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Jim and Marlene West

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When a cow laughs, does milk come out her nose?

Lord, You have been our dwelling place in all generations.  Before the 
mountains were brought forth, or ever You had formed the earth and
the world, even from everlasting to everlasting, You are God. Ps 90:1-2

We are a family that loves God.  We attend an awesome 
church in S.W. Washington.  The people there really
 love God & we are so blessed to be a part.
Jim is in road construction for a logging company. 
 He loves to tie flies,
fish,hunt and build things.
 Marlene works for a Christian television 
station, that serves our local community.  She enjoys
 reading, sports, 
chatting with friends and is a wanna be 
craft person and yes, I do have a certain fondness for black & whites :0)
We have a 28 year old daughter, Allison, who
 is married to Mike.  Mike is into taxidermy, hunting,guiding
 and does a great job.  He fits into our family well,
 he loves fishing & camping too.  We have 
a wonderful grandson, Bryson.  Who is just
 starting sixth grade this year.  
God has been ever so faithful to us and has seen us through some difficult
times.  His promises have given us strength to make it through
the tough times and come out the other side.  In all this God has shown
His strength in our weakness.

On this page we share how God has been faithful to our family as we have walked through "the valley of the shadow of death"

    Page on how cancer has touched our family
I would have lost heart, unless I had believed that I would see the
goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.  Ps 27:13

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My Friend Sherri's Webpage
Cows Caught In the Web
The BarnCat

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