The Don Jacobs Organization

is a seemingly non-profit organization headquartered in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania - USA.



Contact Us
My Children
Dollhouse & B&W
Friends and Family
Pictures of HQ
The Issues
Old photos

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Welcome guests.

I hope that you find this site useful and perhaps even humorous.  Maybe that should be the other way around...

Many have asked if they could see the "man behind the curtain".  Well, I'm not sure that's such a good idea, so I'll show you my own picture instead...  Yes - that's me on either side.

(Please turn up your volume to hear the music associated with each page.)

Note: The web hosting company is having trouble with MS-FrontPage extension services.  If you receive an error message, please go to your Internet browser's "Tools" (above), then select "Internet Options", then select "Advanced", then put a check mark in front of "Disable script debugging", then click on "OK".


There are several aspects to, and purposes for this site.

1)  It is the single place in the universe where you (yes you) can learn about the tremendous Jacobs children.

2)  It shows links to all the good sites from days gone by, days to come, and some that look like they were written while in a daze...

3)  It will help the reader to learn more about the person so humbly known as "Don".

4)  Lastly, it provide web links that will take you to great and new adventures, bringing entirely new universes to a computer screen near you.

So browse around, feel at home, and click to your heart's content.

If you'd like to hear the background sound again, just press your refresh button.


Please sign Don's Guest Book


Check out my eBay auctions!



You know, it's all fun and games until someone loses an eye!  So to protect my computers and all the data they contain, I use ZoneAlarm firewall software.  It traps dozens of people and companies from scanning through my systems (without even asking!) every day.  If you are online, and don't have a personal firewall, you're friggin' nuts!  You'll be amazed at how many people try to hack into your system.  And it's FREE!


Click on that blue banner (right up there) to get the details on securing your own system.  That's no joke!  Here's a quote from PC Magazine:

PC Magazine - ZoneAlarm Pro Editor's Choice 1/16/01 "offering the most robust feature set of these personal firewalls, Zone Labs' ZoneAlarm Pro forms a barrier between your system and the Internet, protecting against intrusion, guarding against many types of malicious email attachments, and preventing programs from secretly sending personal information out over the Internet."

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This page was last updated on 05/24/02.