Hampton, Sarah (-)
Hampton, Thomas (ABT. 1601-)
Hampton, Thomas (ABT. 1678-)
Hampton, Thomas (-)
Hampton, Thomas (ABT. 1597-)
Hampton, Thomas (-)
Hampton, Thomas (-)
Hampton, Warren (ABT. 1300-)
Hampton, Warren (ABT. 1270-)
Hampton, William (-)
Hampton, William (-)
Hampton, William (-)
Hancheit, Hannah (ABT. 1653-ABT. 29 Mar 1712)
Hanchet, Deliverance (ABT. 1625-)
Hanchett, (ABT. 1629-)
Hanchett, Deliverance (ABT. 1652-22 Nov 1711)
Hanchett, Hannah (ABT. 1656-)
Hanchett, John (ABT. 1560-19 Dec 1615)
Hanchett, John (1 Sep 1649-23 Oct 1744)
Hanchett, Mrs. Hannah (ABT. 1599-)
Hanchett, Thomas (ABT. 1647-6 May 1719)
Hanchett, Thomas (ABT. 1632-11 Jun 1686)
Hanchford or Han, Jane (ABT. 1379-)
Hanchford, William (ABT. 1353-)
Hancock, James (ABT. 1823-)
Hancox, Thomas (ABT. 1663-)
Handchet, Thomas (ABT. 1654-)
Hankeford, Thomasine (23 Feb 1421/22-3 Jul 1453)
Hannah, (ABT. 1666-)
Hannum, Mary (ABT. 1640-)
Hansard, Richard (ABT. 1458-)
Hansard, Richard (ABT. 1458-)
Hansard, Richard (ABT. 1452-)
Hansard, Richard (ABT. 1452-)
Hansen, Karon Marie (ABT. 1808-)
Hanslape, Maud (ABT. 1097-)
Hanson, Isabell (1607-)
Hanson, William (9 Jul 1774-24 Dec 1856)
Haraldsson, Gudrud (Gudrod) (ABT. 592-)
Haraldsson, Gundred (ABT. 1054-)
Haraldsson, Halfdan (ABT. 590-)
Haraldsson, Moalda-Mrs (ABT. 590-)
Harber, Betty Smyth (-)
Harber, John (-)
Harbottle (Harbittle), Dorothy (ABT. 1602-)
Harburne, Alice (ABT. 1513-1588)
Harburne, Alice (ABT. 1513-1588)
Harburne, Thomas (ABT. 1487-)
Harby, Thomas (ABT. 1806-)
Harcourt, Agnes (ABT. 1447-)
Harcourt, Agnes (ABT. 1450-)
Harcourt, Alice de (ABT. 1181-)
Harcourt, Alice Lesceline de (ABT. 957-)
Harcourt, Amicia (ABT. 1160-3 Sep 1215)
Harcourt, Anchetil de (ABT. 1070-)
Harcourt, Ivo de (ABT. 1130-1180)
Harcourt, John (ABT. 1271-ABT. 1330)
Harcourt, John de (ABT. 1180-)
Harcourt, Letitia (ABT. 1494-)
Harcourt, Oliver de (ABT. 1177-)
Harcourt, Richard (ABT. 1200-BEF. 2 Apr 1258)
Harcourt, Robert "Fitz-Parnell" (ABT. 1156-21 Oct 1205)
Harcourt, Robert de (ABT. 1179-)
Harcourt, Robert de (ABT. 1152-1202)
Harcourt, Robert de (ABT. 1030-AFT. 1100)
Harcourt, Roger (ABT. 1158-1202)
Harcourt, William (ABT. 1211-19 Apr 1278)
Harcourt, William (ABT. 1159-)
Harcourt, William de (1175-6 Apr 1223)
Harcourt, William de (ABT. 1100-1141-1148)
Hardeknudsson, Gudrid (ABT. 842-)
Hardesty, Ann (Nancy) (ABT. 1793-)
Harding, Hope (ABT. 1691-)
Harding, John (ABT. 1591-)
Hardwick, William (ABT. 1761-)
Hardy, George (ABT. 1814-)
Hardy?, Mary (1639-)
Harley, Robert de (ABT. 1340-)
Harmon, Ann (ABT. 1710-)
Harmon, Elizabeth (1520-26 Oct 1585)
Harmon, Elizabeth "Betsey" (1815-)
Harmon, Wid of John (ABT. 1621-)
Harmon, William (ABT. 1488-)
Harneis, Thomas (ABT. 1591-)
Haro, Diego Lopez de (ABT. 1268-)
Haro, Maria Diaz de (ABT. 1266-)
Harrgat, Agnes (ABT. 1540-)
Harriett, (ABT. 1788-)
Harrington, Alice (ABT. 1640-)
Harrington, Elizabeth (ABT. 1564-)
Harrington, Elizabeth (ABT. 1325-)
Harrington, Elizabeth (ABT. 1425-)
Harrington, Elizabeth (ABT. 1460-)
Harrington, Mr. (ABT. 1761-)
Harrington, Mr. (ABT. 1776-)
Harrington, Mr. (ABT. 1540-)
Harrington, Robert (ABT. 1299-)
Harriots, Ann Phillis (ABT. 1703-)
Harriots, Thomas (-)
Harriotts, John (ABT. 1711-)
Harriotts, Sarah (-)
Harriotts, William (ABT. 1685-)
Harris, Francis (ABT. 1481-)
Harris, Joan (ABT. 1511-)
Harris, Joane (ABT. 1511-)
Harris, John (ABT. 1640-)
Harris, Mary (ABT. 1668-)
Harris, Mary (ABT. 1645-)
Harris, Mary (WFT Est. 1652-1672-WFT Est. 1696-1763)
Harris, Mary A. (1829-29 Jan 1906)
Harris, Mrs. Mary (ABT. 1745-)
Harris, Rebecca Rachel (ABT. 1828-)
Harris, Reva (-)
Harris, William (1741-1778-1779)
Harris, William (ABT. 1674-)
Harrison, Alice Envelly (25 Jul 1859-24 Dec 1943)
Harrison, Amanda Ruth (18 Aug 1983-)
Harrison, Ann (7 Jul 1794-)
Harrison, Ardith (-)
Harrison, Arthur (14 Sep 1898-14 Jun 1976)
Harrison, Arthur Trevier (20 Jan 1932-)
Harrison, Charlotte Ann (22 Aug 1866-26 Apr 1952)
Harrison, Daniel (3 Oct 1799-)
Harrison, Daughter (ABT. 1830-Infant)
Harrison, Daughter (ABT. 1820-Child)
Harrison, David Kent (-)
Harrison, Douglas Alma (3 Apr 1907-30 Dec 1907)
Harrison, Edward (ABT. 1836-)
Harrison, Edward (9 Feb 1790-)
Harrison, Edwin (19 May 1830-)
Harrison, Elizabeth (15 Sep 1825-Child)
Harrison, Emma Elizabeth (12 Dec 1864-13 Dec 1952)
Harrison, Farron Richard (-)
Harrison, Floyd (-)
Harrison, Frances Emily (30 Sep 1870-26 Nov 1944)
Harrison, George (21 May 1792-3 Sep 1840)
Harrison, George (10 Nov 1832-)
Harrison, Hannah (14 Oct 1900-6 Feb 1978)
Harrison, Hannah Selina (22 Mar 1858-21 Jun 1941)
Harrison, Heber Kenneth (9 Sep 1913-)
Harrison, Heber William (25 Mar 1872-7 May 1954)
Harrison, Holt Roper (8 Nov 1956-)
Harrison, Inez (22 Oct 1888-23 Aug 1967)
Harrison, James (13 Nov 1804-)
Harrison, Jean (-)
Harrison, Jennie (18 Feb 1965-)
Harrison, John (1750-1770-)
Harrison, John (21 Aug 1787-)
Harrison, John (ABT. 1813-)
Harrison, Joseph (12 May 1835-1901)
Harrison, Joseph (4 Jan 1857-24 Jan 1857)
Harrison, Joseph (ABT. 1768-)
Harrison, Kermit Gardiner (8 Jan 1934-)
Harrison, Lamond Kermit (30 Dec 1953-)
Harrison, Leo Kenneth (7 Oct 1966-)
Harrison, Linus Laroe (18 Aug 1958-)
Harrison, Louisa Eveline (9 Apr 1861-13 Apr 1912)
Harrison, Louise (1 Apr 1822-)
Harrison, Lucy Jane (3 Nov 1868-18 Jun 1933)
Harrison, Lydia (ABT. 1735-)
Harrison, Lynda Marie (19 Jun 1979-)
