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Hello..... I'm Pauline

Welcome to my home page

This is my first attempt at building a home page, so bear with me and visit on a regular basis because the site can only grow and get better.

I was born and bred in the UK city of Southampton. and have lived there for most of my life, however, in January of his year I moved to Sturry, a village just outside Canterbury in Kent. I have four children and a husband called Paul who helped me to get this home page up and running. My two youngest children Lisa (12) and Andrew (19) live at home with us, the other two Christine (25) and Maria (23) have both flown the nest, they live in Southampton but we keep in close contact and see them as often as we can.

I am also a very proud nan, I have two lovely grand children, Lewis who celebrated his first birthday on 2 September last year and Ashley who was born on 30 September last year. They are both Maria's, she and Pete (her fiance) are planing to get married towards the end of this year. On the subject of weddings, Christine (my eldest) and Paul (her fiance) are getting married this April, they have decided to tie the knot in Jamaica, so my Paul, Lisa and myself will be jetting off with them to witness and celebrate the wedding (we are also going to have a great holiday).

My daytime activities revolve around Washing machines, TV's, Hair-dryers, foot spa's and the like... no I don't make them or collect them, I sell them. When not at work I enjoy watching TV game shows or video's, playing computer games, swimming, and puzzle books, however, one of my greatest loves is my collection of ornamental pigs, If you share my fascination for these beautiful creatures, why not check out one of the following web sites:-

Piggio's Page
Boris the Pig's Home Page
Yoshi the Pig's Home Page
Emma Louise's home page
Show Pigs

Have fun!

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Last Updated 12 February 2001
Copyright © Pauline Carol Wootton

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