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since 11/18/1997

Moceanu: America's Dream
This page is ran by
my good friend Ryan. I seldom have time to keep up with my pages, because
I am making web content all the time. I make the content and put it onto
the Internet, and he writes the pages containing them. Other than that,
he does an excellent job keeping his newsletter subscribers updated on
events and page updates, and, with our combined forces, has the single
largest Dominique video archive on the net (along with Real Video previews).
If it was not for him, I would have all this content that no one would
ever look at. And, we are constantly working on expanding the picture archives.
Definitely a must see.
Dominique Video Page This
is practically the only working page of links to Dominique videos on the
net. As of today, 10/8/97, all the links on this page do work.
Dominique Moceanu
page is not for people who like Dominique, it is for people who worship
her. I have personally downloaded over 100 pictures from this one site
alone, and I do not worship her. This site contains pictures from every
single event Dominique has been in since 1995, a few videos, and a few
sound files. The server seems to lag at times, but be patient and it will
load up. Also on this page is links to more Dominique pages than you could
ever hope to visit (unless you are really obsessed with her).
If this site is not graphical or Multimedia enough for you, this guy has
links to Dominique sites all over the world. Check it out. Oh, this site
is the fastest with IE 4.0, but I would suggest using another browser so
you can download.
(Mostly scanned photos)
*** (Its been done, but none as elaborate as this)
**** (They have a lot, but I do not consider a video to be a slide show
of the pictures you have on your site. The videos do have cool music.)
If you call clicking on links interactive, than yes, otherwise, the answer
is no.
Word: If you like Dominique even a little, than this is a fun place to
look at.
Gymnastics, Inc.
Yes, it is the true
Dominique Official Web page and the official web page of Moceanu Gymnastics,
Inc., but the problems are: 1) They have very little material and 2) the
page has not been updated since September of 1997. The only reason I could
see actually going to this page is to find out about enrolling for Gymnastics
or Cheerleading classes. If you want quality Moceanu pages, I would stick
to either Ryan's or Moceanu Online.
A site with a future.
This is a site that I am very excited to see what has happened. I have
talked to the webmaster here, and I truely believe that within the next
month or two, this may come close to giving Ryan a run for his money (close,
but it will be tough to beat Ryan). Keep an eye on this one.
New, but it does look
like it may have some promise. It is a first web page attempt by the web
master, so don't expect anything fancy or flashy, but it is a very good
attempt. Even though the pictures are not original, they are ones that
you normally do not see splatered on other sites. And most are pretty high
quality. It may be worth checking out.
Dominique Page
Shannon Miller
Everything you ever wanted
to know or have (except her) on Shannon Miller. I was kind of disappointed,
because most of the pictures are not that great of scans. Either Shannon
is not that photogenic, they have a lousy scanner, or both. But, if you
are a true Shannon fan, you will enjoy this site. Site was difficult to
rate, so I didn't. Decide for yourself.
I know you remember Kerri.
She is the one who twisted her ankle on the vault, had to be carried by
her coach to the winner's podium, and then appeared on an episode of Beverly
Hills 90210. I am not big on the publicity she has gotten over one
twisted ankle (I mean, Dominique, Amy, and several other gymnists were
injured in the past couple of years, and they did not recieve near that
much publicity), yet, you have to admit, she is a great gymnists. It took
me nearly a year after the Olympics to really appreciate her. There
is not a great deal of her available on her (everyone used up their web
space on Dominique and Shannon Miller), but there is some. This page looks
as if it has just gone up, but, then again, so does mine, and yet it has
been up since March. (Programming web pages, even with WYSIWYG programs,
is still a time consumming task).
Official Vanessa
Chances are that unless
you are a diehard gymnastics fan, you have never heard of Vanessa Atler.
And, she does not have (yet) quite the same publicity that some of the
other gymnists have. But she is good. In fact, at the John Hancock this
spring in Cincinatti, her scores were higher in most events than Dominique
Moceanu. She is young, but do not hold that against her. I believe that
we will be hearing a lot from this up and comming star soon.
Kristian Maloney is
another one of those up and comming stars. She competed in the 96-97 John
Hancock tour. I have only had the chance to see her once on TV, so really
cannot give her these high ratings, but she does look promising. I would
be listining for this name in the next couple of years. This is another
one of those Geocities pages, so expect some slow performance during peek
hours. However, do not let that turn you away. This page is VERY nicely
done, and has some great photos of her. Every picture they seem to have
of her is from the John Hancock, but I did not go far into this page. Still,
it is greatly done, and if you are surfing during off-peek hours, this
page will fly (unless you are using America Online or Flash Net: then you
will be lucky if you can even connect to the Internet. Hey, $9.95 a month
for Internet acess? Hasn't your mother ever told you that if it sounds
too good to be true.... If you are looking for a better Internet provider
(or a real one if you are using AOL, Prodigy, MSN, or Compuserve),
click here. Need help? Look for a
Bell Provider (i.e. Southwestern Bell, Pacific, Mountain Bell, etc).
John Hancock Tour
World Gymnastics Champions
Yes, it is on tour again,
but this time will feature all seven of the Magnificent 7 (or, for those
of you who speak English, that is the 1996 US Womens Olympic Gymnastics
team). I can hardly wait until they come here on October 11. I hear the
sponsorer is also an insurance company, but who cares about that? Anyway,
go here to find out when the team is comming to a town near you!
Click here
to see my pictures of the tour!
Gymnastics Online
This is the USA Gymnastics
homepage, for both male and female gymnists. They feature all of the gymnists
you have heard of, and then some. Check them out. A lot of information,
most of which is for people who are not fans and just want to know who
the heck these people are and just what they have done. Very useful to
newbies to gymnastics.
Gymnastics Links
Magnificent7 Video Archive
Jodie Sweeten Fan Club
The adorable starlet of
Full House has her own fan page here. In this area, you will find
photos, biographies, sound clips, chat rooms, message boards, and even
a few video clips. Have patience this site, however, it is located on America
Online, so tends to take a minuet or so to respond. I do, however, have
one question: just how much free space does AOL give there members anyway?
**** (They even take request!)
They have sound clips.
:** (Depends really on how big of a fan you are of the beautiful young
***** (And growing)!
** (AOL is a huge network, and tends at times to be even slower than GeoCities.
At least GeoCities is free :) )
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Taylor Thomas
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in on A Neighbor