Harrison, Mable (16 Feb 1890-11 Oct 1891)
Harrison, Mary (ABT. 1653-)
Harrison, Mary (25 Mar 1797-)
Harrison, Miss (ABT. 1838-)
Harrison, Miss (ABT. 1836-)
Harrison, Mrs. Ann (ABT. 1792-)
Harrison, Nellie Marie (30 Jan 1905-)
Harrison, Richard Eugene (19 Aug 1892-11 Jul 1915)
Harrison, Richard George (22 Dec 1862-3 Apr 1923)
Harrison, Sarah (20 Oct 1823-)
Harrison, Sarah Ellen (16 Sep 1874-10 Sep 1906)
Harrison, Sarah Louisa (6 Oct 1792-3 Jun 1873)
Harrison, Stanley (1 Dec 1902-13 Sep 1982)
Harrison, Steven Richard (15 Nov 1981-)
Harrison, William (28 Mar 1828-6 Jan 1895)
Harrison, William Duke (1 Aug 1895-20 May 1963)
Harrison, Yvette (22 May 1961-)
Harroun, Alice B. (ABT. 1724-)
Harrys, Mr (ABT. 1489-)
Hart, Destimony (1827-1916)
Hart, Margaret (ABT. 1670-)
Hart, Setvia (ABT. 1721-)
Hart, Zervia (ABT. 1722-)
Hartinge, William (ABT. 1523-)
Hartleigh, Mrs. (ABT. 1322-)
Hartley, John (ABT. 1392-)
Hartopp, Joan (ABT. 1589-)
Hartshorne, Sarah (1796-18 Jun 1837)
Harvel, Martha (ABT. 1800-)
Harvey (Nations), Susan (ABT. 1817-)
Harvey, Isaac Allred (ABT. 1861-)
Harvey, Mrs. Richard (ABT. 1617-2 Dec 1639)
Harvey or Harvie, Mary (5 Jun 1605-AFT. 1668)
Harvey, Richard (22 Jul 1604-)
Harvey, Richard (13 Aug 1612-ABT. 4 Nov 1689)
Harvie, Ann (11 May 1608-)
Harvie, Joan (1610-)
Harvie, Richard (ABT. 1579-31 Dec 1616)
Harvie, Thomas (5 Apr 1615-)
Harvie, Vincent (ABT. 1553-)
Haseldon, Robert (ABT. 1556-)
Haseltine, Abraham (23 May 1648-28 Apr 1711)
Haseltine, Anna (1 Feb 1639/40-8 Apr 1688)
Haseltine, David (1644-31 Aug 1717)
Haseltine, Deliverance (1654-15 Jun 1735)
Haseltine, Deliverance (25 Jan 1650/51-14 May 1654)
Haseltine, Dorcas (1 May 1686-20 May 1689)
Haseltine, Elizabeth (15 Jan 1652/53-May 1654)
Haseltine, Gershom (31 Jan 1661/62-16 Oct 1711)
Haseltine, Mary (14 Feb 1646/47-Infant)
Haseltine, Mercy (16 Aug 1642-5 Jan 1706/07)
Haseltine, Mrs. Hannah (-)
Haseltine, Peter (ABT. 1588-)
Haseltine, Rebeckah (15 Feb 1678/79-)
Haseltine, Robert (1614-27 Aug 1647)
Haseltine, Robert (7 Nov 1657-8 Mar 1728/29)
Haseltine, Sarah (11 Mar 1672/73-27 May 1753)
Haskins, Mary or Martha (ABT. 1812-)
Hassall, Margaret (ABT. 1583-)
Hasting, Catharine de (ABT. 1301-)
Hastings, Edmund (ABT. 1363-)
Hastings, Elizabeth (ABT. 1291-)
Hastings, George (ABT. 1491-)
Hastings, George (ABT. 1489-24 Mar 1543/44)
Hastings, Henry (ABT. 1242-)
Hastings, Hugh (ABT. 1378-)
Hastings, Hugh de (ABT. 1356-)
Hastings, John (ABT. 1332-)
Hastings, John (ABT. 1268-)
Hastings, John de (29 Aug 1347-16 Apr 1375)
Hastings, Laurence (ABT. 1311-)
Hastings, Mary (ABT. 1659-)
Hastings, Maud de (-AFT. 1374)
Hastings, Ralph (ABT. 1296-)
Hastings, Thomas (ABT. 1646-)
Hastings, William (ABT. 1431-13 Jun 1483)
Hastings, William de (ABT. 1194-)
Hatch, Agnes (ABT. 1460-)
Hatch, Alice (ABT. 1466-)
Hatch, Andrew (ABT. 1478-)
Hatch, Edith (ABT. 1532-)
Hatch, Editha (ABT. 1532-)
Hatch, Elizabeth (Edith) (ABT. 1470-)
Hatch, Gilbert (ABT. 1276-)
Hatch, Jeffery de (ABT. 1238-)
Hatch, Joan (ABT. 1463-)
Hatch, John (ABT. 1540-)
Hatch, John (ABT. 1264-)
Hatch, Jone (ABT. 1457-)
Hatch, Mrs-John (ABT. 1266-)
Hatch, Richard (ABT. 1312-)
Hatch, Robert (ABT. 1354-)
Hatch, Sarah (ABT. 1754-9 Nov 1816)
Hatch, Thomas (ABT. 1476-7 Mar 1553/54)
Hatch, Thomas (ABT. 1394-)
Hatch, Unknown (ABT. 1316-)
Hatch, Unknown de (ABT. 1242-)
Hatch, William (ABT. 1430-)
Hatten, Martha (ABT. 1647-)
Hatton, Nancy Adeline (1885-1977)
Haull, John (ABT. 1677-)
Haull, Mrs. Elizabeth (ABT. 1681-)
Hauteville, Maud de (ABT. 1055-1083)
Havarsson, Frodi (ABT. 347-)
Havarsson, Unknown (ABT. 373-)
Havarsson, Unknown (ABT. 351-)
Havell, Lydia (ABT. 1588-)
Haven, Jane (ABT. 1649-)
Haward, Mary (ABT. 1528-)
Haward, Michael (ABT. 1500-)
Haward, Unknown Michael (ABT. 1504-)
Hawberk, Hugh (ABT. 1314-)
Hawes, Eleazer (ABT. 1646-)
Hawkes (Hawks), John (1617-30 Jun 1662)
Hawkes, Anna (1 Oct 1648-15 Oct 1705)
Hawkes, Gershom (12 Aug 1659-)
Hawkes, Isaac (1 Oct 1648-22 Jun 1659)
Hawkes, Joanna (8 Feb 1653/54-22 Nov 1729)
Hawkes, John (ABT. 1643-)
Hawkes, Mary (23 May 1652-)
Hawkes, Nathaniel (ABT. 1645-)
Hawkes, Sarah (29 Sep 1657-17 Dec 1751)
Hawkesworth, Adam Le Rede (ABT. 1237-)
Hawkesworth, Alice Le Rede (ABT. 1263-1346)
Hawkesworth, Miss (ABT. 1189-)
Hawkins, Bridget (ABT. 1547-)
Hawkins, Bridget (ABT. 1587-)
Hawkins, Eleanor (ABT. 1617-9 Nov 1697)
Hawkins, Elizabeth (ABT. 1590-)
Hawkins, Elizabeth Elizabeth (ABT. 1540-)
Hawkins, Joan (ABT. 1594-27 May 1636)
Hawkins, Joan Joan (ABT. 1564-)
Hawkins, John (ABT. 1560-)
Hawkins, John (ABT. 1535-)
Hawkins, Mary (ABT. 1642-)
Hawkins, Mary (ABT. 1644-)
Hawks (Hawkes), Eleazer (Eleizer) (20 Dec 1655-22 Mar 1726/27)
Hawks, Elizabeth (10 Jan 1646/47-11 Oct 1681)
Hawks, Judith (ABT. 1721-)
Hawks, Laura (-)
Hawks, Lucy (Hanks) (ABT. 1759-)
Hawks, Mary Emiline (19 Oct 1866-29 Jun 1908)
Hawley, Agnes (Anna) (ABT. 1418-14 Oct 1462)
Hawley, Samuel (ABT. 1617-)
Haws, Alice (Howard) (ABT. 1577-)
Haws, Eleazer (ABT. 1644-)
Hay, Isabella (ABT. 1274-)
Haydon, John (ABT. 1547-)
Hayens, Jane (Haven) (ABT. 1649-)
Hayhurst, Margery (ABT. 1637-)
Haynes, Edmund (ABT. 1620-1646)
Haynes, Hannah (ABT. 1641-28 Jan 1690/91)
Haynes, Hannah (ABT. 1620-)
Haynes, Hannah (1) (ABT. 1642-)
Haynes, Mrs. Hannah (ABT. 1622-)
Haynes, Ruth (27 Apr 1646-)
Haynes, Sarah (ABT. 1642-7 Dec 1691)
Haynes, Susanna (1700-)
