With the help of Kristee Trumbo, we started a local support group for other children and adults affected with this syndrome. We have 11 families in our local support group. In July 1996 we went to our first National Moebius Syndrome Conference which was held in Tarrytown, NY. There were more than 300 people there from the United States, Canada, and many, many other countries!! We thoroughly enjoyed meeting new friends who are also dealing with the day to day challenges of Moebius Syndrome.
Our next National Moebius Syndrome Conference will be held in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada from July 24 - 27, 1998. We are planning on attending and can't wait to see Canada for the first time!!
Please let us know if you need more information or would just like to talk to families in your situation. We love to hear from new families and we are a very warm and welcoming group!
See pictures of children and families in our local support group!