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Tricia - 12/19/00 03:49:18
My URL:http:///trouble37122/
My Email:trouble37122@yahoo.com
What a beautiful tribute to Bobby! I am so sorry for your loss. I know that Bobby is smiling down upon all of you. I have been having seizures since
I was diagnosed with brain cancer and they make it very hard to lead a normal life.Your pictures and poetry are wonderful. Thanks for sharing it with me. May God bless, Tricia aka trouble
This is a very beautiful and touching site, really enjoyed my visit very much!
You have a lovely page.
Nice homepage.Keep up the good work and I'd also like to apply for your award.
Kathleen - 11/15/99 06:43:16
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/hi3/Kathleen
My Email:butterfly951@hotmail.com
i really enjoyed my visit here and i loved your site!
it's so cool! keep up the excellent work!
visit my website to and don't forget to sign my guestbook!!!
thanx a lot!
11/12/99 09:15:57
Name: Free For Chat | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Just surfing and came accross your page Thanks
Joann - 10/16/99 01:04:30
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heratland/Farm/9389/
My Email:jojo195713@yahoo.com
Hi there,Bobby's page is a real inspiration!He must have been a truely special young man.The tributes bu his sisters are very touching!keep his memory alive always!
I am back with another group. La Salle Assembly #0189 of the Knights of Columbus in Chicago. I will say a prayer.
Vincent P De Rosa - 09/26/99 03:55:12
My URL:http://www.chicagotribune.com/link/northsideknights
My Email:vderosa@megsinet.net
I am with the Northside Grand Knight's & Past Grand Knight's Club of the Knights of Columbus in Chicago. I will say a prayer.
Vincent P De Rosa - 09/26/99 03:54:20
My URL:http://www.chicagotribune.com/link/knights0189
My Email:vderosa@megsinet.net
I am back with another group. La Salle Assembly #0189 of the Knights of Columbus in Chicago. I will say a prayer.
Vincent P De Rosa - 09/26/99 03:53:49
My URL:http://www.chicagotribune.com/link/northsideknights
My Email:vderosa@megsinet.net
I am with the Northside Grand Knight's & Past Grand Knight's Club of the Knights of Columbus in Chicago. I will say a prayer.
Paula Edgar - 08/16/99 22:19:31
My Email:PAULASOLD@aol.com
A truly inspiring site. Thank you so much for creating it so the rest of us may enjoy.
Paula Edgar
Linda - 07/08/99 22:10:54
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Grove/6676
My Email:nutzmomof6@earthlink.net
Dear Cyndy, I was so touched by your page. God Bless you and may he keep you safe!
Jeff - 06/22/99 02:29:30
My Email:radar437@aol.com
These pages touched me dearly, and made me think about how I view life. Bobby was truely kind harted and loved life. This I can assure you, I grew up with Bobby in the neiborhood and we play baseball together. 1983 I left the neiborhood and only talk to B
bby a couple of times after that year.
Bobby you touched all of are hearts in a special way. I hope you are still smiling now that you are in the arms of God. You will truely be missed.
Jeff P.
Jeff - 06/22/99 02:19:56
My Email:radar437@aol.com
These pages touched me dearly, and made me think about how I view life. Bobby was truely kind harted and loved life. This I can assure you, I grew up with Bobby in the neiborhood and we play baseball together. 1983 I left the neiborhood and only talk to B
bby a couple of times after that year.
Bobby you touched all of are hearts in a special way. I hope you are still smiling now that you are in the arms of God. You will truely be missed.
Jeff P.
Heneliz Young - 06/21/99 19:17:06
My URL:http://members.aol.com/heneliz
My Email:heneliz@aol.com
Hello Cindy,
What beautiful poems you have written.
You know they are all from your heart...
God's peace to you and your husband.
May God bless and sustain you until you see your little ones again...
In Christ Heneliz(Eliz)
linda - 02/16/99 04:59:40
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ranch/5008
My Email:linda41@hotmail.com
What a wonderful and beautiful site you have here..The Love of God shines thur in your pages..What a glory you were to your brother and his soul..God Bless you and thank you for the work you have put into this site to show all, that we must look to God fo
his guide..May the Angels be with you always..Linda
Lorelli - 01/30/99 04:52:53
My Email:Madukes@warwick.net
I would love to join your web site, as I am a recent bereaved Mother. I lost my precious son, Matthew on December 30, 1997. I already belong to a local Bereavement group, and it really has been alot of help, and in my opinion, the more the merrier. Thank
for being out there.
