Robert "Bobby" Miller
12/31/61 - 5/30/96

"I have learned that the more I study
God's Word, the more I learned.
Life meant sharing God's Word with
others and learning more about Him.
I held onto the Christian values
during my life. I ask that you don't
shed any tears for me,
I'm happy where I'm at.
I wish everyone of you
could be with me too."
He is at home in Heaven,
with Jesus,
where he so longed to be

I'd love to throw open the door
And see you standing right there.
The smile on your face from ear to ear
With your OSU shirts you'd always wear.
I know I didn't tell you very often
But I love you so deep in my heart.
I miss you so much every day
I regret the day you had to part.
I know that you are happy
And you don't want to return.
You're in Heaven with Jesus,
Every day for that you'd yearn.
I can close my eyes and see you
Running as you longed to while here,
Holding Nicholas with both your arms,
As my mind sees this picture, I shed a tear.
This earth is not the same now
Without your smiling face.
The sadness will remain here,
Without you to brighten this place.
My love to you Bobby,
my loving, missed brother!
Pictures of Bobby
More Pictures of Bobby
Tribute To Bobby By His Sister, Mari
Bobby's Life
Who Bobby's watching the game with now
When I Came Home
Winners of my Award
Awards Received
See what Bobby's adopted
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Any comments?
Send them to Myra, Bobby's mom
or to the editor of
Bobby's Memorial Page,
Cyndy, Bobby's sister.
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to Bobby's page
since April 1, 1998
I got it for free at
Shout To The Lord
I apologize for not giving credit
for some of the graphics, I didn't search for them,
someone gave them to me.
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