Welcome to my Webpage
Hi thanks for visiting my poor excuse for a webpage. This is only up to give you the viewer a little basic information about me. Thanks for visiting.
My hobbies include volunteering for our country. I am also an Officer in the US Coast Guard Reserves. Click Here for the Main US Coast Guard's Website
On March 8, 2000 My little dog, Buffy who I grew up with died. I made a tribute webpage for her please check it out. I will miss you girl dog.Click Here..
As for work I am a Developer Consultant for Microsoft. Here's a link to Microsoft - Mid America
My Dad's company Click Here!.
Also,I am a member of the Airplane Pilots and Owner's Association Click Here!.
Graduated from Southeast Missouri State U.
My Degree is in Computer Science/Business
Right now I am working on my Master's at Webster University
Pursing a Master's in Information Management
Here's another, this is my Consultant Resume