Hays, Elizabeth (ABT. 1766-)
Hazard, Robert (1635-1710)
Haze, Catlijn de (ABT. 1537-)
Hazeltine, Ann (ABT. 1618-26 Jul 1684)
Hazeltine, Anna (1618-26 Jul 1548)
Hazeltine, Dorcas (1 May 1686-20 May 1689)
Hazeltine, Mary (11 Dec 1671-21 Feb 1748/49)
Hazeltine, Mrs. Anna (-)
Hazelton, Abigail (13 Nov 1682-19 Mar 1720/21)
Hazelton, Anne (4 Aug 1677-)
Hazelton, David (20 Jan 1687/88-24 Apr 1690)
Hazelton, Dorcas (1 May 1689-20 May 1689)
Hazen, Isabel (1662-AFT. 1726)
Head, Elizabeth (ABT. 1672-)
Heahurst, Margery (ABT. 1637-)
Heald, William (ABT. 1697-)
Hearle, Joan (ABT. 1502-)
Hearn, Thomas (ABT. 1816-)
Hearndon, Alice (1652-)
Hearnton, Alice (ABT. 1640-)
Heath, John (1615-1661)
Heath, Margery (ABT. 1560-)
Heath, Sarah (1620-1623-23 Nov 1711)
Heckathorn, Mary (ABT. 1718-)
Heilin, Gwladus Verch (ABT. 1141-)
Heinrich, Count Ofspeyergau (ABT. 975-28 May 989)
Heinsberg, Mathilde Countess of (ABT. 1136-20 Jan 1188/89)
Heitman, Mr. (-)
Helgasson, Hrolf "Krak" (ABT. 596-)
Helgasson, Yrsa (ABT. 565-)
Helion, Richard (ABT. 1290-)
Helion, Rose (ABT. 1320-)
Heller, Rosa (ABT. 1520-)
Helton, Mahala (1 Jul 1829-)
Henault, Ida (Gertrude) de (ABT. 1175-)
Hendericks, (Sep 1834-1834)
Hendericks, Child (ABT. 1830-)
Hendericks, Edward (May 1850-)
Henderson, Robert (-)
Henderson, William Jackson (ABT. 1819-)
Hendrett, Samuel (ABT. 1699-)
Hendricks, (ABT. 1806-)
Hendricks, (ABT. 1807-)
Hendricks, Child (Sep 1834-1834)
Hendricks, Child (ABT. Aug 1834-)
Hendricks, Christopher (ABT. 1822-Aug 1899)
Hendricks, Daughter (ABT. 1802-)
Hendricks, David (12 Mar 1817-Nov 1853)
Hendricks, Edward (1789-)
Hendricks, Elijah (Nov 1828-)
Hendricks, Elizabeth (6 Nov 1808-7 Sep 1879)
Hendricks, Gaertje or (Geesje) (ABT. 1645-)
Hendricks, Joel (ABT. 1801-)
Hendricks, Joel (1836-1914)
Hendricks, John (ABT. 1799-)
Hendricks, John (24 Feb 1812-10 Mar 1839)
Hendricks, Joseph (ABT. 1795-)
Hendricks, Joseph (1818-1820)
Hendricks, Martha Ann (ABT. 1838-)
Hendricks, Mary (ABT. 1804-)
Hendricks, Mary (1823-1823)
Hendricks, Michael (23 Jul 1814-1871)
Hendricks, Miles (1841-1883)
Hendricks, Mrs. Elizabeth (ABT. 1799-)
Hendricks, Mrs. Madeline (ABT. 1795-)
Hendricks, Mrs. Martha Ann (1821-)
Hendricks, Mrs. Martha E. (ABT. 1850-)
Hendricks, Mrs. Sarah J. (-)
Hendricks, Muhlin (Melon) (1839-1840-1862-1863)
Hendricks, Rodrick C. (Roderick) (1832-1 Oct 1896)
Hendricks, Samuel (ABT. 1815-Jun 1897)
Hendricks, Samuel (ABT. 1767-)
Hendricks, Samuel (ABT. 1797-)
Hendricks, Susannah (9 Feb 1820-21 Sep 1906)
Hendricks, Theodate (1845-)
Hendricks, Tobias (ABT. 1791-)
Hendricks, William (23 Jul 1793-28 Nov 1879)
Hendricks, William (1826-1850)
Hendrickson, Allen (ABT. 1821-)
Hendrickson, Lady Beata (ABT. 1594-)
Hendrickson, Maria (ABT. 1660-)
Hendrixson, Beatea Jacobine (1592-1626-17 Dec 1693)
Heneage, Mary (ABT. 1528-)
Henestrosa, Maria de (ABT. 1336-)
Henestrosa, Maria de (1284-)
Henkyn, Joan (ABT. 1507-)
Henman, (ABT. 1658-)
Henneberg, Hermann I Count (ABT. 1228-)
Henry, (ABT. 1589-)
Henry, Ansil (-)
Henry, Merrell (ABT. 1897-)
Henry, Rebecca (28 May 1738-8 Feb 1823)
Henry, Roger (ABT. 1622-)
Hensley, John (-)
Henstock, Elizabeth (ABT. 1737-)
Herbert, Ann (ABT. 1564-)
Herbert, Anne (ABT. 1460-)
Herbert, Anne (ABT. 1549-)
Herbert, Catherine (ABT. 1527-)
Herbert, Catherine (ABT. 1466-AFT. 1 Dec 1500)
Herbert, Cecilia (ABT. 1534-27 Feb 1598/99)
Herbert, Cecilie (ABT. 1456-1499)
Herbert, Count Oftours (ABT. 926-28 Dec 993)
Herbert, Elizabeth (Ellen) (ABT. 1562-)
Herbert, Elizabeth Verch William (ABT. 1427-WFT Est. 1457-1521)
Herbert, George (ABT. 1508-1570)
Herbert, George (ABT. 1442-)
Herbert, George (ABT. 1554-)
Herbert, Isabel (ABT. 1462-)
Herbert, John (1550-1617)
Herbert, John (ABT. 1532-)
Herbert, John (ABT. 1446-)
Herbert, John (ABT. 1446-)
Herbert, Margaret (ABT. 1510-)
Herbert, Margaret (ABT. 1535-)
Herbert, Margaret (ABT. 1464-)
Herbert, Margaret (ABT. 1566-)
Herbert, Mary (ABT. 1570-)
Herbert, Mary (ABT. 1566-)
Herbert, Mathew (ABT. 1547-)
Herbert, Mathew (ABT. 1562-)
Herbert, Mathew (ABT. 1525-)
Herbert, Mathew George (ABT. 1556-)
Herbert, Maud (ABT. 1453-1485)
Herbert, Nicholas (ABT. 1552-AFT. 1587)
Herbert, Peter (1259-)
Herbert, Philip (ABT. 1444-)
Herbert, Philip (ABT. 1444-)
Herbert, Piers Fitz (ABT. 1038-)
Herbert, Reginald (ABT. 1286-)
Herbert, Richard (ABT. 1425-1469)
Herbert, Richard (ABT. 1442-12 Sep 1510)
Herbert, Richard (ABT. 1556-)
Herbert, Sisil or Cecil (ABT. 1564-)
Herbert, Sysil (ABT. 1568-)
Herbert, Thomas (ABT. 1450-)
Herbert, Thomas (ABT. 1450-)
Herbert, Thomas (ABT. 1558-)
Herbert, Thomas ap Guillem (ABT. 1372-4 Jul 1438)
Herbert, Walter (ABT. 1440-16 Sep 1507)
Herbert, William (ABT. 1452-)
Herbert, William (ABT. 1548-1610)
Herbert, William Earl of Pembroke (ABT. 1423-27 Jul 1469)
Herbert, William (ABT. 1508-)
Herbert, William Earl of Pembroke (1506-17 Mar 1569/70)
Herbert, William (1470-)
Herbert, William (ABT. 1523-)
Herbert, William (ABT. 1452-)
Herbert, William (ABT. 1455-16 Jul 1491)
Herbert, William ap Thomas (ABT. 1401-1446)
Herd, Mary (ABT. 1552-)
Hereford, Elizabeth (ABT. 1581-)
Hereford, Elizabeth (ABT. 1585-)
Hereford, Mabel (ABT. 1130-1163-1164)
Hereford, Ralph Earl of (ABT. 1026-21 Dec 1057)
Hereward, Jone (ABT. 1360-)
Heriz, William de (ABT. 1307-)
Herle, Andrew (ABT. 1356-)
Herman, Comte Desalmes (ABT. 1085-)
Heron, Agnes (1709-16 Oct 1798)
