If you enjoy books, come in and browse around our cyber bookstore.
We built Sky's Bookstore in conjunction with Amazon.Com. For those who have not visited Amazon.Com previously, this is a book lovers heaven! It is an on-line bookstore that sells books at a discount. They are noted for their excellent customer service department and you can find virtually anything you wish to read. Recently they have added a CD Music selection service as well, including classical music as well.
If you should happen to see a book that you like while browsing our bookstore, just click on the title or authors name and it will take you directly to Amazon.Com. Once you get there you can find out more about the book as well as place an order. Your purchase will automatically be credited to
SKY'S BOOKSTORE and we receive a small commision. Amazon.com has a secure server so you can place your order directly with a credit card or you can use the 1-800 number to give your credit information over the telephone if you prefer
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