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Macailla and Her Friends of The Romantic Room at The Park

visitors to this page since July 27th, 1997

This is exactly that....A web site for my friends in The Romantic Room...And will be updated on a regular basis...*smiles*

Mom always told me, "If you can't say somethin good, don't say nothin at all"...Feel free to sign my guest book...If you have a problem with something you see here, feel free to E-MAIL me with your concerns...Thanks..*smiles*

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I dedicate this page to the many friends I have met here on the net...May you all find the same happiness I have...I wouldn't change a thing...I've learnt many a lesson on life, love and friendship....No..It ain't as fancy as some of the others I've seen....BUT it's ours....

This is a place we call home...Where we have experienced everything from tears to laughter...sorrow to joy...hate to love...A place where many have become friends and enemies...This is home...And many of us feel as if the people here are our family...It is cyberland...YES...But the characters are real people, with real feelings...

Come on in!!!