Herraudsson, Thora (ABT. 752-)
Hertford, Johanna (ABT. 1321-1365)
Hertford, Thomas (ABT. 1295-)
Herwijns, Katline Wayers or (ABT. 1500-)
Hescock, Hannah (ABT. 1722-)
Hesdin, Ernulf de (ABT. 1038-)
Hesdin, Matilda (ABT. 1057-)
Hesding, Arnolfe de (ABT. 1049-)
Hesding, Avelina de (ABT. 1095-)
Hesding, Ernulf de (ABT. 1055-)
Heselarton, Walter (ABT. 1332-)
Heweg, Miss (ABT. 1890-)
Hewes, John (ABT. 1577-1621)
Hewes, John (ABT. 1582-)
Hewett Huitt, Ephraim Huet (ABT. 1593-4 Sep 1644)
Hewett Huitt, Sarah (-)
Hewett, John (ABT. 1811-)
Hewett, Lydia (ABT. 1636-3 Mar 1711/12)
Hewett, Mary (2 Aug 1640-20 Feb 1669/70)
Hewett, Mercy (ABT. 1638-Apr 1656)
Hewett, Nathaniel (ABT. 1632-1642)
Hewett, Ruth (ABT. 1635-)
Hewett, Sarah (ABT. 1634-1642)
Hewett, Susanna (ABT. 1630-1645)
Hewitt, Mrs. Isabel (ABT. 1608-8 Mar 1660/61)
Hiatt, Nancy Jane (ABT. 1807-)
Hicks, Ephraim (ABT. 1628-WFT Est. 1654-1718)
Hicks, John (ABT. 1621-)
Hicks, John (ABT. 1623-)
Hieme, Guillaume "The Bastard" Count of (ABT. 955-BEF. 4 Jan 1038/39)
Higgins, Harriet (ABT. 1812-)
Higley, C (ABT. 1679-)
Higley, Katherine (ABT. 1679-)
Higley, Mary (ABT. 1790-)
Hildegard, Countess Offlanders (ABT. 934-10 Apr 990)
Hildyard, Katherine (ABT. 1447-)
Hill, Ann (ABT. 1628-)
Hill, Ann Ann (ABT. 1606-)
Hill, Elizabeth (ABT. 1434-)
Hill, James Allen (ABT. 1851-)
Hill, Jane (ABT. 1471-)
Hill, Jane (ABT. 1779-)
Hill, Joan (ABT. 1438-)
Hill, John (29 May 1420-)
Hill, Joseph (-)
Hill, Margaret (ABT. 1419-)
Hill, Mayfield (ABT. 1864-)
Hill, Phillip (ABT. 1602-)
Hill, Robert (ABT. 1630-1711)
Hill, Robert (Apr 1421-)
Hill, Robert (1392-)
Hill, Sarah (ABT. 1641-)
Hill, Sarah (ABT. 1618-)
Hill, Thankful (ABT. 1657-)
Hill, Thomas (21 Nov 1423-)
Hill, William (20 Oct 1422-)
Hillen, Ellen (ABT. 1484-)
Hilliard, Jonathan (ABT. 1695-)
Hills, Frances (1604-1690-1693)
Hills, Hannah (ABT. 1616-Oct 1692)
Hills, Joan (ABT. 1558-)
Hills, William (1580-Deceased)
Hills, William (-)
Hilton, Henry (1739-13 Jul 1824)
Hilton, Henry (ABT. 1713-)
Hilton, Martha (ABT. 1747-)
Hilton, Mr. (ABT. 1806-)
Hilton, Mrs. Mary (ABT. 1713-)
Hinds, Rudie (ABT. 1896-)
Hinkle, Peter R. (-)
Hinsdale, Experience (ABT. 1650-)
Hinsdale, Mehitable (Johnson) (ABT. 1646-)
Hinsdale, Mrs. Elizabeth (1621-)
Hinsdale, Robert (ABT. 1619-)
Hiobe, Phebe (ABT. 1670-)
Hiobe, Phoebe (1668-1690-)
Hirtenfels, Elizabeth (ABT. 1498-)
Hitchcock, Elizabeth (ABT. 1584-)
Hitchcock, Hannah (1645-)
Hitchcock, Sarah (ABT. 1696-)
Hlodversson, Sigurd II (ABT. 960-1014)
Hoadley, Abraham (ABT. 1672-14 Jul 1748)
Hoadley, Elizabeth (15 Jun 1668-BEF. 1709)
Hoadley, Hannah (8 Nov 1670-15 Jan 1724/25)
Hoadley, John (ABT. 1664-1 Nov 1725)
Hoadley, John (ABT. 1672-)
Hoadley, John (ABT. 1604-)
Hoadley, Martha (ABT. 1730-)
Hoadley, Mary (1663-1666-ABT. May 1737)
Hoadley, Mary (ABT. 1674-)
Hoadley, Mrs. John (ABT. 1608-)
Hoadley, Mrs. Mary (ABT. 1634-12 May 1703)
Hoadley, Samuel (ABT. 1662-8 Feb 1713/14)
Hoadley, Samuel (ABT. 1680-)
Hoadley, William (ABT. 1630-Dec 1709)
Hoadley, William (ABT. 1653-30 May 1738)
Hoadley, William (ABT. 1678-)
Hoar, Elijah (ABT. 1781-)
Hoar, William (ABT. 1779-)
Hobart, Daniel (ABT. 1612-)
Hobbs, Anna (-)
Hobbs, David C. C. Jr. (ABT. 1913-)
Hobbs, David Creed Clark (30 Oct 1877-9 Jun 1956)
Hobbs, Eloise (-)
Hobbs, Emily (ABT. 1901-)
Hobbs, Eugenia (22 Nov 1868-16 Dec 1933)
Hobbs, Evelyn (ABT. 1918-)
Hobbs, Germa (ABT. 1899-)
Hobbs, Jessie Marie (1914-)
Hobbs, Joshua E. (-BEF. 1956)
Hobbs, Lucile (ABT. 1922-)
Hobbs, Perda (ABT. 1907-)
Hobbs, Vincent Crabtree (ABT. 1915-)
Hobrugg, Joan de (ABT. 1215-ABT. 7 Sep 1297)
Hobson, Alice (ABT. 1585-)
Hodgkenson, William (ABT. 1840-)
Hodgkinson, William (ABT. 1852-)
Hody or Huddye, Agnes (ABT. 1474-)
Hody, William or John (ABT. 1448-)
Hoedlyw, Genilles Verch (ABT. 1077-)
Hoersch, Herman (ABT. 1890-)
Hoff, Pieter (ABT. 1683-)
Hogan, Maud (-)
Hohenstaufen, Konstanze von (1233-1234-Apr 1307)
Hohenstauffen, Frederick I von (ABT. 1050-20 Jan 1104/05)
Holand, Constance de (ABT. 1387-14 Nov 1437)
Holand, Edmund de (ABT. 1372-)
Holand, Joan de (1380-12 Apr 1434)
Holand, Margaret (-)
Holand, Margaret de (1385-30 Dec 1439)
Holand, Thomas de (1354-25 Apr 1397)
Holden, Barbara (ABT. 1662-)
Holden, Frances (ABT. 1651-)
Holden, Margaret (ABT. 1661-)
Holgilt, Thomas (ABT. 1335-)
Holland, Ada Countess of (ABT. 1163-AFT. 1205)
Holland, Ada Countess of (ABT. 1202-15 Jun 1258)
Holland, Adela or Christina (ABT. 1061-1085)
Holland, Agnes Countess of (ABT. 1181-22 Apr 1228)
Holland, Agnes Countess of (ABT. 1320-AFT. 24 Nov 1327)
Holland, Albrecht Count of (ABT. 1051-)
Holland, Aleid Countess of (ABT. 1188-)
Holland, Aleida Countess of (ABT. 1226-BEF. 9 Apr 1284)
Holland, Arnulf Count of (ABT. 935-18 Sep 993)
Holland, Beatrix Countess of (ABT. 1175-)
Holland, Bertha Countess of (ABT. 1054-1093-1094)
Holland, Bertrade Countess of (ABT. 1021-1056)
Holland, Bishop Boudewijn Count (ABT. 1145-30 Apr 1196)
Holland, Boudewijn Count van (ABT. 1171-19 Jul 1204)
Holland, Dirk (Dietrich) III (ABT. 985-27 May 1039)
Holland, Dirk IV Count (ABT. 1015-13 Jan 1048/49)
Holland, Dirk or Pelgrim (1139-1151)
Holland, Dirk V Count (ABT. 1052-17 Jun 1091)
Holland, Dirk VI Count (ABT. 1114-5 Aug 1157)
Holland, Dirk VII Count (ABT. 1165-4 Nov 1203)
Holland, Egbert Count of (ABT. 937-9 Dec 993)
Holland, Eleanor (Alianore) de (1392-23 Oct 1405)
