Higgins Home

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This is my new home.... Most people I chat with know me as Higgins. I live in Tacoma Washington and work in Seattle as a shift manager for the dispatch office of a Taxi Cab company. I grew up in a small town in western Montana on a 1500 acre cattle ranch, and attended Prairie Bible College in Three Hills, Alberta, Canada. Living in Tacoma and working in Seattle is a far cry from growing up on a cattle ranch in rural Montana.... How I got here is a long and wonderful story, so come on in let's sit and chat a while...

How did I get the name "Higgins"... well you see I like to tell stories. One time when I was a Senior in High School, I started telling a story. One of my friends, Buddy, (also my next door neighbor...mind you lived a quarter mile away) said "shut up Higgins" and the name stuck. Buddy gave me that name because I reminded him of Higgins from the TV show "Magnum P.I." because Higgins liked to tell stories too.....

see my brothers page...

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