For Deryni Lovers

Kelson, Morgan, Camber, and those who seem so real.

Welcome to Tanya's deryni page. I have been a fan of Katherine Kurtz and her Deryni novels for many years. I don't care much for her other books, but I know many of you do. I have been following the newsgroup alt.books.deryni and a few of the members of the group are in the process of writing a story which I am posting here. The story is not to be taken as fact with in Katherine Kurtz's plans of future novels or stories, but is completely from the imagination and combined talents of many wonderful writers.

This page is dedicated to the names and characters of her books.

I have placed a geneology chart of the Haldane Kings starting with King Berand and ending with Kelson.

A genealogy chart forCamber's family tree can be found here. I have placed links to children and their families, hopefully that will make it easier to follow.

If you would like to fill out a survey come fill out this form The Deryni survey

See individual responses to the Deryni survey resposes to the Deryni survey
See a taley of of votes from the survey

come see my message board

I finally got my copy of CODEX and I am thrilled with it and the info found there. Lots of fun to come.
One more bit of info, I have started a webring for Deryni Lovers. I am hoping to make things easier to find those pages that have dedicated time and energy to Katherine Kurtz and her novels. If you are interested in joining go to this page to find out the facts of this new webring.

Here is the entrance to the chat room. Hope you all enjoy it. Who knows maybe you'll see me around!
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A neat place to check out names.
bride survey

If you know of any good deryni links let me know. As always you can email me or sign the guest book on our
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