Air Force Academy Reunion October 30 to November 1, 1998

Sorry about the low resolution. Click on an image to enlarge it.

Lining up to march to lunch. We were led by C1C David Christenson, Jack's son.

The CS40 gang. From left rear, Cooper, Bill Mead, Christenson, McMillan, Comstock, Harrison. Front left, Diehl, Nishimuta, Chapman, Crandley. John Crandley was warped in the picture with a coat and tie borrowed from Jack Christenson.

Charles Harrison and son, 2LT Harrison, who is on his way to Del Rio.

Jack and Norma Christenson

Steve and Julie Diehl

Tim and Wasana Cooper

John and Michaela Crandley

Russell Chapman lives in Dallas and is a lawyer.

Larry Comstock lives in Connecticutt

Cooper, Comstock, Harrison

The pilots of Southwest Airlines

AFA vs SMU, Cadets in formation. We won!

BRR was it cold! (That's the cheerleader Juli behind the Coopers)

Tom Bailey looks great in Horns, playing the accordian at Edelweiss Restaurant

The Crandleys