Latte belongs to us. She is adopted from the Seattle/King County Humane Society shelter and she helps us to raise the Guide Dog puppies. The folks at the shelter called her an Australian Shepherd mix, though she looks more like an Australian Cattle dog. Our vet thinks she has a little dobie in the shape of her head. She definitely has the herding instint, and she is probably the smartest dog we've ever owned. She is a continual problem solver and is happiest when she has people or puppies to herd. The puppies learn from her how to be active and playful, a skill they will put to good use later in Guide Dog School in what is called Community Run.....a very important time during a guide dogs' training at the school. In human terms, we would call it recess!! Latte wants you to know, however, that she ALWAYS gets to eat FIRST! And only SHE gets to chase the tennis balls!! Latte is definitely the TOP DOG in our house!!
Here is Latte with Sky.
Latte's favorite times are running on the beach and climbing the trails in the Cascade Mountains of Washington with Mark and other family members. Here she is with Mark and with Mark's nephew, Josh, on a hike in the North Cascades.
And finally, waiting for us all at the Rainbow Bridge is Molly, gone, but not forgotten. Molly was a black mix, who looked somewhat like a flat coat retriever mix. She came to live with us during the summer of 1981, when we first moved to Seattle, and she passed to the Rainbow Bridge in 1996. Molly was a loving playful pet, and a wonderful listener. She loved the water, but with her thick black fur, she never, ever got wet!!