Holland, Elisabeth Countess of (ABT. 1177-27 Aug)
Holland, Elisabeth or Isabella (ABT. 1323-30 Jan 1360/61)
Holland, Elizabeth (1394-)
Holland, Erlinda Countess of (ABT. 939-)
Holland, Florence Count of (ABT. 1144-)
Holland, Floris "de Zwarte" (ABT. 1115-26 Oct 1132)
Holland, Floris (Florence) III Count of (ABT. 1141-1 Aug 1190)
Holland, Floris Count of (ABT. 1169-30 Nov 1210)
Holland, Floris Count of (ABT. 1228-24 Mar 1257/58)
Holland, Floris Count of (ABT. 1055-)
Holland, Floris I Count (ABT. 1017-28 Jun 1061)
Holland, Floris II "de Vette" (ABT. 1085-2 Mar 1120/21)
Holland, Floris IV Count (24 Jun 1210-19 Jul 1234)
Holland, Geertruid Countess of (ABT. 1155-10 Aug)
Holland, Hadewig Countess of (ABT. 1117-13 Jan 1131/32)
Holland, Hedwig Countess of (ABT. 1151-28 Aug 1167)
Holland, Hedwig Countess of (ABT. 1179-13 Jan)
Holland, Jan Count of (ABT. 1313-1316)
Holland, Jan I Count (ABT. 1280-)
Holland, Johanna Countess of (ABT. 1315-1374)
Holland, John of Exeter (29 Mar 1395-5 Aug 1447)
Holland, Louis Count of (ABT. 1325-1328)
Holland, MacHteld Countess of (ABT. 1232-)
Holland, MacHteld Countess of (ABT. 1057-)
Holland, Margaret (ABT. 1313-)
Holland, Margaret (ABT. 1299-)
Holland, Margaretha Countess of (ABT. 1230-26 Mar 1277)
Holland, Margaretha Countess of (1311-23 Jun 1356)
Holland, Margaretha Countess of (ABT. 1164-3 Nov 1203)
Holland, Miss Countess of (ABT. 1087-)
Holland, Otto Count of (ABT. 1208-3 Apr 1249)
Holland, Peter Count of (ABT. 1053-)
Holland, Petronella Countess of (ABT. 1157-4 Dec)
Holland, Richardis Countess of (ABT. 1203-3 Jan 1261/62)
Holland, Robbrecht Count of (ABT. 1149-BEF. 1190)
Holland, Robert de (ABT. 1222-)
Holland, Robrecht Count of (ABT. 1173-)
Holland, Samuel (ABT. 1772-)
Holland, Sibylla Countess of (1310-)
Holland, Simon Count of (ABT. 1116-7 Nov)
Holland, Sophia Countess of (ABT. 1151-AFT. 1212)
Holland, Swanhilde Countess of (ABT. 1023-1079)
Holland, Tgard Countess of (ABT. 1019-1038)
Holland, Willem Count of (ABT. 1188-)
Holland, Willem Count of (ABT. 1206-30 Aug 1238)
Holland, Willem I Count (ABT. 1167-4 Feb 1221/22)
Holland, Willem II Count (1227-28 Jan 1255/56)
Holland, Willem IV Count (ABT. 1317-26 Sep 1345)
Holliday, Daniel (-)
Holliday, Hester (1732-1734-)
Holliday, John (-1820)
Hollingsworth, Elizabeth (16 Jun 1641-10 Jan 1705/06)
Hollister, Elizabeth (ABT. 1662-)
Hollister, John (ABT. 1616-)
Hollister, John (1608-1665)
Hollow, Isabel (1616-1618-5 Nov 1696)
Hollow, Robert (ABT. 1580-)
Holloway, Joseph (ABT. 1608-)
Holly, Barnabas (-)
Holmes (Hulme), Alice Mrs (1557-7 Sep 1610)
Holmes (Hulme), Mrs. Alice (ABT. 1585-)
Holmes (Hulme), Robert (18 Aug 1578-24 Nov 1649)
Holmes, Hopestill (1648-)
Holmes, Hulme (1584-)
Holmes Hulme, Robert (ABT. 1553-AFT. 14 Jan 1604/05)
Holmes, Jane (1582-)
Holmes, Joan Hulme or (-)
Holmes, John (1631-27 Jun 1633)
Holmes, John (1649-2 Oct 1712)
Holmes, John Hulme or (-)
Holmes, Jonathan (1641-Oct 1713)
Holmes, Joseph (ABT. 1646-)
Holmes, Joseph Hulme or (ABT. 1625-)
Holmes, Joseph Hulme or (1623-)
Holmes, Lydia (1637-1663)
Holmes, Martha Hullme (13 May 1640-1682)
Holmes, Mary (ABT. 1831-)
Holmes, Mary (1632-1638-AFT. 1690)
Holmes, Nathaniel Hulme or (12 Jul 1618-)
Holmes, Obadiah (9 Jun 1644-1728)
Holmes, Obadiah Hullme (ABT. 1609-15 Oct 1682)
Holmes, Robert Hulme or (25 Mar 1621-)
Holmes, Samuel (1642-29 May 1679)
Holmes, Samuel Hulme or (23 Feb 1616/17-17 May 1636)
Holmes, Sarah (ABT. 1669-10 Dec 1761)
Holmes, William (ABT. 1738-)
Holt, Agneta (ABT. 1280-)
Holt, Christian (ABT. 1433-)
Holt, John (ABT. 1327-)
Holt, Katherine (1354-)
Holt, Richard (ABT. 1389-)
Holt, Walter (ABT. 1352-)
Holtom, Agnes de (1319-1341-)
Holtom, John de (ABT. 1293-)
Holton, Jean (ABT. 1517-)
Holton, Mary (ABT. 1642-)
Holton, Mary (ABT. 1640-)
Holton, Rachel (ABT. 1635-)
Holway, Margaret (ABT. 1354-)
Holway, Robert (ABT. 1328-)
Holwey, Ann (ABT. 1301-)
Holy Roman Emperor, Henry III (ABT. 1016-)
Holy Roman Empir, Beatrix Empress of (ABT. 1122-15 Nov 1184)
Holy Roman Empir, Frederick II Emperor (26 Dec 1194-13 Dec 1250)
Holy Roman Empir, Friedrich I "Barbarossa" (1122-10 Jun 1190)
Holy Roman Empir, Heinrich III Emperor King of Germ. (28 Oct 1017-5 Oct 1056)
Holy Roman Empir, Konrad II Emperor (ABT. 997-)
Holy Roman Empir, Ludwig IV Emperor (ABT. 1309-)
Holy Roman Empire, Margaretha Princess of (ABT. 1195-)
Holy Roman Empire, Otto I (ABT. 896-)
Holyoke, Elizier (Elizur) (Elezie) (ABT. 1611-)
Homes, Christopher (ABT. 1532-)
Hoo, Joan (ABT. 1357-)
Hoogland, Dirk Cornelise (ABT. 1646-)
Hoogstraten, Jan Beatrijs van (ABT. 1498-)
Hoover, Margaret (ABT. 1796-)
Hopestill, (ABT. 1683-)
Hopkins, (Lieut.) Hopkins (ABT. 1663-4 Nov 1732)
Hopkins, Alice (ABT. 1684-Apr 1618)
Hopkins, Bethia (1605-1610-ABT. 1680)
Hopkins, Bethia (1635-1641-1698)
Hopkins, Constance (ABT. 1606-25 Oct 1677)
Hopkins, David (ABT. 1710-)
Hopkins, Dorcas (ABT. 1660-1695)
Hopkins, Dorcas (ABT. 1671-1694)
Hopkins, Ebenezer (Jul 1668-1711)
Hopkins, Giles (1607-1690)
Hopkins, Giles (ABT. 1608-ABT. 15 Mar 1688/89)
Hopkins, Hannah (11 Aug 1659-Nov 1745)
Hopkins, John (ABT. 1663-4 Nov 1732)
Hopkins, John (1614-BEF. 14 Apr 1654)
Hopkins, Joseph (1669-1671-3 Nov 1712)
Hopkins, Mary (1623-1670)
Hopkins, Mary (1670-14 Sep 1743)
Hopkins, Mary (1637-30 Sep 1690)
Hopkins, Mrs. Elizabeth (ABT. 1615-)
Hopkins, Mrs. Katherine (ABT. 1563-)
