1. Visit the country your ancesters called home.
    (In 1977 I visited Almeria, Spain, where my Grandmother was born, and in 1984 I visited my Grandfathers birthplace in Kyushu, Japan. These were profound and fascinating experiences)

  2. Leave a dollar where a kid will find it.
    (I put it in my girls' notebook at school)

  3. Fly over the Grand Canyon in a helicopter.
    In 1979, on a cross-country from New Mexico, I flew in a formation of two Northrop T-38 Talon jets down the canyon for about 30 minutes. Now it's illegal to do that.

  4. Lend money to a friend without expecting it back.
    After college, I invested in a friend's education when he needed the money.

  5. Have a suit made by a Savile Row Tailor.
    When I was stationed in Oxford, England, I had a suit custom made by Alexander's. It was my first real suit.

  6. Ride in a gondola down the Grand Canal in Venice.
    I did that when I was 16 years old, during a four-month bicycle trip through Europe.

  7. Teach a class.
    I've taught flying, computers, music, and religious eduction. I've always enjoyed teaching.

  8. See the sun rise over the ruins at Machu Picchu.
    I haven't been close to South America yet.

  9. Plant a tree.
    I planted one at an Israeli Air Force Base in 1989.

  10. Fly on the Concorde.
    I haven't been on Concorde, but I've flown an F-111 at Mach 2.5 from England over the Atlantic.

  11. Stand on the Great Wall.
    I haven't been to China either.

  12. Make your own beer.
    This one should be easy, but I haven't got a round tuit.

  13. See an opera at La Scala in Milan.
    While in Europe, I listened to a Beethoven concert in Switzerland, on Lake Lucerne. I thought that was pretty awesome, and a very romantic setting.

  14. Learn to speak French.
    Je etais an eleve officier a la Ecole de l'air, Salon de Provence, en 1972.

  15. Take a balloon ride over the Serengeti.
    Well, I've piloted a glider over the Rockies, but Balloons scare me!

  16. Be able to recite three good toasts.
    I need to work on this one.

  17. Kiss someone passionately in public.
    I do this all the time now!

  18. Play the Old Course at St. Andrews.
    (I'd love to. Don't you have to have a sponsor?)

  19. Shoot the rapids on the Snake River in Idaho.
    I took some Boy Scouts down a gentle river in Arkansas. I think the scout who capsized three times thought it was the Snake River rapids.

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