Christen's Home Page

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Christen Leigh's Home Page

I was born at home on

June 24th 1983

Yup!!! Born at home, here in New Jersey. Mom doesn't like hospitals, she says that they are for *sick* people and having a baby has nothing to do with being sick... so my two sisters, Jessica and Patricia, and I were born at home!

I am in the 8th grade. I belong to the Drama Club, the Art Club and the School Orchestra (I play the flute). Outside of school, I'm an active member of our church youth group and the Bible Study Quiz Team.

I love to read, and I write poetry. I have a lot of friends (guys and girls!) and our favorite thing to do is shopping at the mall (naturally)!

I love music. I usually listen to alternative rock and some Top 40 stuff, but I've also been known to sing along with one of my mom's country songs, or an oldie or two!

We have a horse (I'm sure you've met him by now) named Laz. He's really sweet and gentle, he puts up with all of us learning to ride him . He's very big, very strong and very gentle! He'll even give hugs if there's a carrot in it for him!

I'd love to get mail from other kids my age who like animals, music, writing poetry... whatever! You can e-mail me in care of my mom's e-mail address:

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