LinkExchange Member  Free Home Pages at GeoCities 

Updated 10/8
This site is very graphical, and will take a while
to load, even to people with fast
connections, but it is worth the wait.
 IE 4.0 has finally been released, and it rocks!
I suggest getting the Full Installation of it, but make sure
you do not download that stupid Active Desktop, you will regret it later!
Hey, Netscape's Communicator v. 4.03
Final Release  is available
from the Netscape site.

 Well, I finally got around to updating this page. In case you have not noticed, the teen page and the Dominique Moceanu page has undergone some major content changes. Under the DM page, I have now encoded every DM video I could find and placed it here. Most are currently in Netshow format, but, with Progressive Networks' new Real Player 5.0 beta and the new encoder for it, that will soon change.
I am sorry that I have not worked here much, but I have been spending most of my online time working on another web site which I am maintaining, The category I maintain is the youth page, the RA page is done by another guy.

Hi, happy Internet surfer, welcome to my page. If you are like me (and you wouldn't be here if you weren't), you get tired of looking around on the Web just to find trash. Well, I have personally put together a list of sites and descriptions of good, clean, descent sites that I have found divided by category. I have also been nice enough to rate these sites, with 1/8 a star being the lowest and 5 stars being the highest. If you have found a good site, please share it with us. If it is descent, I might link it to my site. My E-mail address is Please note: I can not be held responsible for what you may find by following the links that my links lead to. 


Disclaimer: As far as I know, no picture or audio file used in this site is copyrighted. If it is, e-mail me at and I will either remove it or display the credits, whichever the original author prefers. 

Note:  I am constantly working on this page. Just because a link does not work now does not mean it will not work tomorrow. Check back every now and then.


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   Quicktime is a necessity. Get that and the Plug-In Now!

What? You still do not have REAL Audio/Video Player yet? Get it NOW. I am not joking, this is a GREAT Plug-In! Oh, they just released a new version. It rocks so much, that I am RE-encoding all of my current available videos for it. Even the 28.8s look better, and you have to see what you can do if you have an ISDN connection!


Web site of the period between
which I update this site:
And you thought the new 4.0 release of Internet Explorer was the big news of the month! This may only be a beta, but I have never had any problems with a beta from Progressive Networks! This player makes the Real Player 4 look like a baby's toy and Netshow look like chop sui. What is so great about it? How about CD-Quality audio on a 28.8 modem? Full screen video for videos encoded at 100k or higher! Drasticly improved video (on videos made for Real 5.0)? And, it is free! If the free version is this great, I wonder what the Real Player Plus 5.0 could possibly offer! And this is still beta! Progressive Networks, once again, ya'll have managed to surprise us!


Categories: (I do realize that some of these do not work. This is because I have not had time to write them yet. After all, I am still in school.  Currently,  the Christian and the Teen pages work, and more will hopefully be coming soon.).  Please note, some of these pages are very graphical. I have done what I could to speed them up, including locating most of my pictures at areas other than at here, but it still takes time. Trust me, it is worth the few extra seconds to wait for them to load.

Teen Celebrates Home Pages (Official and Unofficial)

    NEW! My Dominique Moceanu Page, featuring Real Media videos! A 'Net Exclusive!




Music (all kinds and formats)

Graphics (Clean)


Other Media


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