COUPLES DEDICATIONS.... This is Nancy, her sweetie Borky is to follow, they are the cutest couple i know.. Luv ya guys. This is Borky, sweet guy and Nancy's honey.They will be married someday soon.. Hope I am invited...=o) This is earl, him and Kim met on MSN great couple, now i just need Kims pic.. I need your pic Kim for my couples page cause right now poor earl is all by himself..=o) There are two of my friends Natt & Mark who found each other on the internet and now are getting married. Luv you guys.. Susan here you go, i can't believe you will be a MARRIED woman soon.... Now i need a pic scanned of the wedding to put the couple up.. Until then Congrats hun...
This is Borky, sweet guy and Nancy's honey.They will be married someday soon.. Hope I am invited...=o)