G'day. I'm very pleased you took the time to stop by - visitors are always welcome at The Camerons!

Jeannie Hutcheson - 05/18/99 19:59:33
My Email:jeanniemachutch@hotmail.com
Would like to reach you re: rescued shelties

Aimee - 11/23/98 21:34:24
My Email:Gypsy1329@aol.com
Hi, I visited your web-site because I recently rescued a dog that I believe is a Sheltie mix and I wanted to see some pictures to confirm this. I like your web-site and fell in love with Katie. She is adorable. :) Aimee

Bonnie Hansen - 11/22/98 22:20:58
My Email:bhansen@valleyint.com
G'day Friends! My first visit to your web site. I know one person that will love it! I copied your first page and will send it to Stacy. I was home in Oct. and we were talking about you and the fun we had, oh so many years ago, on our cruise with you. She wanted me to give you her best. She' got a beautiful 7 month old daughter. I enjoyed your web page. Loved seeing all the 'children'. I didn't realize Smidge was a Maine Coon. No wonder she was such a great cat! She somewhat resembles my MC, Tes a. It's been fun. Later........Bonnie

Bonnie Hansen - 11/22/98 22:10:41

Evan McMahon - 10/19/98 22:41:08
My Email:LyndaMc@nettally.com
Me and my litle sister engoyed your page very much. She's three and is obsesed with Shelties.

glenda - 10/19/98 20:21:28
My Email:thull@mindspring.com
love your shelties.... i have one of my own whom i love very much. his name is kodie and we got him in alaska.... he is a wonderfully smart, and talented dog. he is black with white colar. thanks i enjoyed you site

10/03/98 21:49:46
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

Ea - 09/07/98 22:50:05
My Email:eajensen@adr.dk
Found your side on ICQ. I was in British Colombia/Canada - Rocky M. last year, but not i Wan. Very nice cats ! Funny to see homepages - I shall build my own this winther. Ea

M.J.Schantz - 09/07/98 21:13:46
My Email:schnanna@bellatlantic.net
I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed visiting with you both What a great way to meet people take care M.J. :-)

Janet - 09/06/98 22:42:57
My Email:kristall43@yahoo.com
You did a wonderful job on your webpage.love all the pics...the shelties are beautiful..

Deirdre Day - 08/18/98 07:34:25
My Email:dwgday@camtech.net.au
The updated page looks terrific, Glen. Well done. I enjoyed reading all the comments from your fans and fellow animal lovers. Our Kaiser (13 yr old German Shepherd/Labrador cross) is coping with our cold winter reasonably well with his arthritis, and Sa dy (Cavalier King Charles) is putting on weight!! Looking forward to the next update.

sam - 08/15/98 04:10:04
My Email:pgj@bigpond.com
i love the teletubbies

Nel Scheurwater - 07/18/98 12:11:45
My Email:vision@westbrabant.net
I looked for the first time in Heartlands and I was very suprised what I saw there (my English is not so very good, sorry ) I am a Dutch woman, married en have 2 children. My doughter is 21 and my son 25. My daughter has also a Shelty (male). We have 3 cats (one of them is 2/3 maine coon). Also we have family in Burnaby but they have not Internet. Mayby we hear from you in return. Many greetings Nel

Sally Young - 06/30/98 05:00:27

Charlene - 06/26/98 21:55:28
My URL:/Paris/Metro/6766/
My Email:dispatch_10@hotmail.com
Was looking for a random chat partner and your comments suggested I check out your homepage. My 17 year old daughter did mine for me. Stop in and see and sign my guestbook. You have a nice homepage..I love cats myself and we have a chocolate lab and a dal ation too.

Mike Huffman (Hoosierman) - 05/18/98 18:34:36
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Hoosierman/index.html
My Email:hoosier80@hotmail.com
Hello Fellow Sheltie Lover, Just finished seeing your page and it is simply outstanding. Your dogs are so beautiful. Your page came a long at just them time I needed cheering up and something to put a smile on my face. Just received news that my mother is dying and your pictures re lly helped me to cheer up. Again a wonderful page. One of the best around. Oh, by the way I also own 2 Shelties!!!!

Kathy Yockey - 05/09/98 01:12:29
My URL:http://home.earthlink.net/thimble~
My Email:thimble@earthlink.net
Hey, Found your homepage url in the dogs forum on CompuServe so ran right over here to take a look. Very Nice Kathy Yockey

Brian kruger - 05/08/98 20:15:57
My Email:bkruger@direct.ca
nice page. bet you would make great neighbors!

Jeanne McNally - 05/02/98 22:32:06
My URL:http://home.acadia.net/userpages/jnamcnally/Shamrock.html
My Email:jnamcnally@acadia.net
Hello! I thoroughly enjoyed your website!! Your dogs and cats are wonderful! Good luck to you! - Jeanne McNally

Ilona Serina - 04/21/98 19:05:17
My Email:pops@somtel.com
Found you on ICQ and decided to visit your page. I am a dog LOVER and have a Malamute named Kimo He's a real lover. I also love computers and am the official neighborhood tech support. My husband and I live in Maine and have 3 kids and 3 grandkids. Ma be we could chat sometime, ICQ#10078488.

