The Secret Most People Don't Know

My dear friends. Child abuse is on of the major problems in this country. It must be stopped. Some of you that may be viewing this page may have been abused. Maybe people know. Maybe you are afraid and have never told anyone. I'm here to say that there is no longer any reason to be afraid.

Some of you people that know me and love me don't know this and what I am about to say may shock you. Like many others of this country, I have kept a secret deep within me for the past thirteen years. I don't want to keep it any longer.

I was sexually abused as a child. I am comming out with this to help others like myself who have been abused sexually, physically, even if you have never been abused, but know someone that has. For thirteen long years, the only people that have known about this was part of my family and my closest friends. It was hard for me to tell anyone. I was afraid of what people might think of me. I am not afraid any longer.

We need to stop hiding these secrets. We cannot be afraid of what people will think of us. For those of us that have never told anyone at all, we need to open up and tell someone. If we do not... it may cause serious problems for us in the future. I have known people that have kept it hidden, and I know how they turned up. Some of us, no, most of us need help in this. Whether it is a family member, just a friend, or even a stranger who understands what you are going through. There are many people that can help you.

Teenagers... some of you may be being abused right now. I urge you to tell someone. Even if it is myself that you tell. Now, you are NOT being abused if you were grounded from the car or slapped because you lipped off to your mother. That is not abuse. Abuse is when people beat you until you have to go to the hospital. Abuse is when people touch you in a sexual way when you do not want to be touched. This is the abuse I'm talking about.

Now I am not doing this because I have to. I am doing this because I want to help the people, like myself, that have to live with this everyday of their lives. I know what it is like to have to live with it. I have been permanently scarred because of my own experience. I can understand how you feel. I know the feelings you get. You feel like you are alone. You feel like no one in the world gives a damn about you. I know the questions you ask yourself. Why are people like this? Why does it happen? Why did it happen to me? What did I do to deserve this?

I will tell you that we did NOT deserve this. We did nothing. We are the victims, not the criminals. We are also the survivors. I am ready to take a stand to stop this from happening. I am also here to help those people that need someone to talk to. I am not only here for those victims of abuse. I am here for those who know someone that has been abused. I am here for those who were the victims of sex crimes. I am here for anyone that needs someone to talk to. Anyone who wants support.

I know what some people will say... "You're only 19. You're still a kid. You don't know how we feel." Well, if you feel that way, that is your opinion but I will not turn away anyone who wants to talk.

As I stated before, I did not have to do this but I wanted to. I am glad I did. I thank all of you who happen to read this. This was not an easy page to make. I strongly urge all of you to consider my words and talk to someone. This is a problem we can no longer ignore.


If you want to talk to somebody and have no one to talk to, mail me. I will do my absolute best to get back to you.

Please... visit this page. It is one of the most powerful pages I have ever seen. I applaud Cynde, the creator of this page, for her courage in telling her story. Danny's Song

National Committee to Prevent Child Abuse
Child Abuse Web Site the place to go if you have been and know someone who has been abused
International Child Abuse Network working worldwide to break the cycle of child abuse. includes 24 hour chatgroups related to domestic violence and child abuse
American Coalition of Abuse Awareness coalition of adult survivors, child victims' supporters, child advocacy organizations, non-offending parents, therapists, researchers, and others
Safeguard America specialists in rape awareness and prevention

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