Jenene' - 01/17/99 13:23:41
My URL:http://members.aol.com/ag2wife/dad.htm
Just stoping by again to checkoutthe page and see if there was anything new.... Have a great day and best of luck tou and ur family in the NEW YEAR..
Claudette Letendre - 01/13/99 11:18:48
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~petitchoux/index.html
My Email:petitchoux@yahoo.com
Your pages are so very beautiful! I just wanted you to know and I truly am sorry for your loss... I would be honored to give you my Rose Angel Award for it's beauty.
Dianne Davis - 01/05/99 20:20:40
My Email:diannedavis@hotmail.com
I am sorry to hear of the loss of your brother, Bobby. I stumbled over his page while looking for a site at work. It particularly caught my eye because I too have seizures. Mine are as a result of an old head injury from a car wreck 14 years ago. I s
arted having them in December of 1997. Perhaps through the research done on Bobby, things will be found out to help people like me.
Many thanks and God bless him and his family for their unselfishness in a time of sadness.
I look forward to meeting up with him in heaven.
Araya - 12/15/98 07:02:25
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Glade/8262
My Email:flowergirl93@hotmail.com
Nice page..... Anyway, please come and visit my page... Thank's!
Sandstorm - 12/09/98 04:08:04
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Valley/3400
My Email:sborjes@airmail.net
Your page is very special. It made think of my Dad, he died 2 1/2 years ago. Thank you.
JusVisitin - 12/07/98 04:28:18
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/Valley/2094
My Email:juscl@hotmail.com
I'm the new Community Leader for your neighborhood. I just dropped by to say hello and let you know if you ever need anything, please contact me. I'll be glad to help. Your page is a lovely memorial to Bobby
Laura Josselyn - 12/04/98 06:53:15
My URL:http://www2,fortunecity.com/victorian/poetry/304
My Email:Josses@sprynet.com
What a wonderful tribute to a truely beautiful soul! I know Bobby walks among the Angels.I lost my sister Peggy when she was 27. I was 23 at the time.She had very recently given birth to a beautiful girl , Nicole, who I have been raising.Nicole is now 13,
and after I just showed her Bobbies beautiful pages, we are both inspired to do a tribute page to her mother.Thank you for the beauty and inspiration you have shared with me here.Please come visit my website Poetic Dreamscapes. The very first poem is abou
her, 'Echoes Of Peggy', along with 'A little hole in the sky', and 'How sweet the sound'
Mystic Fawn - 11/26/98 18:39:56
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~mages_mystic/index.html
My Email:mystic_fawn@hotmail.com
I loved your pages here, what a loving tribute they are, truly touching to the heart. Thank You for the beauty that you are sharing here with others.
Gayla - 11/22/98 05:24:11
My URL:http://www.gaylasgarden.com
My Email:gayla@gaylasgarden.com
OH this page really got to me emotionally! Bobby seems like he was SUCH a wonderful man! No wonder you all miss him so terribly much. May God bless you and keep your hearts in touch with each other while your all together. Your page is lovely.
Robyn - 11/13/98 14:48:30
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Shores/3111
My Email:rob@i-star.com
I think you have done a great job with Bobby's pages and you must love him so very much. I hope you find peace in God and keep up the great work.
Krithica - 11/04/98 04:32:20
My URL:http://web.singnet.com.sg/~krithica/
My Email:kritz@earthdome.com
Beautiful Site!
10/03/98 21:52:25
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.
Terra Glorvigan - 09/19/98 05:26:26
My URL:http://www.terras-world.com
My Email:terras_w@hotmail.com
Very wonderful website for Bobby..I'm sure he is smiling down from heavan at you..I know the pain one feels losing a loved one..it hurts.The warmth of gods love touching our hearts gives us the reasurance of knowing our love ones are just fine.Good luck t
your website and god bless..sincerely Terra
June - 09/12/98 06:57:20
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~bookbug
My Email:bookbug@geocities.com
Hello from Indiana. I just dropped by.
Jennie - 08/07/98 15:58:24
My URL:http://http://members.aol.com/Pooh137500/Jennie.html
My Email:Pooh137500
i love this page keep up the good work
Lita Mills - 07/30/98 03:32:13
My URL:http://www.mybonbon.com/celestia/
My Email:tussie@flash.net
How touching your words are.
I have lost my nephew in September of 1996.