Julee - 03/23/98 02:01:33
My Email:kysha@dowco.com
I was just browsing the web for legal secretarial information, as I will be finishing my course soon and (poof) up pops your name! funny thing is, I live in chilliwack.

Linda - 12/17/97 03:22:17
My Email:lledith@aol.com
Love your site. It's almost like having our sheltie again when I look at and read about your friends. Our male, "King Nicholas Chabot," (Nicky) was born in April 1982 and died in June 1996. We adopted him in December 1982 from his first family who could not take him overseas. My husband and I adored Nicky. The pain of losing him continues but the fun memories and his unconditional love lives on.

Nancy Corbett - 12/03/97 13:36:29
My URL:http://home.earthlink.net/~cshelties/
My Email:cshelties@earthlink.net
How precious. I love how you put it all together. Angus is a beautiful dog.Nancy

Denise Riemer - 11/20/97 03:26:33
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Hills/7111
My Email:driemer@intaccess.com
Hi Glenys and furr babies! Finally got to see your page! It is wonderful. I will really have to get in touch to see how you do some of this stuff. Glenys, you are very good at this webpage stuff!! I'm trying to get some pictures downloaded of Annie and have successfully linked o the AKC Sheltie Page. If you don't mind, I would also like to link to your page. (once I get that far) Talk to you in the forum! Denise, Casey, Annie & George

Carroll Paine - 11/06/97 22:03:34
My Email:cpaine@sprint.ca
Just found your site on the Sheltie List. Your furkids are beautiful and I really enjoyed your website. Will e-mail.

Stephanie Morecraft - 09/24/97 17:30:38
My Email:steph-john@telusplanet.net
Hi Glenys and Bill What a great web page! It was great to see all the pictures, the doggies look so beautiful! John and I are settling nicely into our home, we love it, and really enjoying the gardening etc. I'am also tring to get ready for the winter, we all ready had a it of snow last week! Now its in the mid twenties, but they say thats Calgary! Anyway I'am glad Mom sent me your card, and it sounds like you are both doing great! Take Care and write when you can! Love Steph

C.A. McBride - 08/26/97 04:33:31 GMT
My Email:mcbride@bcsympatico.com
I loved your page. Angus is definitely a cutie. I have a 14 year old sheltie named Bear. He is still going strong. He too, is a sable. Keep up the good work and thanks for sharing Angus with us. Carol-Ann McBride

Susan Wright - 07/06/97 04:42:19 GMT
My Email:summersgift@hotmail.com
Just a quick p.s. to the first letter, I messed up the email address by putting capitol "S" in summersgift@hotmail.com. This correction is the way that it should reaaly be. My mom and I are just newbies to this internet thing. I apologize for the wrong spelling in the email address. I hope that it wo't cause a problem in trying to s nd any email. Thanks for reading this note as well, Jeffrey Wright (the son) Please feel free to write to me as well at spacecore@hotmail.com Yes, I promise this is the right one, (I hope)! P.S. The reason for the mispelled address in the first note was because I typed in mom's name and address---just like I did in this one. Bye!

Susan Wright - 07/06/97 04:27:26 GMT
My Email:Summersgift@hotmail.com
Hello from Tennessee. Enjoyed your web page, the four legged family is just beau iful. I can appreciate the attitude of the Main Coon as my son and I have one who is just a terror. He is really sweet but needs a daily dose of ritalin (ha), to calm him down as he flies through the house. Smidgen is probably not so bad.. Smokey is p etty too and looks very sweeet. He has traits like our Kudos as for as drinking from the tap. Kudos will actually cry for me to turn it on. Then there is Wesley, just a mixed short hair but likes his water from the Sheltie bowl, on the floor. He goes o the bowl, puts a paw in, and starts the water flowing out of the bowl at full speed. You can guess what the floor looks like. Rush is my son's favorite, a long hair white persian. Just sits around all day looking pretty. Now for the pride and joy of my life, Teddy Bear, my 11 year old Sheltie. He has gotten pretty grouchy in his old age, but is still my baby. Sleeps with me every night and loves to go with me for a ride.. I also had a Blue Merle which is also elderly. His name is B.J. and makes e ery step that I do. He is only happy when he is in a room with me and also sleeps with me. Jeffrey, my son, has the beauty of all Shelties - Auburn. Auburn actually was a show dog on the road for over a year. Won every ribbon there is and got tired of that life, so the breeder gave him to Jeffrey. Auburn is so nervous that he only stays in Jeffrey's room, does not associate with all of the common animals. Look forward to hearing from your home. Thanks for such a beautiful web page. I will return often. From a fellow animal lover! Susan.

Frederika Nerk - 06/21/97 21:38:27 GMT
My Email:fnerk@goonshow.com
It takes hours to get it right.

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