Lunch With God
-- by John T. Baker- Copyright 2000 --

One day there was a little boy
Who yearned to meet with God;
He'd heard that God lived far away,
So packed a great big wad

Of Twinkies in his satchel and
Some root beer not too sweet
To take upon the long, long trip,
Then set off down the street.

A few blocks passed, the boy grew tired,
And found a park nearby
Where he could sit and rest a bit
And sample his supply.

He opened up his satchel and
Pulled out a cold root beer,
Then noticed an old woman who
Alone was sitting near.

He thought she might be thirsty, so
He offered her a drink;
She smilingly accepted and
The boy began to think

Perhaps she might be hungry, so
He found a Twinkie then
And shared it with the woman with
A wonderful big grin.

The two sat there all afternoon;
Sometimes they'd feed a bird
And eat and drink and smile and smile
But never say a word.

At last at dark the boy skipped home
And could not wait to say,
"You know what, Mama, I had lunch
Alone with God today.

"We ate and drank together and
We sat a long, long while;
You know, I never knew that She
Had such a great big smile."

Meanwhile, the woman met a friend
To whom she gave a nod,
"Would you believe, I just had lunch
Today alone with God."

She beamed and added, and the words
Were sweet upon her tongue,
"You know, I never realized
That He was quite so young."

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