Animal Assisted Activities/Therapy - Give a bit of your heart
and your dog's love. Register your dog to participate in AAA/AAT.
Would you like more information about having your dog registered
as a Therapy Dog? Please let me know.
I am a tester/evalualtor for Therapy Dogs Incorporated.
Visit their website at www.therapydogs.com
Obedience train your dog. I am a member of
High Desert Obedience Club, Inc in Lancaster, California.
There is lots of information on our website.
Anti-breed legislation will be
coming to your town soon. Don't be part of the problem.
Let your dog be a welcome member of society.
A good place to start is the AKC's Canine Good Citizen Test.
Contact me for more information.
Have fun with your dog, make sure he has ID on at all times,
it's the only voice he'll have if he is lost. Spay/Neuter -
Don't litter! Be a responsible dog owner. There are no excuses.
A trained, well-mannered dog is a welcome dog.