SRC="/heartland/hills/5777/zzendles.mid" AUTOSTART=TRUE ALT="zzendles" LOOP="TRUE">
This is my Best Friend and he knows how much i care about him.
This is my new friend Christina, she is a sweetheart and aren't her puppies cute?
This is also a new friend Tommy is he not a doll??
This is Patrick, he is the first friend I made on this computer in September of 96.. He will always be my "first".. LOL
This is from right to left, my sister Jessica, My sister in law Cathy, and me at my bros wedding in 1991..
This is my best friend Jan, she doesn't like this pic but I wanted you all to see how beautiful she is.
This is Henry, Jan's hubby, you look a lot different then last time I saw you. But it is a good different I think =o)
This is Henry and Jan's two beautiful children. Joseph and Felicia.