My peace sign and roses pic was made by my friend, Image. Thanks man.

The Page of Peace and Harmony

HELLO EVERYBODY!!!! My name is Jon Sprankle, but to everybody on the porch I am known as Woodstock!! This is my home on the web. I have tried to make this page a place of peace, dedicated to family and problems that concern them... but I still have a sense of humor. So just sit back, relax, have yourself a glass of Dr. Pepper ©, and enjoy my sight as it is... You never know when it's gonna change so keep coming back!!!

Use this if you don't like the music!!!!
I know it's been awhile since I've changed my music so here's something new. "You Spin Me Round" by Dead or Alive.
Music is changed frequently. Check back again to see what else I am playing!!!!

Take A Look At Some Of My Links!!
My Life... Just a little about me, my family, and what I have done with my life thus far.
Pics Of Me... Just me for the moment until I get more.
My Cyber Family...
Has links to some of thier pages but not all yet... I have also included a backdoor to the Heartland Front Porch where you can meet a few of these wonderful people...
SECRETS... Child abuse is a major problem in this country. It's time that it was stopped...
Question.... What happens when you drink and drive?
My Own Works...You guessed it. Woody can write!!! These are all original works done by yours truly. If you think they are good enough to be published and know how I could get them, drop me a line. I'd like to know.
Play Where's Woody???...This is a little game I decided to do. Sorta like Where's Waldo but better cuz you have to find me instead.
Awards This Page Has Won... These are awards I have won for my page. I know there's not many there but I'm working on it. I didn't build the page for awards. *smile*

You are visitor number of my humble page!!!

I have changed my guestbook yet again!!! Please sign it!!! Let me know Who you are and what you think!!! Just click on my little dog to sign!!!

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Copyright: © 1997; J.E. Sprankle
Revised: May 30, 1999
Woodstock's Peace Page