Hopkins, Mrs. Sarah (-)
Hopkins, Oceanus (1620-1627)
Hopkins, Sarah (ABT. 1816-)
Hopkins, Stephen (Sep 1634-Oct 1689)
Hopkins, Stephen (1609-)
Hopkins, Stephen (1585-1644)
Hopkins, Stephen (1665-11 Oct 1703)
Hopkins, Thomas (ABT. 1559-)
Hopkins, Webster (ABT. 1675-)
Hopkins, William (-)
Hopkins, William (ABT. 1620-)
Hopkins, William (ABT. 1637-)
Hopkins, William (ABT. 1621-)
Hopkinson, (ABT. 1533-)
Hopkinson, Ann (ABT. 1614-)
Hopkinson, Susannah (ABT. 1665-)
Hopton, Elizabeth (ABT. 1422-)
Hopton, Margaret (ABT. 1608-)
Horne, Mary (ABT. 1523-17 Feb 1587/88)
Horseman, Anne (1636-)
Horseman, Anthony (ABT. 1610-)
Horton, Margaret (ABT. 1461-)
Horton, Thomas (ABT. 1435-)
Horton, Unknown (ABT. 1439-)
Hoskins, Anthony (ABT. 1636-)
Hoskins, Robert (ABT. 1636-)
Hostaden, Lotharius Count of (ABT. 1188-)
Hotchkiss, Sarah (ABT. 1641-)
Hotham, John de (ABT. 1308-)
Hough\huff, Ersula (1770-1850)
Houlton, Helen (ABT. 1478-)
Houlton, Mrs. Helen (ABT. 1478-)
Hovell, Lydia (ABT. 1588-)
Hovell Smith, Joan (ABT. 1515-)
How, Elizabeth (ABT. 1643-)
How, Nathaniel (ABT. 1629-)
Howard (Hayward), Robert (ABT. 1613-)
Howard, Anne (ABT. 1550-)
Howard, Catherine (ABT. 1469-)
Howard, Catherine (ABT. 1414-AFT. 29 Jun 1478)
Howard, Effie (6 Nov 1878-13 Nov 1963)
Howard, Elizabeth (30 Sep 1821-8 Oct 1886)
Howard, Henry (ABT. 1623-)
Howard, Robert (ABT. 1385-)
Howard, Thomas (1443-21 May 1524)
Howard, Thomas (1473-25 Aug 1554)
Howard, William (ABT. 1513-)
Howe, Nathaniel (ABT. 1641-)
Howel, Gwenlian Verch (ABT. 1340-)
Howel, Gwenllian ap (ABT. 1373-)
Howel, Howel "Vacham" ap (ABT. 1314-)
Howel, Marged Verch (ABT. 1329-)
Howel, Meuric ap (ABT. 1362-)
Howell, Georgeann (4 Apr 1880-8 Mar 1943)
Howell, Richard L. (-)
Howes, Benjamin (27 Nov 1654-)
Howes, Elizabeth (ABT. 1643-)
Howes, Hannah (6 Jun 1641-)
Howes, Jeremiah (ABT. 1638-5 Jan 1705/06)
Howes, John (-)
Howes, Joseph (1634-19 Jan 1694/95)
Howes, Mary (ABT. 1602-)
Howes, Phoebe (1622-28 Feb 1678/79)
Howes, Thomas (1630-1640-20 Nov 1676)
Howes, Thomas (1 Jan 1600/01-26 Sep 1665)
Howes, Thomas (1636-)
Howfield, Mr (ABT. 1494-)
Howkins, Anthony (ABT. 1617-)
Howland, Abigail (1629-7 Apr 1692)
Howland, Abigail (1630-)
Howland, Abigail (30 Jun 1672-)
Howland, Anne (Mary) (ABT. 1598-)
Howland, Arthur (1590-1593-30 Nov 1675)
Howland, Benjamin (23 May 1703-)
Howland, Benjamin (8 Mar 1658/59-12 Feb 1726/27)
Howland, Daniel (May 1661-1714)
Howland, Daniel (29 May 1691-4 Jul 1752)
Howland, Deborah (ABT. 1651-WFT Est. 1652-1745)
Howland, Desire (1625-1626-13 Oct 1683)
Howland, Elizabeth (1656-)
Howland, Elizabeth (1634-26 Jan 1682/83)
Howland, George (ABT. 1608-10 Feb 1643/44)
Howland, George (ABT. 1598-10 Feb 1642/43)
Howland, Hannah (ABT. 1604-)
Howland, Hannah (1640-1687)
Howland, Henry (1604-17 Jan 1670/71)
Howland, Henry (ABT. 1651-)
Howland, Henry (30 Jun 1672-3 Jun 1718)
Howland, Henry (ABT. 1564-17 May 1635)
Howland, Henry (1624-WFT Est. 1625-1714)
Howland, Hope (20 Aug 1629-8 Jan 1683/84)
Howland, Humphrey (ABT. 1596-10 Jul 1646)
Howland, Isaac (7 Apr 1698-)
Howland, Isaac (15 Nov 1649-9 Mar 1723/24)
Howland, Jabez (1644-7 Apr 1708)
Howland, John (ABT. 1540-)
Howland, John (1633-1638-1687)
Howland, John (29 Jul 1696-5 Jan 1754)
Howland, John (24 Feb 1626/27-6 May 1693)
Howland, John (1592-1593-23 Feb 1671/72)
Howland, Joseph (24 Nov 1708-)
Howland, Joseph (1639-15 Jun 1692)
Howland, Joseph (ABT. 1637-1 Jan 1703/04)
Howland, Lydia (Feb 1634/35-11 Jan 1709/10)
Howland, Lydia (23 Sep 1663-)
Howland, Margaret (7 Jan 1709/10-)
Howland, Margaret (ABT. 1595-)
Howland, Margaret (1602-)
Howland, Mary (14 May 1694-)
Howland, Mary (10 Jan 1709/10-)
Howland, Mary (ABT. 1646-17 Jun 1674)
Howland, Mary (23 Dec 1665-29 Jan 1741/42)
Howland, Mercy (23 Dec 1699-)
Howland, Mrs. Ann (-)
Howland, Mrs. Anne (ABT. 1602-)
Howland, Mrs. Mary (-)
Howland, Mrs. Mary (-)
Howland, Nathaniel (5 Aug 1657-3 Mar 1722/23)
Howland, Nicholas (ABT. 1639-)
Howland, Nicholas (ABT. 1674-)
Howland, Nickolas (ABT. 1674-1722)
Howland, Ruth (16 Sep 1637-23 Aug 1726)
Howland, Samuel (1640-1716)
Howland, Samuel (1634-1776)
Howland, Sarah (Feb 1667/68-)
Howland, Sarah (1645-2 Oct 1712)
Howland, Simon (1605-1634)
Howland, Thomas (7 Jun 1701-)
Howland, Thomas (30 Dec 1689-)
Howland, William (19 May 1705-)
Howland, William (1610-1611-BEF. 1646)
Howland, Zeoth (1635-1636-21 Jan 1675/76)
Hoye, Thomas (ABT. 1603-)
Hoyt, Amanda Jeanette (ABT. 1846-)
Hoyt, David (ABT. 1653-)
Hoyt, David (ABT. 1655-)
Hoyt, Mary (ABT. 1679-)
Hoyt, Sarah (ABT. 1613-)
Hroarsson, Agner (ABT. 549-)
Hroarsson, Mrs-Valdar (ABT. 549-)
Hroarsson, Valdar (ABT. 547-)
Hrolfsson, Drifa (ABT. 628-)
Hrolfsson, Skur (ABT. 626-)
Hubbard, Daniel (ABT. 1698-)
Hubbard de Baido, Agnes (ABT. 1453-)
Hubbard, Deborah Burdick (ABT. 1663-)
Hubbard, Esther (ABT. 1670-)
Hubbard, Isaac (ABT. 1702-)
Hubbard, Mr. (ABT. 1730-)
Hubbard, Olive (ABT. 1497-Oct 1560)
Hubbard, Samuel (ABT. 1667-)
Hubbard, Samuel (ABT. 1466-)
Huchle, Richard (ABT. 1533-)
Huckins, Elizabeth (ABT. 1846-)
Huckle, Richard (1535-)
Huddesfield, William (ABT. 1436-)
Huddlestone, John (ABT. 1491-)
Hudson, (ABT. 1651-)
Hudson, Captain (ABT. 1604-)
Hudson, Thomas (ABT. 1672-)
Hues, Richard (ABT. 1673-)
Huet, Mercy (ABT. 1642-Apr 1656)
Huff, William Thomas "Bud" (-)
Huffaker, Christopher (11 Dec 1769-11 May 1845)
