I am 11 years old. We live in South Jersey, not too far from Atlantic City.
My sisters and I were all born at home because my mom doesn't like hospitals.
I guess you can tell that my favorite cartoon character and book
is Winnie the Pooh. I have a complete collection of Winnie the Pooh Stories that I
love to read over and over! My Favorite songs are Kenny Loggins' House at Pooh Corner© and Return to Pooh Corner©
I also like to ride my bike, go horseback riding, listen to music, ice skate, talk on the phone, play basketball, and hanging out with my friends. I have very nice and cool teachers. I have many friends, we like hanging out and talking about boys. I have two sisters, a horse named Laz, and a bird named Stormy.
My favorite groups are the Spice Girls and the Hanson Brothers. Jonathan Taylor Thomas is my favorite actor.
I have a sister named Trish, you'll meet her if you click the picture next to mine on our front page.
My other sister is Christen, and you've probably met her; she's cool, too.
People say I look more like my mom more then anybody in my family. That's neat because my mom is coolest of everybody. My sisters look more like my dad, I'm the only one who looks like my mom.
I love meeting new people and would enjoy it if kids my age would email me, we could be penpals!