For those special people -

that you just need to say something to, to let them know that you love them and that you care. There are plenty of links here, so please feel free to send all the flowers and postcards and everything else you can manage to! (And if you find a dead link, please Let Me Know)




Virtual Bouquet



 Internet Flora

 Live Flowers (virtual)

 Norton's Flowers

 Phillip's Florals

 Shawna's Virtual Flowers

 Starnet Flower Server

 Virtual Florists

 Virtual Flower and Gifts

 Virtual Flowers

 Webfactor Flower Shop


Animated Postcards:

  Animated Card Service

  Animated Musical Card Store

 Blue Mountain Art (the very best)

 Emphasis Animated Greeting Card Service

 Flash Cards


 Postcards from the Web



 1st Source E-Cards

 3D Sci-Fi Electronic Card Shop(temp.down)

 AdOnWeb's Enviro Cards

 Angel's Stardust Cybercards

Aphrodite's Love Palace Cards 

 Artphoto Greeting Card Company

 Astrological Cards

 Awesome Cyber Cards

 Barry's Digital Post Cards

 Beautiful, Beautiful Women

 Buffalo.Net Card Maker


 Bull Dog Postcards


 Celebrity Postcards

 Cloud 9 Cybercards

 Crashsite Cards

 Create a Greeting Card

 Crushed Card Company

 Cybercheer Cards

 Daily Diversions

 Digital Internet Postcard

 Electronic Postcards

 Elvis Slept Here Postcards


 Flirt Postcards


 Garfield Post Cards

 Geekgirl Postcards



 Greetings from FOX

 GTIS Web Post Office

 Handsome Hunks Postcards

 Hotwheels E-mail (the toy company)

 House of Cards

 Interconnect Postcards

 The Inter-Note

 Joe Boxer Postcards

 Kodak Picture This Postcards

 Life's Little Instruction Book

 Lion King Postcards

 Loopy Cards



 Mountain Postcards

 The Musical Card Shop

 The Musical Card Shop

 Musical Post Cards

 Optimizms Post Cards

 Panda Postcards

 Passion Post Cards

 Poetry in Motion

 Postcards from the Edge of America

 Regards Postcards

 Retro Postcards

 Romeo and Juliet Postcards

 Skid Row Postcards

 Toonogram Cartoon Postcards


 USA Greetings

 Virtual Place Card Shop

 Warner Brothers Web Cards



 WRAL Postcard Shop


 Y'All Post Cards


 Yellow Submarine Greeting Cards


Hugs, Kisses, and other cute stuff:

 Love and "Dear John" Letters

 Bury a Virtual Treasure


 Cow Kiss

 CyBear Gram


 The E-Kissing Booth

 Father's Day E-Ties

 Gund Greetings

 Marry Me?

 Lovvahuggasnuggleysoppy Hugorama

 Send a Kiss

 Virtual Cigar

 Virtual Presents

 Virtual Hugs and Kisses

 Virtual Vacations


Well, hope they enjoyed whatever you sent! Make sure to tell 'em how much you love them! :o)


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