11/12/99 09:17:12
Name: Free For Chat | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Website de Nice. Agradecimentos para deixar-me assinar seu guestbook
09/27/99 23:28:18
Name: Sheri of Greenscan | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
your favorite color: Fall Colors | your favorite web page: Greenscan | your favorite book: Book of Mormon |
your favorite name: So many to choose from | the place you would like to visit most: The Holy Land | your favorite flag: United States Flag |
I'm happy to be able to visit your site. It is lovely and very well done. I have a gift that I'd like to give you. If you decide to display it on your pages please link it back to my home. Hugs, Sheri of Greenscan
06/20/99 15:09:34
Name: Diane Winters | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | your favorite flag: American |
Hello from Forks, Washington...Pacific Coast..
came from off of a web ring..enjoyed my visit
come see me also at Duckys Web
03/19/99 08:52:40
Name: Mike Pittman | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
your favorite color: Blue | your favorite web page: The Drudge Report | the place you would like to visit most: Northern Italy |
your favorite flag: The U. S. Flag!!! |
Just surfing thru the LDS FRiends web ring. I recently joined it and just checking out sonme of the other folks in the ring. Nice job on the page!
10/03/98 21:53:28
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.
10/02/98 21:27:39
Name: E.D. Baird | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
your favorite color: darkish blue | your favorite web page: my own | your favorite book: DragonDoom (by Dennis McKiernan, outta print, i only read it once) |
your favorite name: Bombalon (a dwarf in stories) | the place you would like to visit most: A fantasy realm | your favorite flag: something medieval |
Hey, how ya doin?
Cool webpage, i like the LDS theme, very few
pages i see that are like that.
Safe haven this is.
talk to ya later!
-E.D. Baird
09/28/98 00:41:16
Name: Tybor Ferency | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
your favorite color: red | your favorite web page: www.pagan.com | your favorite book: "Friday" by robert hienland |
your favorite name: Bast | the place you would like to visit most: cairo Egypt | your favorite flag: Jolly Rogers |
Bright Blessings Guys. Enjoyed the site.
08/25/98 00:54:16
Name: David Green |
My URL: Visit Me |
07/26/98 17:34:59
Name: Carolyn | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
your favorite color: blues | your favorite web page: the wave place | your favorite book: any Deryni book |
your favorite name: Justin | the place you would like to visit most: New Zealand | your favorite flag: Finnish |
Just stopped by on a quest of urls listed in the Deryni NG. Busy and beautiful family. Live long and prosper. Carolyn;-)
07/17/98 14:24:26
Name: Andrew Miller |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Great page! You're now part of the True to the Faith web ring! :o) Keep up the great page!
07/15/98 00:52:54
Name: Greg A. Anderson (ByondF1) | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | your favorite web page: http://byondf1.com/icqlist.htm |
the place you would like to visit most: New England again | your favorite flag: USA |
Thanx for joining our LDS Members on the Internet - ICQ List.
07/02/98 16:08:46
Name: Laura Baller | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
your favorite color: Purple | your favorite web page: any Mormon Faith promoting | your favorite book: A Tree Grows In Brooklyn |
your favorite name: Christina Marie My Daughter | the place you would like to visit most: Temple in St. Louise(sp) , MO. | your favorite flag: Iowa |
This such a neat site. Thank you sharing it with me.
06/04/98 11:54:40
Name: sedyn | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
your favorite color: blue, silver, violet | your favorite web page: don't have a fave | your favorite book: everything Deryni |
your favorite name: Alaric!Alaric!Alaric! | the place you would like to visit most: everywhere | your favorite flag: my country's |
I was looking for stuff about KK and I found your site! I love it! Keep up the great work. Btw... When are there people in the chat room, because I want to meet them?
06/02/98 04:25:06
Name: Pennie Lewis | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
your favorite color: yellow | your favorite web page: parentsplace.com | your favorite book: The Work and The Glory (All volumes) |
your favorite name: all of my kid's names | the place you would like to visit most: Nauvoo | your favorite flag: United States |
02/14/98 14:57:41
Name: Charissa | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | your favorite color: Blue |
your favorite book: Dernyi Rising |
I was surfing te web for Katherine Kurtz, when I stumbled across your site. You do include many of the Dernyi characters.... but what about our favorite sorceress? She had a substantial impact in Dernyi Rising, doesn't she deserve to be on your characte
list? Let me know what you think.
01/17/98 05:53:20
Name: Kent Gray | My Email: Email Me | your favorite color: green and yellow |
your favorite web page: Yahoo | your favorite book: Outsiders | your favorite name: Autumn |
the place you would like to visit most: Germany | your favorite flag: Jamaica |
01/11/98 14:43:51
Name: Kristen Lajeunesse | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | your favorite color: Navy |
your favorite web page: my own of course | the place you would like to visit most: Puerto Rico |
I like your homepage! We are also an LDS family stationed with the USAF in TURKEY! Come see a little of the country of the Apostle Paul!
The Lajeunesse Family
01/01/98 04:04:19
Name: Polly Robinson | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
your favorite color: green | your favorite web page: yahoo.com - can find anything! | your favorite book: The Lady by A. McCaffrey |
your favorite name: James | the place you would like to visit most: The Great Wall of China | your favorite flag: The Red Cross flag |
Hi Tanya! I was on the Deryni page adding a comment when I noticed we share the same last name! I was born with mine then married a Robinson, so I just can't get away from it! :-) Nice page.
All the best.
12/30/97 17:33:26
Name: Novashannon | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
your favorite color: blue | your favorite book: The deryni chronicles | your favorite name: Michael |
the place you would like to visit most: Gwynedd | your favorite flag: US |
Glad to see a family-oriented place! I am currently stuydying to be a teacher, so kid-safe pages are great!
12/20/97 17:42:30
Name: Sheryl | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
your favorite color: blue | your favorite web page: http://www.riddler.com | your favorite book: Lots of mystery, sci fi, etc... |
your favorite name: Jennifer | the place you would like to visit most: Australia | your favorite flag: US |
Hi Tanya! Good job! Just had to tell you I finally dropped by!
08/29/97 20:35:23
Name: Emily the invisible | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
your favorite color: red, blue or green depending on my mood | your favorite web page: hmmm... now that's a tough one... | your favorite book: do I have to pick just one? |
your favorite name: Eleonora | the place you would like to visit most: California | your favorite flag: prolly the Union Jack |
the index page is a bit hard to read, but the deryni page seems to be fleshing itself out nicely. There just isn't a lot out there on the web about KK :(
07/20/97 12:05:46
Name: Lester | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
your favorite color: Pantone 321 | your favorite web page: As above - it's the only one so far! | your favorite t.v. show: Sorry, no TV. |
your favorite name: Gayle - because of who it belongs to. | the place you would like to visit most: New Zealand | your favorite flag: Don't know. |
So, I'm visitor No. 4! You say that you're after child-safe links. Check out the 20 links at http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Hills/6137/links.html - you'll be able to access hundreds of child-safe sites from there. Feel free to use a link to my link
page (pick a graphic from near the bottom of the page) if you like.
07/15/97 19:31:43
Name: Tanya | My URL: Visit Me | your favorite color: yellow |
your favorite web page: mine | your favorite t.v. show: voyager | your favorite name: ryan |
the place you would like to visit most: canada | your favorite flag: canada |
I just thought I would see if the access worked