Look whose watching the game with me now!
Russell's Memories
My Angel Russell
November 14, 1974 ~ October 14, 1997
"My Love...My Life!"

Patirck Sean Kelly
March 25, 1974-May 11, 1996
"Even the death of friends will inspire us as much as their lives.
Their memories will be encrusted in our thoughts as monuments
of other men are overgrown with moss, for our friends
have no place in the graveyard." Thoreau

Pieces of Heaven
Mark Anthony
On Earth Nov. 5, 1978 ~ In Heaven Jan. 23, 1997
Children are gifts from God, small pieces of Heaven.

William Benjamin Jenkins Memorial Site
William Benjamin Jenkins
Sept. 16, 1980 - Aug. 12, 1997

Beloved Son
John Scott Bradley
April 24, 1970 - October 12, 1986
Life is the rosebud.
Eternity..... the blossom.

My Patrick
He was the light of my life.
A good, kind, and generous person.

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