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This page designed by Carel Serfontein

Frederick Ernest Smith

Do you know this man?

This page was put up in the hope that I will be able to find out more about the genealogy of my own family (particularly my Grandfather) and also try to trace some of the family members that I may never have met. I have been researching this for some time, and even though I have found vast amounts of information, the only missing link seems to be my grandfather. In this page I will put up all the information I have been able to find regarding him, and I would REALLY appreciate it if anybody can help me to find the missing information. As time goes by I will add all the information I have regarding the Smith family on this page, in the hope to simplify the search for other Smith genealogy buffs.

If any descendants of John & Elizabeth Smith, Bunwell County of Norfolk (mother & father of F.E. Smith - see biography page) could please contact me if you have any more information, or would just like to get in touch.

(I would like to acknowledge Roger Nixon for his

assistance in getting the information in these pages)