Huffaker, Sarah Catherine (15 Jan 1775-)
Hugh, Hugh (ABT. 1166-)
Hugh, William (ABT. 1168-)
Hughes, Ann Melsom (28 Jun 1825-5 Nov 1887)
Hughes, Benjiman (1791-11 Feb 1804)
Hughes, David (21 Dec 1817-21 Dec 1817)
Hughes, David (1757-1759-15 Jul 1796)
Hughes, David (1799-21 Dec 1817)
Hughes, Fayette Dudley (4 Nov 1866-22 Nov 1868)
Hughes, Henry (1 Oct 1820-ABT. Jan 1833)
Hughes, James (1797-1818)
Hughes, James (1823-ABT. Dec 1832)
Hughes, John (10 Feb 1795-16 Jul 1853)
Hughes, John Melsome (1822-28 Mar 1881)
Hughes, Joseph (1828-1844)
Hughes, Sarah Melsom (1 Oct 1818-14 Jul 1857)
Hughes, Sophia (1793-)
Hughes, Thomas (1826-ABT. Jan 1833)
Hughes, Watkin (ABT. 1508-)
Hughes, William P. (7 Jan 1841-)
Hugleville, Ada de (ABT. 1030-)
Hugues, Count Dasboury III (ABT. 970-)
Hulcock, Anne (1537-)
Hulcock, William (ABT. 1550-)
Hulet, Jane (ABT. 1647-)
Hulet, Sarah Ann (30 Sep 1852-8 Mar 1944)
Huling, Henry (ABT. 1540-12 May 1609)
Huling, Mrs. Joane (ABT. 1544-ABT. 2 Oct 1613)
Hulings (Hulins), Henry (ABT. 1591-)
Hulings (Hulins), Joane (ABT. 1597-)
Hulings (Hulins), John (ABT. 1599-)
Hulings (Hulins), John (1565-)
Hulings, Alice (ABT. 1567-)
Hulings, Elizabeth (ABT. 1573-)
Hulings, William (ABT. 1571-)
Hulins (Hulinges, Margaret (ABT. 1595-28 Aug 1684)
Hulins, Agnes (Anne) (ABT. 1580-)
Hulins, Alice (1594-)
Hulins, Alice (ABT. 1573-)
Hulins, Francis (ABT. 1566-)
Hulins, Henry (ABT. 1574-)
Hulins, John (ABT. 1593-)
Hulins, Lawrence (1591-)
Hulins, Mary (ABT. 1601-)
Hulins, Thomas (ABT. 1567-)
Hull, Ann (ABT. 1650-)
Hull, Josiah (Hall) (Nov 1616-16 Nov 1675)
Hulme, George (ABT. 1514-1658)
Hulme, Jane (ABT. 1582-)
Hulme, John (ABT. 1580-)
Hulme, Miss (ABT. 1584-)
Hulme, Robert (ABT. 1582-)
Humphry (Heath), Margery (Marjorie) (ABT. 1590-)
Hungary, Adelaida Princess of (ABT. 1105-15 Sep 1140)
Hungary, Adelaida Princess of (ABT. 1038-27 Jan 1061/62)
Hungary, Almos (-)
Hungary, Almos (Vak Almos) Prince of (ABT. 1075-1129)
Hungary, Almos Prince of (1134-1141)
Hungary, Andras (Masodik Endre) II King (1176-21 Sep 1235)
Hungary, Andras I King (1001-AFT. 6 Jul 1060)
Hungary, Andras Prince of (ABT. 1210-ABT. 12 Jun 1245)
Hungary, Andras Prince of (1268-1277)
Hungary, Anna Princess of (ABT. 1259-1281)
Hungary, Anna Princess of (ABT. 1227-1274)
Hungary, Arpad Prince of (ABT. 1154-)
Hungary, Bela (Harmadik Bela) III King of (ABT. 1148-23 Apr 1196)
Hungary, Bela II "The Blind" (Mesodik Tak) (1108-13 Feb 1140/41)
Hungary, Bela IV King (Nov 1206-3 May 1270)
Hungary, Bela Prince of (1243-1269)
Hungary, David Prince of (ABT. 1054-AFT. 1093)
Hungary, Erszebet Princess of (ABT. 1149-AFT. 12 Jan 1188/89)
Hungary, Erzsebet Princess of (ABT. 1128-3 Oct 1155)
Hungary, Erzsebet Princess of (ABT. 1261-1290)
Hungary, Erzsebet Princess of (ABT. 1236-25 Oct 1271)
Hungary, Erzsebet Princess of (1207-19 Nov 1231)
Hungary, Gertrud Princess of (ABT. 1140-1156)
Hungary, Geza II King (1130-31 May 1161)
Hungary, Geza Prince of (ABT. 1152-ABT. 1210)
Hungary, Hedvig Princess of (AFT. 1108-9 Nov 1137)
Hungary, Ilona (Jolan) Princess (ABT. 1238-6 Mar 1297/98)
Hungary, Ilona Princess of (ABT. 1158-25 Dec 1199)
Hungary, Imre King of (1174-Sep 1204)
Hungary, Istvan III King (1147-4 Mar 1171/72)
Hungary, Istvan IV King (ABT. 1133-11 Apr 1164)
Hungary, Istvan Prince of (ABT. 1184-ABT. 1210)
Hungary, Istvan V King (ABT. 1240-1 Aug 1272)
Hungary, Jolan Princess of (1219-9 Oct 1251)
Hungary, Kalman Prince of (ABT. 1274-ABT. 1272)
Hungary, Kalman Prince of (1208-AFT. 11 Apr 1241)
Hungary, Karoly I Martel (Sep 1271-12 Aug 1295)
Hungary, Katalin Princess of (ABT. 1257-1317)
Hungary, Katalin Princess of (ABT. 1229-1242)
Hungary, Klemencia Princess of (ABT. 1291-)
Hungary, Konstancia Princess of (1237-)
Hungary, Konstancia Princess of (1180-4 Dec 1240)
Hungary, Kunignuda Princess of (1224-24 Jul 1292)
Hungary, Ladislas IV King (ABT. 1259-)
Hungary, Lanka Princess of (ABT. 1047-BEF. 1095)
Hungary, Laszlo II King (ABT. 1132-14 Jan 1161/62)
Hungary, Laszlo III King (1199-7 May 1205)
Hungary, Laszlo IV King (1262-10 Jul 1290)
Hungary, Margaret (ABT. 1157-)
Hungary, Margit Princess of (1242-18 Jan 1270/71)
Hungary, Margit Princess of (ABT. 1160-)
Hungary, Margit Princess of (1175-)
Hungary, Margit Princess of (ABT. 1226-1242)
Hungary, Maria Princess of (ABT. 1258-25 Mar 1323)
Hungary, Maria Princess of (ABT. 1204-1237)
Hungary, Miss Princess of (ABT. 1182-)
Hungary, Miss Princess of (ABT. 1188-)
Hungary, Miss Princess of (ABT. 1082-BEF. 1106)
Hungary, Mozes Palatine of (ABT. 1243-)
Hungary, Mr. Prince of (ABT. 1178-)
Hungary, Odola Princess of (ABT. 1156-)
Hungary, of (ABT. 1270-)
Hungary, Piroska (Iren) Princess (1088-13 Aug 1134)
Hungary, Salamon King of (1052-1087)
Hungary, Salamon Prince of (ABT. 1272-ABT. 1272)
Hungary, Salamon Prince of (ABT. 1183-ABT. 1210)
Hungary, Szabina Princess of (ABT. 1245-)
Hungary, Zsofia Princess of (ABT. 1137-)
Hungerford, Edmund (ABT. 1409-26 Mar 1484)
Hungerford, Elizabeth (ABT. 1405-14 Dec 1476)
Hungerford, Joan (ABT. 1411-)
Hungerford, John (ABT. 1546-)
Hungerford, Margaret (Mary) (ABT. 1413-)
Hungerford, Robert (1409-18 May 1459)
Hungerford, Susannah (ABT. 1663-)
Hungerford, Susannah (ABT. 1665-)
Hungerford, Thomas (ABT. 1434-)
Hungerford, Thomas (ABT. 1330-3 Dec 1397)
Hungerford, Thomas (ABT. 1404-)
Hungerford, Walter (22 Jun 1378-9 Aug 1449)
