Hi! My name is Squirt (well, not really, but that's my nickname at TalkCity* where I hang out with some of my on-line Christian friends). The name comes from the nickname of a little girl I used to babysit for, and the first time I signed into a chat room it was the only nickname I could think of. That was about a year and a half ago, and I've since become an operator in a room called "PraisePlace". This room is devoted to worship and praise, Christian fellowship, and prayer. The rules are strictly enforced in this room - it is kept a "safe place" for Christians to meet and chat. My good friends CherBear and zee, and a few others that I will insert when I get their homepage addresses, are also ops at PraisePlace and ChristianFriends.
You can also go to a great chat client! But please, if you continue to use it, remember that it IS shareware,to download mIRC,
and it IS worth the pittance that the developer asks for such a great program.
These are links to pages created by my family and some of my friends. Some are in the initial stages of development, while others are in the continuing stages of updates and change. That's the great part about these pages... they can be changed as often as we like, to reflect the changes going on in our lives! Here are just a few of my favorites:
© 1997 plaw@hvc.rr.com