Hiram Lodge #50 Upcoming Events
Calendar of Events: November 1 School of Instruction, Madison Masonic Center November 3 Stated Communication, Election of Officers November 17 Past Master’s, Awards & Recognition Night December 1 Annual Communication Greeting Brothers, Our School of Instruction is scheduled for Saturday Morning, November 1 at 9:00 a.m. at the Madison Masonic Center. I would expect that our officers be in attendance and would urge non-officers to join us for a morning of ritual instruction and fellowship with our Brothers in District 7, Area 3. Hiram Lodge’s Past Master’s, Awards and Recognition Night will be held on Monday November 17. A 6:30 p.m. dinner (at cost) will be served followed by a presentation from a member of the University of Wisconsin faculty. All Brother Masons and their ladies are cordially invited to attend this evening of fun and fellowship. Your reservations can be made with Brother Bob Simon no later than November 13 via his contact information above. A reminder that Hiram Lodge is committed to providing chapel escort at the William S. Middleton Memorial Veterans Hospital every Sunday morning in the month of December. If you are able, please consider volunteering for one of these mornings. It only requires a couple of hours of your time and is a very rewarding experience. Contact me to reserve a Sunday or for additional information. The month of November brings us several significant dates of importance worthy of note. I urge you to exercise your right to vote on November 4. On November 11, we as a free nation observe Veteran’s day. Take time out to remember, to honor, to thank and pray for the brave men and women who have served and are serving in our military. It is because of their sacrifice that we enjoy our freedom today. Fraternally yours. Lyle Christian, WM