Ok these are some and all of my friends that this brain can think of..LOL so if I forgot you please tell me, cause you all mean so much to me....

WILLIAM,JENNIFER,and ZACHARY: To our three newest friends. I am so glad that we got to meet and that we have so much in common you are a great family and we love hanging out together. You are special friends.

YAN: You are one of the most special people in my life as you already know. As friends go,you are my closes and dearest. I love you my friend, i am always here for you, i hope you will always know that.

CHRISTIAN: You have helped me so much with this page thanks for being so patient with me, i know it was difficult. LOL Love ya my cyber Knight in shining armour.

AMY:You have helped me through so much thanks for being such a great listener and a wonderful friend

JAN: You have been my friend now for almost 12 years and I love you, thanks for always staying in touch with me, your friendship means a lot


HENRY: Well i have know you in writing and chating on AOL but you are Jans hubby and I know that you are a good guy, someday we will have to meet face to face though. =o)


PATRICK: You were the first person I met on line and even though we don't get to talk as much anymore you are always close to my heart.

KEITH: You are one sweet guy, good luck in college and stay in touch, i wish you all the best in life you deserve it.

KAYY: Well I don't get to see you much since you became a hostie but when i do you are so much fun, thanks for talking to me on the phone and trying to help me out with my computer problems which seem to be many.

SHELLY: We both have had a tough year this year, i am glad I was able to help you as you helped me at the same time. Your a great person. Thanks for the help with this..

SUSAN: You are such a sweet person who would do anything for anyone if asked. Thanks for being me friend.

ROB: We just met but i want to thank you for your help with this page.

JEN: You are also one of the first people I met on MSN you are a wonderful person who has always been sweet and happy.Thanks for being my friend.

MATT: Even though you are a big flirt you know I Luv ya, I am just glad i am not your wife LOL.. Try to behave yourself.

DEREK: We have been through some ups and downs but I always cared about you.. I luv ya, don't be such a stranger.

CHRIS: Well now I know what happened to you and I still Luv you so much, you were always there from me and i will be for you if you ever need me remember that..

DINO: You have been so good to me and my family, thank you for all you have done it means a lot to me.

ALAN AND KELLY: Two very old and dear friends who have just joined our cyber world, welcome. And i am so glad you did now i can keep in touch with you more. Al i have known you for many years and you are a very sweet person and Kelly is lucky she found you and visa versa.... see you guys soon.

CRYSTAL AND KEVIN: Both of you are so wonderful, i enjoy talking with you both.

JAKE AND MARY: Both of you have become good friends and Jake Mary and I know that you are much sweeter then you make yourself out to be. =o)

NANCY AND PER: Wow love on the internet I am glad everything is working out for you two you both deserve all the happiness in the world.

NATT AND MARK: Wow another couple from msn we are such a big happy family, I am so happy for you both you are both such great friends.

KIM AND EARL: You two prove that love can work on here, best wishes for a long and happy marriage.

CHUCK: To a very special guy even though we don't get to see each other to talk anymore you are always in my heart.

SERG: You are such a special person, you were the first man to capture my heart... and you have the most beautiful eyes i have ever seen. Love ya...

TOMMY: Well I have just met you recently but you are such a sweet man and a wonderful friend. Thank you so much for letting me read your poetry you are great at it..

For all my other friends there are many but each of you have touched my life in one way or the other on here, thanks =o)



If I missed anyone and you want your name here please let me know and I will add you soon, as soon as i figure out how to get some pic on here I will update, but it is a one step at a time thing, very very new to this.

And if anyone wants a link to their homepage on my page please let me know, something else to add on. =o)

A couple news groups that I belong to and own are Mommies-R-Us and Childrenof97 both at onelist and Women30s thank you for the most special group of women and men who have given me much support and a lot of good advice, I would be lost without my mail from these great groups. Information on how to sign up for Womaen30 is on the link page.


[ Yahoo! ]