This was unexpected in a car accident. I can recall so many of the same things you talk of.
We do have to remember that they are in a much better place than we are. But it is only human for us to want them here ! I have tried to be of comfort to my sister..it is not easy. Seems at times that she has given up all hope of God even. We are still
orking on her though.
Take care...Soon you will be together again as a family !
Susan - 07/10/98 01:28:14
My URL:http://incolor.inetnebr.com/rwhitney/
My Email:susaneckler@sprintmail.com
What a wonderful site you have...your son Bobby was born around the time that I was...soooo sorry for your great loss...my heart goes out to you! You have a lovely family! I hope you'll have time to visit our little home on the web soon and will feel just
as much at home as I do here! Take care and God bless, Susan :)
Lori Ayrault - 07/09/98 01:45:04
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ny/AngelWhispers/page2.html
My Email:topaz@cecomet.net
You have put together very beautiful pages and I enjoyed my stay on them very much. Bobby sounds like a wonderful brother and human being.. I can see very clearly how proud you are of him. Lori
Joan - 07/08/98 02:20:16
My URL:http://geocities/heartland/valley/1409
My Email:hartleys@lrbcg.com
Hi Myra,
Thank you for sharing this beautiful site with us.
Jill - 07/05/98 19:03:21
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Cottag/3673
My Email:mirandi@tiac.net
I really like your page! Please visit mine!
James&Ness - 06/26/98 13:14:04
My URL:/Paris/Rue/9663/index.html
My Email:jamesness@mailcity.com
We are praying for the comfort and rest of Bobby's soul in the bosom of the Lord in Heaven. May His Goodness embrace him with love and peace. It must be very difficult and painful for you to have undergone such loneliness for Bobby's loss as well as Nicho
as. Let us remember, true happiness lies in heaven.. We ought to be happy for them, too.God Bless you, loved ones of Nicholas and Bobby..
Sincerely yours,
James and Ness
Please visit us and share with us your loving thoughts and wonderful graces.
Dena,Sarah,Katie - 06/16/98 02:55:38
My Email:denafheyman@yahoo.com
Very touching page. We feel like we now know Bobby much better. He definetly was a precious gift from God.
Donna and Ryan - 06/03/98 16:13:17
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ranch/5625
My Email:simmons@auracom.com
This is a very heart touching page. You have done an excellent job putting it all together. Pls stop by and visit our little home on the net. We look forward to seeing your name in our guestbook!
Joan Loranger-Martin - 05/22/98 16:34:55
My URL:http://home.inreach.com/diak3/
My Email:diakeuast@aol.com
Nice web site. I'll be back!
KiD Sn0w - 05/19/98 06:16:14
My URL:http://web.engr.uark.edu/~bnl/
My Email:ble@comp.uark.edu
Sup Bobby...you have a very nice homepage...very touching...keep up the good work...
Eddie Elmore - 05/18/98 12:34:55
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/wv/eddiessportspage/
My Email:eddieturtle@webtv.net
Great Page!!!
My Email:witness@auite224.net
My URL: http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Prairie/5876
I really don't know what to say, I feel great sadness for you, But to know Bobby is with the Lord I
can't help but be joyful on his behalf, to know he is face to face with our Saviour. I long to see our
Lord so much, I believe very shortly Jesus will be back and you see Bobby once again.Stop by my
In His Love
My Email:DianneOSU@aol.com
My URL: http://members.aol.com/dianneosu/diwelcome.html
I was very touched by your webpage in tribute to Bobby. I am adopting the Bobby Heart on
Nicholas' page because I too am a huge Buckeye fan. The page the heart will go on is not yet
complete, so will not appear for awhile on the web. I have adopted a number of pets and other
things and am in the process of constructing a site to house them all. God Bless! Dianne
My Email:momki@hotmail.com
My URL: http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Prairie/4114
I think that what you are doing is great, I have been to all your pages and you are doing a wonderful
job of maintaining the pages.Keep up the good work!
My Email:flatrock-grandmabrown@northnet.org
My URL: http://www.geocities.com/heartland/priaie/8157
I really love your pages. You are/were a great expample to those whose lives you touched. You
have truly been one of the Lords valiant soldiers. I am so greatful for Gods plan for us that we can
be with him and our families again for all eternity.
My Email:cathe19@idt.net
My URL: http://www.geocities.com/Paris/Metro/3973
What a beautiful tribute. God bless all of you. Last month I featured a poem I wrote on the death of
my husband, I know what loss can mean, but I also understand the strength we get from God.
