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Our Guinea
at Home
Cavy Links

This Page is
for Guinea Pig Lovers
Our aim is to provide information
on as many different breeds
as possible, so that newcomers to the fancy, as well
as established breeders will have access to
information about their favourite pet, the cavy, (also called guinea
pigs) shows and pictures when
this is possible for us to obtain. Basic information
for the pet owner is also included, such as feeding , housing , and grooming.
If you need further information not
covered here, please email us with your inquiries and
we will get back to you as soon as possible, usually
within 24 hours.
We will do our best to keep this up
to date and informative, but as with all things
cooperation from you the reader is essential in
providing assistance to others.
So anyone out there that is willing
to provide articles or pictures to be included, or
ideas on how this page could be improved is most
We hope you enjoy visiting
John and Anne

Anmor Aniseed B.I.S. North East
Cavy Club
Visitors since 29th.Jan.97
experienced with
Click here to start.
We Breed and exhibit Guinea Pigs in the
following varieties:
Satins in .....: White, Cream, Buff, Saffron, Lilac, Slate,
Cream, Argente, Agouti, Himalayan and Crested
Selfs in........: White, Cream, Black, Slate, Saffron
and Lilac.
Crested in...: White, Cream, Black and Lilac
Longcoated.:Texels and Coronets.
Reserve Best Longhaired in Show at
the National Show 1996
Bred by us
Owned and exhibited by Daneen
Photo Courtesy of -TNT -Tony and
Tracy Healey Communications

Jackpot won the Champion of Chamions class on 15th
March 97 at Mt.Pleasant the Judge was Gwen Parsons from New
South Wales
Update!! Jackpot was made Grand Champion on 20th.April

Here are some articles for you choose from. This list will be
added to as we go along. There is a lot more we want to add,
but it all takes time
Enjoy the surf


Email us We would love to hear from you
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My Guestbook
Last updated 21st. April.97
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