Dawn's Journey to Truth
Psalm 18:16 "He reached down from on high and took hold of me; He drew me out of deep waters."
Some of you who visit this Web Site may be wondering who I am, and why I am so interested in Bible Prophecy. So to answer those questions I decided to write down my personal journey.
I was raised in one of the largest cities in Canada by parents who were non-practicing, Irish Catholics. Even though they themselves did not attend Church or follow it's teachings, they sent me to Sunday school and church, where I began to yearn to know God and at a tender age wanted to become a nun.
With very superstitious parents, who believed that they were visited quite often by ghosts, the spiritual world was almost a daily topic in my home. My mother would also try to have seances once in a while, which would scare me half to death!
Mom and Dad were hard working people, but were also alcoholics. As I grew older, I became very angry with them, for their alcoholism, for leaving me alone a lot, and because I was molested by cousins and uncles and was raped by a drunken friend of the family. In my early teens I lost respect for "Christians" and the "Church" because of my family's hypocrisy, and because I couldn't find real peace or spiritual fulfillment.
After running away from home, I turned to the occult, drugs and a "hippy" lifestyle wanting to experience life to it's fullest, have fun and adventure and find some kind of spiritual experience. I found others who were also disillusioned with the status quo and were on the same quest that I was. I read many of the occultic, New Age, and Eastern religious books that were available and found myself building a concept of life that was very different from what I was taught. At one point I followed a Guru from India for a few years, but there was something missing in his teachings, and the meditation that I was practicing. Although I embraced the Eastern philosophies (maybe because they were "in" and "cool" and didn't confront me morally), I never could fully convince myself that I was god and just had to realize who I was. I was told that when this happened, I would reach nirvana or merge with "god" (who was everything and everyone ie. "all is god") and cease to be me. This didn't seem right to me. God had to be more than just an impersonal energy. So I continued on my journey, digressing into some very dark regions of occult philosophy and practice.
Finally a friend lent me a series of books called the "Illuminati", which then sparked my interest in conspiracy theories and future predictions. Even as a teen I had felt that something drastic was going to happen to the world in my lifetime, although I didn't know what it would be. I bought a book in my local New Age bookstore containing prophecies from various sources, one chapter even had prophecies from the Bible. This encouraged me to reconsider the Bible as a source of information. As providence would have it, while I was browsing through this same bookstore, a book seemed to light up on the shelf. That may sound weird but that's how I perceived it. The book had a strange blend of New Age, UFO's and Bible prophecy. Again this book catapulted me into considering the Bible and some buried memories of my childhood studies of Jesus started to resurface.
Soon after, I began watching a Christian television program. One day a woman was talking on the show of her experiences and how she had asked Jesus to come into her life, highlighting the impact this had on her. Her circumstances were similar to mine and I felt compelled to invite Jesus into my life too. After she finished sharing, the host of the program explained from the Bible that everyone had sinned against God, which has resulted in our separation from Him, ending in judgement and eternal separation from Him. But God didn't leave us in this awful situation, He loved us so much that He sent His only Son, Jesus, to take the judgement and penalty for my wrong-doings, by voluntarily giving His life by dying on a cross. He was then raised to life three days later and is now in heaven but will return some day. I only had to accept His death for me and allow Him to become a part of my life to be restored to His Father. I prayed that day, asking for God's forgiveness, thanking Jesus for dying for me and asking Him to come into my life. At that moment I knew I was no longer alone and I had a peace that I had never experienced before.
Since that day, many years ago, I continue to grow closer to God and walk in peace. He has changed my life in so many ways! I no longer need drugs, alcohol and a rebellious lifestyle to escape. I can face my past, live today and walk toward the future without fear. I am free. Each day I have become more of what He created me to be. I am blessed in so many ways. When I have a problem, get scared, or need something, I can go to my Father in prayer and He is always there with answers.
Now back to prophecy... 
During my years with Jesus, I have read many books by well known Bible prophecy authors. I no longer read the so called "prophecies" from sources other than the Bible. I've learned that if a prophecy foretelling the future is given, that it must come true 100% and the prophecies given by a "prophet" must be correct 100% of the time. Comparing all other "prophets" and "prophecies" to this Biblical standard, all fall short. Only the Bible has proven it can match these standards.
Coming onto the Internet I learned that, although there were e-mail lists on many subjects, there wasn't one for Bible Prophecy. After speaking with one of my pastors, we decided to fill this void and the Bible Prophecy list was born...
Site Index
Home Page | Statement of Faith
| How to Have Peace with God
Dawn's Journey To Truth
| List Member's Web Sites
Beloved Unbeliever Email List
| Examining The New Wine Movement
Toronto Blessing?
| Premises of the New Age World View
The End & The Beginning
| UFO's, the Antichrist & the New Order
Discernment Page
| Bible Prophecy Web Ring | The Coming Holocaust
The Persecuted Church
Send comments, questions, and ideas to Dawn: dawn11@shaw.ca
Art used in the border background graphic with permission by Pat Marvenko Smith, copyright 1992.
Click here to visit her "Revelation Illustrated" site.
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