You're listening to "Everybody" by Backstreet Boys

Hey everyone! Come on in, sit down and browse around! Now about me?? Well, I'm 15 y/o and I live in South Carolina. I ride a 14 y/o Appaloosa Gelding named Questa's Satin Man, or Satin for short. Satin is a great horse! Sometimes he gets that stubborn streak in him like most App's I've handled but really that's ok cause I love him to death! My other horse, ok he's not exactly mine, I ride him for mom, is a 12 y/o Appaloosa Gelding named T.O. Impressive Dave, or Rascal for short. Rascal is a trip!! He's got a really cute personality! I mean he just can't look smart, no matter what! But as you can probably tell my favorite breed is the appaloosa. Spots kick! =)

Golden Storybook

This Palomino mare is a horse that I had shown for Luann. Luann is really great! Story is a pretty good little mare, although she has her moods and they mostly occur at shows. She's 6 y/o and goes english pleasure, western pleasure, showmanship, and a little hunter hack.

If you wanna see more pictures of my animals, you can choose between these places...

The Barn
The Backyard
My Poetry Place.
A memorial page to some of my pets that crossed the rainbow bridge

Neat-O Places To Visit...

Anna do what???

My cyber-barn in TACK, Hunting Creek Farms
Kelsey's Page, go say hi to Sunny and Max!
Brezno's page. This is a page by my great pal Katie, she doesn't think spots kick though, Trakhners do...=)
Jason's page, go see it! It's really nifty!
A page about one of my friends, Baroque's funny, I warned ya...=]
Brandi's (aka Baroque Ashes) Page, she's got a neat-o page!

Hey look at my adorable little beagle! I have finally come up with a name for this girl! Her name is Madge!! You can adopt a cute animal from Kidsland to!

Read my Dreambook!
Sign my Dreambook!

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Pony Stud UK
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This page last updated July 8, 1998