Bobby must surely be smiling on you from heaven.
My Email:kmc25@rocketmail.com
My URL: http://www.webspan.net/~casman
You have a beautiful site! Your courage and strength shines through it. It was a pleasure to visit.
My Email:patience@cynberzone.net
My URL: http://users.cyberzone.net/patience/main.html
Very nicely done. It's a fabulous site. And quite
emotional. I enjoyed my visit and meeting your family.
My Email:LITTLEDOV1@aol.com
My URL: http://members.aol.com/littledov1/index.html
Your sight touched my heart, and I am going to link under my Why Angel's Cry Page, a link to
Bobby's Sight...
My Email:oselot@ime.net
Bobby must have been a very special person. All of this has been very inspirational you did a
wonderful job. Thanks for being here. I got here through a news letter for grieving parents. My
sisters birthday and the date of her death are both in November and there was a remberance for her
there. She was only 21 when she died. Thanks again for sharing with all of us out here.
Hope and Love Dawn
Blue Velvet
My URL: http://www.geocities.com/Eureka/3913
What a wonderful tribute to Robert you have here. Your love for your beloved Robert shines
through on every page...your tribute is very touching and brought tears to my eyes... May you find
peace and comfort in the knowledge that Robert is at peace in a far better place...and that some day
you will once again rejoice with him.
Madeline Miller
My Email:clubdemo@aol.com
A nice touching memorial for your beloved son. May God be with you.
Princess Natalie
My Email:ms-natalie@antisocial.com
My URL:="http://come.to/natalie
Visit My Guestbook Too! Natalie
Nice page you have here.
Marc Richter
My Email:micheyr@rickyrocket.com
My URL:http://www.rickyrocket
All of my best to you and yours.
My Email:Lacyday@aol.com
My URL: http://members.aol.com/Lacyday/DiamondsandLace.index.html
What a lovely tribute you have made to Bobby. I know that he is in Heaven smiling down upon you
with angels at his side!
Loo Widener
My Email:loo@chariot.net.au
My URL: http://www.geocities.com/Paris/LeftBank/1184
What truly inspirational pages you have here. Bobby sounded like such a wonderful person.
The world would be such a better place if there were more like him.
My Email:twinbabies@pooh-bear.com
My URL: http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/meadows/7164
I thank you Cyndy for inviting me to read about your very special and loved brother.....
Linda Reuther
My Email:lreuther@up.net
My URL: http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Meadows/6804
Cyndy, I was so touched by your homepage. I cried as I was browsing thru it. Your brother was
lucky to have you for a sister. I'm sorry for your lose, but I see that Bobby is where he wants to be.
God bless you.
Card1987 (Kim)
My Email:card1987@hotmail.com
My URL: http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Prairie/1794
You have a beautiful site! Your courage and strength shines through it. Bobby would be proud :-)
My Email:tilda@usa.net
My URL: http://www.angelfire.com/va/nancyx
You have done a wonderful job honoring Bobby. May the Lord bless you and yours always.
Valeria Bond
My Email:kyhoney@hotmail.com
I think your website of Bobby is beautiful. I would love to do one for my son Nicholas (Nick) who
went to heaven 6 months ago. Nick was 16 I just now feel that I can get started on it. Love and
Prayers Valeria
My Email:SugarPy555@aol.com
My URL: http://members.aol.com/sugarpy555/Index.html
You did a wonderful job on all your pages. Its a beautiful tribute to your brother. :)
Shannon Barbour
My Email:sbarbour@shiatel.tds.net
My URL: http://www.geocities.com/southBeach/Shores/7812/
I was really touched by you page! You have put alot of love into it and it really shows and stands out
from the rest! Thank you for sharing it with me! God Bless!
My URL:http://members.aol.com/ag2wife
U did a great job putting this web page toghter for the memory of your borther BOBBY... He would
be very proud of u and honred that u did such an out standing job on this page of love and memory
for him... Jenene'
Rev. Terence Curley
My Email:T.Curley@saintsusanna.org
My URL:http://www.saintsusanna.org
I wish you the very best. I am sorry to hear that this will be discontinued. Every blessing.
My Email:Tweet24798@aol.com
My URL: http://members.aol.com/Tweet24798/index.htmlMyShanesPage@
This is a wonderful page. Thank you for sharing Bobby. He seems to have been a truly wonderful