Hungerford, Walter (ABT. 1407-18 Feb 1431/32)
Hungerford, William (ABT. 1417-)
Hungersford, Susannah (ABT. 1665-)
Hunt, Ann (ABT. 1637-29 Dec 1714)
Hunt, Deborah (1582-)
Hunt, Elizabeth (1592-1640)
Hunt, Enos (ABT. 1605-Oct 1677)
Hunt, Hannah (ABT. 1698-)
Hunt, Hannah (ABT. 1664-)
Hunt, Jeremiah (ABT. 1680-)
Hunt, John (ABT. 1627-)
Hunt, John (ABT. 1616-1659)
Hunt, Jonathan (ABT. 1634-)
Hunt, Maria (ABT. 1517-)
Hunt, Mary (ABT. 1696-)
Hunt, Mary (ABT. 1631-1697)
Hunt, Mary (-)
Hunt, Mary (ABT. 1656-1 Dec 1702)
Hunt, Mrs. Rebecca (ABT. 1552-)
Hunt, Phoebe (ABT. 1741-)
Hunt, Samuel (ABT. 1552-)
Hunt, Samuel (ABT. 1677-)
Hunt, Susannah (ABT. 1637-)
Hunt, Thomas (ABT. 1611-)
Hunt, Thomas (ABT. 1491-)
Hunt, Unknown Mrs (ABT. 1609-)
Hunt, William (1678-)
Hunt?, Alice (1543-AFT. 5 Jul 1615)
Hunte, Mr (ABT. 1522-)
Hunter, (ABT. 1532-)
Hunter, Mr (ABT. 1532-)
Hunter, Mr. (ABT. 1532-)
Huntingdon, Ada (ABT. 1170-)
Huntingdon, Alice (Adeliza) (ABT. 1085-AFT. 1126)
Huntingdon, Concubine 1 (ABT. 1146-)
Huntingdon, David Earl of (1144-17 Jun 1219)
Huntingdon, Henry (ABT. 1193-)
Huntingdon, Henry (ABT. 1170-)
Huntingdon, Henry de (1114-12 Jun 1152)
Huntingdon, Margaret de of (1154-1201)
Huntingdon, Margaret Princess of (ABT. 1172-AFT. 6 Jan 1232/33)
Huntingdon, Margaret Princess of (ABT. 1172-AFT. 6 Jan 1232/33)
Huntingdon, Robert (ABT. 1191-)
Huntingfield, Joan de (ABT. 1289-)
Huntingfield, Mrs-Roger de (ABT. 1197-)
Huntingfield, Roger de (ABT. 1195-ABT. 10 Jul 1257)
Huntingfield, Roger de (ABT. 1250-5 Dec 1302)
Huntingfield, William de (24 Aug 1237-AFT. 28 Jun 1283)
Huntington, Matilda (Maud) (ABT. 1072-23 Apr 1130)
Huntington, Waltheof II Earl (ABT. 1046-31 May 1076)
Huntley, Mary (ABT. 1686-)
Huntsman, Isaiah (ABT. 1844-)
Huntsman, Katherine Catherine (ABT. 1829-)
Huntsman, William (ABT. 1830-)
Hurd, Anne (ABT. 1602-WFT Est. 1632-1696)
Hurlbert, Cornelius (ABT. 1676-)
Hurlbut, Eleanor (ABT. 1713-)
Hurlbut, John (ABT. 1646-)
Hurlbut, Mary (ABT. 1653-)
Hurne, Alice de La (ABT. 1244-BEF. 1280)
Hurne, John de La (ABT. 1214-)
Hurst, Agnes (-)
Hurst, Henry (-26 Jul 1608)
Hurst, Joan (1567-1621)
Hurst, Joan (1563-Child)
Hurst, John (ABT. 1559-31 Oct 1565)
Hurst, Margaret (ABT. 1506-)
Hurst, Mary (ABT. 1595-)
Hurst, Mr. (ABT. 1504-)
Hurst, Mrs. Agnes (ABT. 1506-)
Hurst, Mrs. Rose (1534-23 Jul 1601)
Hurst, William (1530-17 Dec 1569)
Hurtburn, William de (ABT. 1180-)
Huskingson, Agnes (ABT. 1549-)
Hussey, Elizabeth (ABT. 1381-)
Hussey, Henry (ABT. 1303-)
Hussey, Joan (ABT. 1332-)
Hussey, Thomas (ABT. 1494-)
Hutchingson, Ann (ABT. 1776-)
Hutchins, Elizabeth (ABT. 1579-)
Hutchins, James Lee (ABT. 1875-16 Apr 1928)
Hutchinson, Alice (14 Jun 1565-)
Hutchinson, Alice (1516-)
Hutchinson, Amy (29 Aug 1791-26 Jan 1813)
Hutchinson, Anna (-)
Hutchinson, Anne (5 May 1626-Sep 1643)
Hutchinson, Anne (12 Jun 1603-)
Hutchinson, Arthur (14 Jun 1565-)
Hutchinson, Bridget (15 Jan 1617/18-1698)
Hutchinson, Child (Apr 1638-)
Hutchinson, Christopher (1508-Jun 1556)
Hutchinson, Daniel (4 Dec 1748-9 Mar 1820)
Hutchinson, Daniel (20 Jan 1797-22 Jan 1844)
Hutchinson, Edward (1555-14 Feb 1631/32)
Hutchinson, Edward (28 May 1613-19 Aug 1675)
Hutchinson, Edward (20 Dec 1607-)
Hutchinson, Elizabeth (15 Feb 1620/21-Oct 1630)
Hutchinson, Elizabeth (ABT. 1787-)
Hutchinson, Esther or Hester (22 Jul 1593-Dec 1669)
Hutchinson, Faith (14 Aug 1617-)
Hutchinson, Francis (24 Dec 1620-Sep 1643)
Hutchinson, Jane (14 Jun 1565-)
Hutchinson, Jesse (ABT. 1799-)
Hutchinson, John (ABT. 1662-)
Hutchinson, John (14 Jun 1565-)
Hutchinson, John (12 Jun 1785-BEF. 12 Oct 1853)
Hutchinson, John (18 May 1595-20 Jun 1644)
Hutchinson, John (1514-24 May 1565)
Hutchinson, Johnathan (30 Oct 1776-20 Dec 1850)
Hutchinson, Jonathon (1717-1722-22 Jan 1777)
Hutchinson, Katherine (Katherena) (7 Feb 1628/29-Sep 1643)
Hutchinson, Marcy (Mercia) (ABT. 1793-)
Hutchinson, Maria (22 Dec 1605-)
Hutchinson, Mary (1557-)
Hutchinson, Mary (14 Jun 1565-)
Hutchinson, Mary (Maria) (1627-1628-1643)
Hutchinson, Mary or Marcia (10 May 1782-)
Hutchinson, Mrs. Ann (ABT. 1482-)
Hutchinson, Mrs. Ann (-)
Hutchinson, Mrs. Dorothy (-)
Hutchinson, Mrs. Mary (-)
Hutchinson, Mrs. Mary (ABT. 1599-)
Hutchinson, Mrs. Sarah (-)
Hutchinson, Mrs. Sarah (-)
Hutchinson, Mrs. Susan or Susanna (-)
Hutchinson, Mrs. Susan Susanna Sarah (ABT. 1564-ABT. 1646)
Hutchinson, Richard (3 Jan 1597/98-)
Hutchinson, Richard (8 Dec 1615-)
Hutchinson, Robert (ABT. 1697-)
Hutchinson, Samuel (1 Nov 1590-14 Jul 1667)
Hutchinson, Samuel (ABT. 1666-17 Apr 1757)
Hutchinson, Samuel (17 Dec 1624-Sep 1643)
Hutchinson, Susanna (9 Aug 1601-)
Hutchinson, Susanna (25 Nov 1599-5 Aug 1601)
Hutchinson, Susanna (4 Sep 1614-Sep 1630)
Hutchinson, Theophilus (8 Sep 1588-)
Hutchinson, Thomas (1510-)
Hutchinson, Thomas (14 Jun 1565-)
Hutchinson, William (ABT. 1750-)
Hutchinson, William (14 Aug 1586-1642)
Hutchinson, William (1512-)
Hutchinson, William (1480-)
Hutchinson, William (14 Jun 1565-)
Hutchinson, William (28 Sep 1631-Sep 1643)
Hutchinson, William (22 Jun 1623-)
Hutchinson, Zuriel (13 Mar 1635/36-)
Hutchinson, Zuriel (Zuryall) (-)
Hutton, Agnes (ABT. 1434-)
Huzzey, Rebecca (ABT. 1641-)
Hyde, Gilbert (ABT. 1582-)
Hyde Ide, (ABT. 1582-)
Hyde, Katherine (27 Oct 1608-ABT. 1682)
Hyde, Mary Louisa (9 Mar 1851-10 Jan 1934)
Hyndeston, Elizabeth (ABT. 1434-)
Hythus, Miss (ABT. 1145-)