These will be updated on a regular basis.

I would like to thank everyone for your assistance. My Aunt Jenny, Virginia Maxine McLeod Greenwood, has done the research on the McLeod line. Thank you Aunt Jenny. These surnames are all associated with our families. If you would like to add individuals to this web site - please let me know. I will be more than happy to enter your names, e-mail address, and/or URL associated with any of these surnames.

All of the information that I have gathered has come from the individuals, Family Bibles, birth certificates, death certificates, grave stones, social security applications, census, ships passenger lists, reference books and a large varitety of other sources. Not all of the information provided has official documentation associated with it. I recommend that you use this source as a guide and continue to get copies of the actual documentation. If you find any errors - please let me know.

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